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Colección Támesis

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Colección Támesis

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Varey, J. E.ほか
Tamesis Books
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Founding editors: J.E. Varey, Alan Deyermond; general editor: Stephen M. Hart

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The poetry of Luis Cernuda : order in a world of chaosLeave the NDL website. The Comedia in English : translation and performanceLeave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1687-1699 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Cerverí de Girona and his poetic traditionsLeave the NDL website. The Spanish eye : painters and poets of SpainLeave the NDL website. The religious poetry of Jorge de MontemayorLeave the NDL website. Catálogo bibliográfico y biográfico der teatro antiguo español : desde sus orígenes hasta mediados del siglo XVIII (Madrid, 1860)Leave the NDL website. A companion to Jorge Luis BorgesLeave the NDL website. Mocedades de Rodrigo : estudio y edición de los tres estados del textoLeave the NDL website. Triunfo de la fee en los reynos de JapónLeave the NDL website. Cancionero teatral de Lope de VegaLeave the NDL website. Calderón y la obra corta dramática del siglo XVIILeave the NDL website. Pio Baroja's Memorias de un hombre de acción and the ironic mode : the search for order and meaningLeave the NDL website. Mothers and daughters in post-revolutionary Mexican literatureLeave the NDL website. A Companion to the Libro de buen amorLeave the NDL website. Cervantes' Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda : a study of genreLeave the NDL website. No Pasarán! : art, literature, and the Spanish Civil WarLeave the NDL website. A alma amortalhada : Mário de Sá-Carneiro's use of metaphor and imageLeave the NDL website. Los corrales de comedias y los hospitales de Madrid, 1615-1849 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. The dramatic world of Valle-InclánLeave the NDL website. A companion to Cervantes's Novelas ejemplaresLeave the NDL website. Los Milagros de Nuestra SeñoraLeave the NDL website. Una poética de la oscuridad : la recepción crítica de las Soledades en el siglo XVIILeave the NDL website. Los libros de cuentas de los corrales de comedias de Madrid: 1706-1719 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Reading for the stage : Calderón and his contemporariesLeave the NDL website. A companion to Javier MaríasLeave the NDL website. Poesía paisajística española, 1940-1970 : estudio y antologíaLeave the NDL website. La Hija del aireLeave the NDL website. La vida de Santo Domingo de SilosLeave the NDL website. Lope de Vega : el arte nuevo de hacer 'novellas'Leave the NDL website. The poetry of protest under FrancoLeave the NDL website. El teatro en Badajoz, 1860-1886 : cartelera y estudioLeave the NDL website. A bibliographical study of the writings of Joaquín Costa, 1846-1911Leave the NDL website. Dialogo dos montesLeave the NDL website. El postrer duelo de EspañaLeave the NDL website. Miguel de Unamuno, the contrary selfLeave the NDL website. Celestina : genre and rhetoricLeave the NDL website. 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La rendición de Bredá en la literatura y el arte de EspañaLeave the NDL website. Cervantes : essays on social and literary polemicsLeave the NDL website. La figura en el tapiz : teoria y proctica narrativa en Juan Carlos OnettiLeave the NDL website. The art of humour in the teatro breve and comedias of Calderón de la BarcaLeave the NDL website. Multiple spaces : the poetry of Rafael AlbertiLeave the NDL website. Moving reflections : gender, faith, and aesthetics in the work of Angela Figuera AymerichLeave the NDL website. Spanish art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920 : studies in reception in memory of Enriqueta Harris FrankfortLeave the NDL website. De Sonata de Otoño esperpento : aspectos del arte de Valle-InclánLeave the NDL website. Love's fools : Aucassin, Troilus, Calisto and the parody of the courtly loverLeave the NDL website. Suma CervantinaLeave the NDL website. Casa de las comedias de Córdoba: 1602-1694 : reconstrucción documentalLeave the NDL website. U.S.A. - Spanish America : challenge and responseLeave the NDL website. Teatros y vida teatral en tudela, 1563-1750 : estudiosy documentosLeave the NDL website. Valle-Inclán's Ruedo ibérico : a popular view of revolutionLeave the NDL website. The Pastor-Bobo in the Spanish theatre, before the time of Lope de VegaLeave the NDL website. El texto puesto en escena : estudios sobre la comedia del Siglo de Oro en honor a Everett W. HesseLeave the NDL website. Teatros y vida teatral en el Siglo de Oro a través de las fuentes documentalesLeave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1666-1687 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Mimesis y cultura en la ficción : teoría de la novelaLeave the NDL website. Libro de la caça de las aves : el MS 16.392 (British Library, Londres)Leave the NDL website. El Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid, 1835-1885Leave the NDL website. Agustín Yáñez y sus cuentosLeave the NDL website. El teatro palaciego en Madrid, 1586-1707 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Calderón de la Barca : imagery, rhetoric and dramaLeave the NDL website. LetrasLeave the NDL website. Television in Spain : from Franco to AlmodóvarLeave the NDL website. A companion to Latin American filmLeave the NDL website. A companion to Carmen Martín GaiteLeave the NDL website. Songs in the plays of Lope de Vega : a study of their dramatic functionLeave the NDL website. Federico Garcia Lorca : the poetry of limitsLeave the NDL website. La Comedia ThebaidaLeave the NDL website. A companion to Golden Age theatreLeave the NDL website. Juan Carlos Onetti, Manuel Puig and Luisa Valenzuela : marginality and genderLeave the NDL website. El niño inocente de la guardiaLeave the NDL website. The plays of Juan Ruiz de AlarcónLeave the NDL website. Authorizing fictions : José Donoso's "Casa de campo"Leave the NDL website. A companion to golden age theatreLeave the NDL website. La tercera crónica de Alfonso X, "La gran conquista de ultramar"Leave the NDL website. Word and work in the poetry of Juan Ramon JimenezLeave the NDL website. The reception of Machiavelli in early modern SpainLeave the NDL website. A companion to Spanish women's studiesLeave the NDL website. El saccrificio de la Misa ; La vida de Santa Oria ; El martirio de San LerenzoLeave the NDL website. The lyrical vision of María Luisa BombalLeave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1699-1719 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Alegorías del poder : crisis imperial y comedia nueva (1598-1659)Leave the NDL website. Rosalia de Castro and the Galician revivalLeave the NDL website. Galdós studiesLeave the NDL website. The Spanish historical novel, 1870-1970 : a study of ten Spanish novelists, and their treatment of the "episodio nacional"Leave the NDL website. "Mio Cid" studiesLeave the NDL website. Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal : studies in honor of Arthur L-F. AskinsLeave the NDL website. Galdós and DarwinLeave the NDL website. Los géneros dramáticos en las poéticas del Siglo de Oro : investigación preliminar al estudio de la teoría dramática en el Siglo de OroLeave the NDL website. Childhood in the works of Silvina Ocampo and Alejandra PizarnikLeave the NDL website. The early stages of composition of Galdós's Lo prohibidoLeave the NDL website. La razón de algunos refranes : alfabetos tercero y cuarto de origen y etymologia de todos los vocablos de la lengua castellanaLeave the NDL website. A companion to Luis BuñuelLeave the NDL website. Reportorio de los tiemposLeave the NDL website. Women and the law : Carmen de Burgos, an early feministLeave the NDL website. Religión, política y ciencia en la obra de César VallejoLeave the NDL website. A companion to Federico García LorcaLeave the NDL website. The problem of woman in late-medieval Hispanic literatureLeave the NDL website. Juan Manuel studiesLeave the NDL website. Art and literature in Spain, 1600-1800 : studies in honour of Nigel GlendinningLeave the NDL website. Grimalte y GradissaLeave the NDL website. A companion to Don QuixoteLeave the NDL website. Cervantes, pioneer and plagiaristLeave the NDL website. Teatros y vida teatral en Badajoz, 1601-1700 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Las novelle de Ramon Gomez de la SernaLeave the NDL website. The Qurʾān in sixteenth-century Spain : six Morisco versions of Sūra 79Leave the NDL website. The Jew in the novels of Benito Perez GaldosLeave the NDL website. Spanish theatre : studies in honour of Victor F. DixonLeave the NDL website. Dualism and polarity in the novels of Ramón Pérez de AyalaLeave the NDL website. Cultural capital, language and national identity in imperial SpainLeave the NDL website. La comedia erudita de Sepúlveda : estudio y texto paleográfico-críticoLeave the NDL website. El "informe secreto" de Mateo Alemán sobre el trabajo forzoso en las minas de AlmadénLeave the NDL website. Médicos escritores en España, 1885-1955 : Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Pío Baroja, Gregorio Marañón y Antonio Vallejo NágeraLeave the NDL website. Artículos olvidados sobre España y la Primera Guerra MundialLeave the NDL website. Rewriting classical mythology in the Hispanic BaroqueLeave the NDL website. Hacia el hombre nuevo : poesia y pensamiento de Ernesto CardenalLeave the NDL website. Love poetry of the literary academies in the reigns of Philip IV and Charles IILeave the NDL website. La comedia española y el teatro europeo del siglo XVIILeave the NDL website. A companion to magical realismLeave the NDL website. The theatre of Rafael AlbertiLeave the NDL website. Técnicas de representación en Lope de VegaLeave the NDL website. Los Milagros de Nuestra SeñoraLeave the NDL website. El laberinto en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporáneaLeave the NDL website. Historia de los primeros años del reinado de Felipe IVLeave the NDL website. The myth of Icarus in Spanish Renaissance poetryLeave the NDL website. Los corrales de comedias y los hospitales de Madrid, 1574-1615 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. A glossary of Spanish bird-namesLeave the NDL website. Agustín Durán : a biography and literary appreciationLeave the NDL website. Literary adaptations in Spanish cinemaLeave the NDL website. Góngora's poetic textual tradition : an analysis of seleced variants, versions and imitations of his shorter poemsLeave the NDL website. Rhetoric and reality in early modern SpainLeave the NDL website. Calderón : estructura y ejemplaridadLeave the NDL website. Actividad teatral en la región de Madrid según los protocolos de Juan García de Albertos, 1634-1660 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Women in the prose of María de ZayasLeave the NDL website. A list of the writings of Charles Ralph Boxer, published between 1926 and 1984Leave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1651-1665 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Catholic iconography in the novels of Juan MarséLeave the NDL website. The feminine in the poetry of Herberto HelderLeave the NDL website. Carajicomedia : parody and satire in early modern Spain : with an edition and translation of the textLeave the NDL website. Carpentier's Proustian fiction : the influence of Marcel Proust on Alejo CarpentierLeave the NDL website. Representaciones palaciegas, 1603-1699 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. A companion to Mexican studiesLeave the NDL website. El sufrimiento premiado : comedia famosaLeave the NDL website. La versificación imitativa en Fernando de HerreraLeave the NDL website. A patron and a playwright in Renaissance Spain : the House of Feria and Diego Sánchez de BadajozLeave the NDL website. Spanish writers of 1936 : crisis and commitment in the poetry of the thirties and forties ; an anthology of literary studies and essaysLeave the NDL website. Portugal, 1715-1808 : Joanine, Pombaline, and Rococo Portugal as seen by British diplomats and tradersLeave the NDL website. A companion to Catalan literatureLeave the NDL website. El arte epistolar en el renacimiento españolLeave the NDL website. La vida de San Millan de la CogollaLeave the NDL website. God's obvious design : papers for the Spanish Armada Symposium, Sligo, 1988 : with an edition and translation of the account of Francisco de CuéllarLeave the NDL website. Reality and time in the Oleza novels of Gabriel MiróLeave the NDL website. Antología de la poesía mexicana modernaLeave the NDL website. Garrett and the English museLeave the NDL website. Hybrid identity and the utopian impulse in the postmodern Spanish-American comic novelLeave the NDL website. Actor y tecnica de representacion del teatro clasico Espan︡ol : (Madrid, 17-19 de mayo de 1988)Leave the NDL website. Los celos hacen estrellasLeave the NDL website. The truth disguised : allegorical structure and technique in Gracian's "Criticon"Leave the NDL website. Escritos autobiográficos y epistolarioLeave the NDL website. Skepticism in CervantesLeave the NDL website. Los títeres y otras diversiones populares de Madrid, 1758-1840 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. A companion to Spanish cinemaLeave the NDL website. The story of a story across cultures : the case of the doncella TeodorLeave the NDL website. Federico García Lorca y las vanguardias : hacia el teatroLeave the NDL website. A companion to modern Spanish American fictionLeave the NDL website. El secreto en la mujerLeave the NDL website. Conversaciones literarias con novelistas contemporáneosLeave the NDL website. Contemporary Peruvian narrative and popular culture : Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays and Jorge Eduardo BenavidesLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Spanish sentimental romance (1440-1550) : redefining a genreLeave the NDL website. The poetry of Rafael Alberti : a visual approachLeave the NDL website. A companion to Latin American filmLeave the NDL website. Los siete libros de la DianaLeave the NDL website. Memory in 'La Celestina'Leave the NDL website. A companion to magical realismLeave the NDL website. Hacia el verbo : signos y transignificación en la poesía de QuevedoLeave the NDL website. La narrativa de Concha Alós : texto, pretexto y contextoLeave the NDL website. Rewriting the Italian novella in counter-reformation SpainLeave the NDL website. Márgenes literarios del juego : una poética del naipe siglos XVI-XVIIILeave the NDL website. A labyrinth of imagery : Ramón Gómez de la Serna's Novelas de la nebulosaLeave the NDL website. History and vision : the figural structure of the "Libro del cavallero Zifar."/ James F. BurkeLeave the NDL website. Studies in Spanish literature of the golden age : presented to Edward M. WilsonLeave the NDL website. The crucified mind : Rafael Alberti and the surrealist ethos in SpainLeave the NDL website. Treacherous foundations : betrayal and collective identity in early Spanish epic, chronicle, and dramaLeave the NDL website. Literature, testimony and cinema in contemporary Colombian culture : spectres of La ViolenciaLeave the NDL website. Gabriel García Márquez and the cinema : life and worksLeave the NDL website. Celestine, or, The tragick-comedie of Calisto and MelibeaLeave the NDL website. A companion to US Latino literaturesLeave the NDL website. El teatro Cervantes de Alcala de Henares, 1602-1866 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Alfonsina Storni : from poetess to poetLeave the NDL website. Luis Cernuda : a study of the poetryLeave the NDL website. The Genoese in Spain : Gabriel Bocángel y Unzueta, 1603-1658 : a biographyLeave the NDL website. Juan de la Cueva and the Portuguese successionLeave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1600-1650: estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. El Prado de ValenciaLeave the NDL website. University of British Columbia Hispanic studiesLeave the NDL website. Carpentier's Baroque fiction : returning Medusa's gazeLeave the NDL website. La CelestineLeave the NDL website. Theatro de los theatros de los passados y presentes siglosLeave the NDL website. Poesía moral (Polimnia)Leave the NDL website. The poetry of Salvador Espriu : to save the wordsLeave the NDL website. La evolucioń genérica de la ficción sentimental de los siglos XV y XVI : género literario y contexto socialLeave the NDL website. Tradition and technique in El libro del cavallero ZifarLeave the NDL website. A companion to Spanish American modernismoLeave the NDL website. A companion to Catalan literatureLeave the NDL website. New Galdós studies : essays in memory of John VareyLeave the NDL website. Roberto Arlt, la estrategía de su ficciónLeave the NDL website. Vidas paralelas : el teatro español y el teatro isabelino, 1580-1680Leave the NDL website. Studies in Portuguese literature and history in honour of Luís de Sousa RebeloLeave the NDL website. A companion to Don QuixoteLeave the NDL website. A companion to the twentieth-century Spanish novelLeave the NDL website. La alegoría en los autos y farsas anteriores a CalderónLeave the NDL website. Cervantes and the modernists : the question of influenceLeave the NDL website. La edición de textos : actas del I Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas del Siglo de OroLeave the NDL website. Challenges to authority : fiction and film in contemporary SpainLeave the NDL website. El "Sueño" de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz : tradiciones literarias y originalidadLeave the NDL website. El rey gallo y discursos de la hormigaLeave the NDL website. Centinela contra francesesLeave the NDL website. Borges y la nadaLeave the NDL website. Tratado sobre el título de duqueLeave the NDL website. The ironic apocalypse in the novels of Leopoldo MarechalLeave the NDL website. Metaphysics and aesthetics in the works of Eduardo BarriosLeave the NDL website. A companion to modern Spanish American fictionLeave the NDL website. Los aposentos del Corral de la Cruz, 1581-1823 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. The 'Mester de Clerecia' : intellectuals and ideologies in thirteenth-century CastileLeave the NDL website. Angel GanivetLeave the NDL website. Lope de Vega's comedias de tema religioso : re-creations and re-presentationsLeave the NDL website. Tres poetas de posguerra : Celaya, González y Caballero Bonald : (estudio y entrevistas)Leave the NDL website. The greatest man uncrowned : a study of the fall of Don Alvaro de LunaLeave the NDL website. The poetry of Francisco de AldanaLeave the NDL website. Tolerance and coexistence in early modern Spain : old Christians and Moriscos of the Campo de CalatravaLeave the NDL website. Death in fifteenth century Castile : ideologies of the elitesLeave the NDL website. A Spaniard in Elizabethan England : the correspondence of Antonio Pérez's exileLeave the NDL website. The historical prose of Fernando de HerreraLeave the NDL website. A companion to Catalan cultureLeave the NDL website. Medieval Iberia : changing societies and cultures in contact and transitionLeave the NDL website. The medieval mind : Hispanic studies in honour of Alan DeyermondLeave the NDL website. The trickster-function in the theatre of García LorcaLeave the NDL website. Poetry and truth in the Spanish works of fray Luis de LeónLeave the NDL website. Casiodoro de Reina : Spanish reformer of the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Italo-Hispanic ballad relationships : the common poetic heritageLeave the NDL website. 'Libro de buen amor' studiesLeave the NDL website. The reader in the picaresque novelLeave the NDL website. The life and works of Garci Sánchez de BadajozLeave the NDL website. Companion to Spanish surrealismLeave the NDL website. Federico García Lorca : the poetics of self-consciousnessLeave the NDL website. Alejo Carpentier and his early worksLeave the NDL website. Gabriel Miró : his private library and his literary backgroundLeave the NDL website. Dido en la literatura española : su retrato y defensaLeave the NDL website. Voices, silences, and echoes : a theory of the essay and the critical reception of naturalism in SpainLeave the NDL website. Lexico hispanoamericano del siglo XVILeave the NDL website. El hombre de alambre : novela para armarLeave the NDL website. En la vida todo es verdad y todo mentiraLeave the NDL website. Spanish American poetry after 1950 : beyond the vanguardLeave the NDL website. The life and times of Mother Andrea = Vida y costumbres de la Madre AndreaLeave the NDL website. Laforgue y Lugones : dos poetas de la lunaLeave the NDL website. The theatre of Antonio Buero Vallejo : ideology, politics and censorshipLeave the NDL website. El teatro en Alicante, 1901-1910 : cartelera y estudioLeave the NDL website. Studies of the Spanish and Portuguese balladLeave the NDL website. Conflicting realities : four readings of a chapter by Pérez Galdós (Fortunata y Jacinta, part III, chapter IV)Leave the NDL website. El no importa de España : y La verdad en el potroLeave the NDL website. White ink : essays on twentieth-century feminine fiction in Spain and Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Kings in Calderón : a study in characterization and political theoryLeave the NDL website. El duelo de la virgen ; los himnos ; los loores de nuestra señora ; los signos del Juicio FinalLeave the NDL website. Tratado de la comunidad : Biblioteca de El Escorial MS. &-II-8Leave the NDL website. Artists and aesthetics in SpainLeave the NDL website. El ataúd para el vivo y el tálamo para el muertoLeave the NDL website. The fiction of Juan Rulfo : irony, revolution and postcolonialismLeave the NDL website. Perfil del aire : con otras obras olvidadas e inéditas, documentos y epistolarioLeave the NDL website. El ocultismo en Valle-InclánLeave the NDL website. The lyre and the oaten flute : Garcilaso and the pastoralLeave the NDL website. La "Vida de San Millán de la Cogolla" de Gonzalo de Berceo : estudio y edición críticaLeave the NDL website. Sergi Belbel and Catalan theatre : text, performance and identityLeave the NDL website. The nineteenth-century Spanish story : textual strategies of a genre in transitionLeave the NDL website. A changing perspective : attitudes toward Creole society in New Spain (1521-1610)Leave the NDL website. Epic poetry and the clergy : studies on the Mocedades de RodrigoLeave the NDL website. Guzmán de Alfarache : the unrepentant narratorLeave the NDL website. Poesías líricas en las obras dramáticas de Calderón : citas y glosasLeave the NDL website. El habla de Coria y sus cercaníasLeave the NDL website. Galdós and Beethoven : Fortunata y Jacinta, a symphonic novelLeave the NDL website. Generaciones y semblanzasLeave the NDL website. Lope de Vega en la invención de España : el drama histórico y la formación de la conciencia nacionalLeave the NDL website. Haz y envés del cuento risible en el siglo de oro : estudio y antologíaLeave the NDL website. Latin American popular culture : politics, media, affectLeave the NDL website. Gender, race and patriotism in the works of Nísia FlorestaLeave the NDL website. García Lorca's Poema del cante jondoLeave the NDL website. Metaphors of conversion in seventeenth-century Spanish dramaLeave the NDL website. Tirant lo Blanc : new approachesLeave the NDL website. Benjamin Disraeli in Spain, Malta, and Albania 1830-32 : a monographLeave the NDL website. A companion to Pablo Neruda : evaluating Neruda's poetryLeave the NDL website. Poesía moral (Polimnia)Leave the NDL website. A companion to Spanish-American literatureLeave the NDL website. The persistence of human passions : Manuel Mujica Lainez's satirical neo-modernismLeave the NDL website. Letter and spirit in Hispanic writers : Renaissance to Civil War : selected essaysLeave the NDL website. A companion to Mario Vargas LlosaLeave the NDL website. The "Comedia lacrimosa" and Spanish Romantic drama (1773-1865)Leave the NDL website. Trafficking knowledge in early twentieth-century Spain : centres of exchange and cultural imaginariesLeave the NDL website. A companion to Latin American literatureLeave the NDL website. Diego de San Pedro's Tractado de amores de Arnalte y Lucenda : a critical editionLeave the NDL website. Poetas de la palabra hablada : un estudio de la poesía hispanoamericana contemporáneaLeave the NDL website. Kingship and tyranny in the theater of Guillen de CastroLeave the NDL website. Actividad teatral en Córdoba y arrendamientos de la Casa de las Comedias, 1602-1737 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. Teatros y comedias en Madrid: 1719-1745 : estudio y documentosLeave the NDL website. "Imán" y la novela histórica de Ramón J. SenderLeave the NDL website. La práctica escénica cortesana : de la época del Emperador a la de Felipe IIILeave the NDL website. La arquitectura del humo : una reconstrucción del "Romancero gitano" de Federico García LorcaLeave the NDL website. Petrarquismo peruano, Diego Dávalos y Figueroa y la poesía de la Miscelánea AustralLeave the NDL website. Culture and society in Habsburg Spain : studies presented to R.W. Truman by his pupils and colleagues on the occasion of his retirementLeave the NDL website. Lope pintado por sí mismo : mito e imagen del autor en la poesía de Lope de Vega CarpioLeave the NDL website. Playing the king : Lope de Vega and the limits of conformityLeave the NDL website. Doctrina pueril : a primer for the medieval worldLeave the NDL website. Queen Isabel I of Castile : power, patronage, personaLeave the NDL website. Épica y conflicto religioso en el siglo XVI : anglicanismo y luteranismo desde el imaginario hispánicoLeave the NDL website. Queering acts of mourning in the aftermath of Argentina's dictatorship : the performances of bloodLeave the NDL website. Pierrot/Lorca : white carnival of black desireLeave the NDL website.

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Founding editors: J.E. Varey, Alan Deyermond; general editor: Stephen M. Hart
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The Spanish eye : painters and poets of Spain
The religious poetry of Jorge de Montemayor
Catálogo bibliográfico y biográfico der teatro antiguo español : desde sus orígenes hasta mediados del siglo XVIII (Madrid, 1860)
A companion to Jorge Luis Borges
Mocedades de Rodrigo : estudio y edición de los tres estados del texto
Triunfo de la fee en los reynos de Japón
Cancionero teatral de Lope de Vega
Calderón y la obra corta dramática del siglo XVII
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Mothers and daughters in post-revolutionary Mexican literature
A Companion to the Libro de buen amor
Cervantes' Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda : a study of genre
No Pasarán! : art, literature, and the Spanish Civil War
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Los corrales de comedias y los hospitales de Madrid, 1615-1849 : estudio y documentos
The dramatic world of Valle-Inclán
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Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora
Una poética de la oscuridad : la recepción crítica de las Soledades en el siglo XVII
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Reading for the stage : Calderón and his contemporaries
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La Hija del aire
La vida de Santo Domingo de Silos
Lope de Vega : el arte nuevo de hacer 'novellas'
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El teatro en Badajoz, 1860-1886 : cartelera y estudio
A bibliographical study of the writings of Joaquín Costa, 1846-1911
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El postrer duelo de España
Miguel de Unamuno, the contrary self
Celestina : genre and rhetoric
Los corrales de comedias de Madrid, 1632-1745 : reparaciones y obras nuevas : estudio y documentos
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Unamuno's webs of fatality
Writing wrongdoing in Spain, 1800-1936 : realities, representations, reactions
Nicomedes Santa Cruz : ecos de Africa en Perú
Cernuda y el poema en prosa
Quevedo and the grotesque
Libro llamado Fedron : Plato's Phaedo
Spain, 1834-1844 : a new society
A companion to Gabriel García Márquez
Medieval Hispanic studies presented to Rita Hamilton
El habla pasíega : ensayo de dialectología montañesa
La rendición de Bredá en la literatura y el arte de España
Cervantes : essays on social and literary polemics
La figura en el tapiz : teoria y proctica narrativa en Juan Carlos Onetti
The art of humour in the teatro breve and comedias of Calderón de la Barca
Multiple spaces : the poetry of Rafael Alberti
Moving reflections : gender, faith, and aesthetics in the work of Angela Figuera Aymerich
Spanish art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920 : studies in reception in memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort
De Sonata de Otoño esperpento : aspectos del arte de Valle-Inclán
Love's fools : Aucassin, Troilus, Calisto and the parody of the courtly lover
Suma Cervantina
Casa de las comedias de Córdoba: 1602-1694 : reconstrucción documental
U.S.A. - Spanish America : challenge and response
Teatros y vida teatral en tudela, 1563-1750 : estudiosy documentos
Valle-Inclán's Ruedo ibérico : a popular view of revolution
The Pastor-Bobo in the Spanish theatre, before the time of Lope de Vega
El texto puesto en escena : estudios sobre la comedia del Siglo de Oro en honor a Everett W. Hesse
Teatros y vida teatral en el Siglo de Oro a través de las fuentes documentales
Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1666-1687 : estudio y documentos
Mimesis y cultura en la ficción : teoría de la novela
Libro de la caça de las aves : el MS 16.392 (British Library, Londres)
El Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid, 1835-1885
Agustín Yáñez y sus cuentos
El teatro palaciego en Madrid, 1586-1707 : estudio y documentos
Calderón de la Barca : imagery, rhetoric and drama
Television in Spain : from Franco to Almodóvar
A companion to Latin American film
A companion to Carmen Martín Gaite
Songs in the plays of Lope de Vega : a study of their dramatic function
Federico Garcia Lorca : the poetry of limits
La Comedia Thebaida
A companion to Golden Age theatre
Juan Carlos Onetti, Manuel Puig and Luisa Valenzuela : marginality and gender
El niño inocente de la guardia
The plays of Juan Ruiz de Alarcón
Authorizing fictions : José Donoso's "Casa de campo"
A companion to golden age theatre
La tercera crónica de Alfonso X, "La gran conquista de ultramar"
Word and work in the poetry of Juan Ramon Jimenez
The reception of Machiavelli in early modern Spain
A companion to Spanish women's studies
El saccrificio de la Misa ; La vida de Santa Oria ; El martirio de San Lerenzo
The lyrical vision of María Luisa Bombal
Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1699-1719 : estudio y documentos
Alegorías del poder : crisis imperial y comedia nueva (1598-1659)
Rosalia de Castro and the Galician revival
Galdós studies
The Spanish historical novel, 1870-1970 : a study of ten Spanish novelists, and their treatment of the "episodio nacional"
"Mio Cid" studies
Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal : studies in honor of Arthur L-F. Askins
Galdós and Darwin
Los géneros dramáticos en las poéticas del Siglo de Oro : investigación preliminar al estudio de la teoría dramática en el Siglo de Oro
Childhood in the works of Silvina Ocampo and Alejandra Pizarnik
The early stages of composition of Galdós's Lo prohibido
La razón de algunos refranes : alfabetos tercero y cuarto de origen y etymologia de todos los vocablos de la lengua castellana
A companion to Luis Buñuel
Reportorio de los tiempos
Women and the law : Carmen de Burgos, an early feminist
Religión, política y ciencia en la obra de César Vallejo
A companion to Federico García Lorca
The problem of woman in late-medieval Hispanic literature
Juan Manuel studies
Art and literature in Spain, 1600-1800 : studies in honour of Nigel Glendinning
Grimalte y Gradissa
A companion to Don Quixote
Cervantes, pioneer and plagiarist
Teatros y vida teatral en Badajoz, 1601-1700 : estudio y documentos
Las novelle de Ramon Gomez de la Serna
The Qurʾān in sixteenth-century Spain : six Morisco versions of Sūra 79
The Jew in the novels of Benito Perez Galdos
Spanish theatre : studies in honour of Victor F. Dixon
Dualism and polarity in the novels of Ramón Pérez de Ayala
Cultural capital, language and national identity in imperial Spain
La comedia erudita de Sepúlveda : estudio y texto paleográfico-crítico
El "informe secreto" de Mateo Alemán sobre el trabajo forzoso en las minas de Almadén
Médicos escritores en España, 1885-1955 : Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Pío Baroja, Gregorio Marañón y Antonio Vallejo Nágera
Artículos olvidados sobre España y la Primera Guerra Mundial
Rewriting classical mythology in the Hispanic Baroque
Hacia el hombre nuevo : poesia y pensamiento de Ernesto Cardenal
Love poetry of the literary academies in the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II
La comedia española y el teatro europeo del siglo XVII
A companion to magical realism
The theatre of Rafael Alberti
Técnicas de representación en Lope de Vega
Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora
El laberinto en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporánea
Historia de los primeros años del reinado de Felipe IV
The myth of Icarus in Spanish Renaissance poetry
Los corrales de comedias y los hospitales de Madrid, 1574-1615 : estudio y documentos
A glossary of Spanish bird-names
Agustín Durán : a biography and literary appreciation
Literary adaptations in Spanish cinema
Góngora's poetic textual tradition : an analysis of seleced variants, versions and imitations of his shorter poems
Rhetoric and reality in early modern Spain
Calderón : estructura y ejemplaridad
Actividad teatral en la región de Madrid según los protocolos de Juan García de Albertos, 1634-1660 : estudio y documentos
Women in the prose of María de Zayas
A list of the writings of Charles Ralph Boxer, published between 1926 and 1984
Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1651-1665 : estudio y documentos
Catholic iconography in the novels of Juan Marsé
The feminine in the poetry of Herberto Helder
Carajicomedia : parody and satire in early modern Spain : with an edition and translation of the text
Carpentier's Proustian fiction : the influence of Marcel Proust on Alejo Carpentier
Representaciones palaciegas, 1603-1699 : estudio y documentos
A companion to Mexican studies
El sufrimiento premiado : comedia famosa
La versificación imitativa en Fernando de Herrera
A patron and a playwright in Renaissance Spain : the House of Feria and Diego Sánchez de Badajoz
Spanish writers of 1936 : crisis and commitment in the poetry of the thirties and forties ; an anthology of literary studies and essays
Portugal, 1715-1808 : Joanine, Pombaline, and Rococo Portugal as seen by British diplomats and traders
A companion to Catalan literature
El arte epistolar en el renacimiento español
La vida de San Millan de la Cogolla
God's obvious design : papers for the Spanish Armada Symposium, Sligo, 1988 : with an edition and translation of the account of Francisco de Cuéllar
Reality and time in the Oleza novels of Gabriel Miró
Antología de la poesía mexicana moderna
Garrett and the English muse
Hybrid identity and the utopian impulse in the postmodern Spanish-American comic novel
Actor y tecnica de representacion del teatro clasico Espan︡ol : (Madrid, 17-19 de mayo de 1988)
Los celos hacen estrellas
The truth disguised : allegorical structure and technique in Gracian's "Criticon"
Escritos autobiográficos y epistolario
Skepticism in Cervantes
Los títeres y otras diversiones populares de Madrid, 1758-1840 : estudio y documentos
A companion to Spanish cinema
The story of a story across cultures : the case of the doncella Teodor
Federico García Lorca y las vanguardias : hacia el teatro
A companion to modern Spanish American fiction
El secreto en la mujer
Conversaciones literarias con novelistas contemporáneos
Contemporary Peruvian narrative and popular culture : Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays and Jorge Eduardo Benavides
Studies on the Spanish sentimental romance (1440-1550) : redefining a genre
The poetry of Rafael Alberti : a visual approach
A companion to Latin American film
Los siete libros de la Diana
Memory in 'La Celestina'
A companion to magical realism
Hacia el verbo : signos y transignificación en la poesía de Quevedo
La narrativa de Concha Alós : texto, pretexto y contexto
Rewriting the Italian novella in counter-reformation Spain
Márgenes literarios del juego : una poética del naipe siglos XVI-XVIII
A labyrinth of imagery : Ramón Gómez de la Serna's Novelas de la nebulosa
History and vision : the figural structure of the "Libro del cavallero Zifar."/ James F. Burke
Studies in Spanish literature of the golden age : presented to Edward M. Wilson
The crucified mind : Rafael Alberti and the surrealist ethos in Spain
Treacherous foundations : betrayal and collective identity in early Spanish epic, chronicle, and drama
Literature, testimony and cinema in contemporary Colombian culture : spectres of La Violencia
Gabriel García Márquez and the cinema : life and works
Celestine, or, The tragick-comedie of Calisto and Melibea
A companion to US Latino literatures
El teatro Cervantes de Alcala de Henares, 1602-1866 : estudio y documentos
Alfonsina Storni : from poetess to poet
Luis Cernuda : a study of the poetry
The Genoese in Spain : Gabriel Bocángel y Unzueta, 1603-1658 : a biography
Juan de la Cueva and the Portuguese succession
Teatros y comedias en Madrid, 1600-1650: estudio y documentos
El Prado de Valencia
University of British Columbia Hispanic studies
Carpentier's Baroque fiction : returning Medusa's gaze
La Celestine
Theatro de los theatros de los passados y presentes siglos
Poesía moral (Polimnia)
The poetry of Salvador Espriu : to save the words
La evolucioń genérica de la ficción sentimental de los siglos XV y XVI : género literario y contexto social
Tradition and technique in El libro del cavallero Zifar
A companion to Spanish American modernismo
A companion to Catalan literature
New Galdós studies : essays in memory of John Varey
Roberto Arlt, la estrategía de su ficción
Vidas paralelas : el teatro español y el teatro isabelino, 1580-1680
Studies in Portuguese literature and history in honour of Luís de Sousa Rebelo
A companion to Don Quixote
A companion to the twentieth-century Spanish novel
La alegoría en los autos y farsas anteriores a Calderón
Cervantes and the modernists : the question of influence
La edición de textos : actas del I Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas del Siglo de Oro
Challenges to authority : fiction and film in contemporary Spain
El "Sueño" de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz : tradiciones literarias y originalidad
El rey gallo y discursos de la hormiga
Centinela contra franceses
Borges y la nada
Tratado sobre el título de duque
The ironic apocalypse in the novels of Leopoldo Marechal
Metaphysics and aesthetics in the works of Eduardo Barrios
A companion to modern Spanish American fiction
Los aposentos del Corral de la Cruz, 1581-1823 : estudio y documentos
The 'Mester de Clerecia' : intellectuals and ideologies in thirteenth-century Castile
Angel Ganivet
Lope de Vega's comedias de tema religioso : re-creations and re-presentations
Tres poetas de posguerra : Celaya, González y Caballero Bonald : (estudio y entrevistas)
The greatest man uncrowned : a study of the fall of Don Alvaro de Luna
The poetry of Francisco de Aldana
Tolerance and coexistence in early modern Spain : old Christians and Moriscos of the Campo de Calatrava
Death in fifteenth century Castile : ideologies of the elites
A Spaniard in Elizabethan England : the correspondence of Antonio Pérez's exile
The historical prose of Fernando de Herrera
A companion to Catalan culture
Medieval Iberia : changing societies and cultures in contact and transition
The medieval mind : Hispanic studies in honour of Alan Deyermond
The trickster-function in the theatre of García Lorca
Poetry and truth in the Spanish works of fray Luis de León
Casiodoro de Reina : Spanish reformer of the sixteenth century
Italo-Hispanic ballad relationships : the common poetic heritage
'Libro de buen amor' studies
The reader in the picaresque novel
The life and works of Garci Sánchez de Badajoz
Companion to Spanish surrealism
Federico García Lorca : the poetics of self-consciousness
Alejo Carpentier and his early works
Gabriel Miró : his private library and his literary background
Dido en la literatura española : su retrato y defensa
Voices, silences, and echoes : a theory of the essay and the critical reception of naturalism in Spain
Lexico hispanoamericano del siglo XVI
El hombre de alambre : novela para armar
En la vida todo es verdad y todo mentira
Spanish American poetry after 1950 : beyond the vanguard
The life and times of Mother Andrea = Vida y costumbres de la Madre Andrea
Laforgue y Lugones : dos poetas de la luna
The theatre of Antonio Buero Vallejo : ideology, politics and censorship
El teatro en Alicante, 1901-1910 : cartelera y estudio
Studies of the Spanish and Portuguese ballad
Conflicting realities : four readings of a chapter by Pérez Galdós (Fortunata y Jacinta, part III, chapter IV)
El no importa de España : y La verdad en el potro
White ink : essays on twentieth-century feminine fiction in Spain and Latin America
Kings in Calderón : a study in characterization and political theory
El duelo de la virgen ; los himnos ; los loores de nuestra señora ; los signos del Juicio Final
Tratado de la comunidad : Biblioteca de El Escorial MS. &-II-8
Artists and aesthetics in Spain
El ataúd para el vivo y el tálamo para el muerto
The fiction of Juan Rulfo : irony, revolution and postcolonialism
Perfil del aire : con otras obras olvidadas e inéditas, documentos y epistolario
El ocultismo en Valle-Inclán
The lyre and the oaten flute : Garcilaso and the pastoral
La "Vida de San Millán de la Cogolla" de Gonzalo de Berceo : estudio y edición crítica
Sergi Belbel and Catalan theatre : text, performance and identity
The nineteenth-century Spanish story : textual strategies of a genre in transition
A changing perspective : attitudes toward Creole society in New Spain (1521-1610)
Epic poetry and the clergy : studies on the Mocedades de Rodrigo
Guzmán de Alfarache : the unrepentant narrator
Poesías líricas en las obras dramáticas de Calderón : citas y glosas
El habla de Coria y sus cercanías
Galdós and Beethoven : Fortunata y Jacinta, a symphonic novel
Generaciones y semblanzas
Lope de Vega en la invención de España : el drama histórico y la formación de la conciencia nacional
Haz y envés del cuento risible en el siglo de oro : estudio y antología
Latin American popular culture : politics, media, affect
Gender, race and patriotism in the works of Nísia Floresta
García Lorca's Poema del cante jondo
Metaphors of conversion in seventeenth-century Spanish drama
Tirant lo Blanc : new approaches
Benjamin Disraeli in Spain, Malta, and Albania 1830-32 : a monograph
A companion to Pablo Neruda : evaluating Neruda's poetry
Poesía moral (Polimnia)
A companion to Spanish-American literature
The persistence of human passions : Manuel Mujica Lainez's satirical neo-modernism
Letter and spirit in Hispanic writers : Renaissance to Civil War : selected essays
A companion to Mario Vargas Llosa
The "Comedia lacrimosa" and Spanish Romantic drama (1773-1865)
Trafficking knowledge in early twentieth-century Spain : centres of exchange and cultural imaginaries
A companion to Latin American literature
Diego de San Pedro's Tractado de amores de Arnalte y Lucenda : a critical edition
Poetas de la palabra hablada : un estudio de la poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea
Kingship and tyranny in the theater of Guillen de Castro
Actividad teatral en Córdoba y arrendamientos de la Casa de las Comedias, 1602-1737 : estudio y documentos
Teatros y comedias en Madrid: 1719-1745 : estudio y documentos
"Imán" y la novela histórica de Ramón J. Sender
La práctica escénica cortesana : de la época del Emperador a la de Felipe III
La arquitectura del humo : una reconstrucción del "Romancero gitano" de Federico García Lorca
Petrarquismo peruano, Diego Dávalos y Figueroa y la poesía de la Miscelánea Austral
Culture and society in Habsburg Spain : studies presented to R.W. Truman by his pupils and colleagues on the occasion of his retirement
Lope pintado por sí mismo : mito e imagen del autor en la poesía de Lope de Vega Carpio
Playing the king : Lope de Vega and the limits of conformity
Doctrina pueril : a primer for the medieval world
Queen Isabel I of Castile : power, patronage, persona
Épica y conflicto religioso en el siglo XVI : anglicanismo y luteranismo desde el imaginario hispánico
Queering acts of mourning in the aftermath of Argentina's dictatorship : the performances of blood
Pierrot/Lorca : white carnival of black desire