
Dpal Kye rdo rjeʾi phyi naṅ bskyed rim ñams len gnad kyi gsal byed sñan brgyud bstan pa rgyas paʾi ñin byed : a detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra . Rgyal ba Rdo rje ʾchaṅ Kun dgaʾ bzaṅ poʾi rnam par thar pa legs bśad chu bo ʾdus paʾi rgya mtsho yon tan yid bźin nor buʾi byuṅ gnas : the life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʾ-bzaṅ-po [Microfiche ed.]

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Dpal Kye rdo rjeʾi phyi naṅ bskyed rim ñams len gnad kyi gsal byed sñan brgyud bstan pa rgyas paʾi ñin byed : a detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra . Rgyal ba Rdo rje ʾchaṅ Kun dgaʾ bzaṅ poʾi rnam par thar pa legs bśad chu bo ʾdus paʾi rgya mtsho yon tan yid bźin nor buʾi byuṅ gnas : the life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʾ-bzaṅ-po

[Microfiche ed.]

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by Sde-dge Yab-chen Tshe-dbaṅ-rdo-rje-rig-ʾdzin alias Byams-pa-kun dgaʾ-bstan-paʾi-rgyal-mtshan . by Ṅor-chen Saṅs-rgyas-phun-tshogs
Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions
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11 × 15 cm
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Title from original t.pReprint. Originally published: New Delhi [India] : Trayang and Jangyang Samten, 1976"Reproduced from tracing and manuscripts fr...

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Material Type
by Sde-dge Yab-chen Tshe-dbaṅ-rdo-rje-rig-ʾdzin alias Byams-pa-kun dgaʾ-bstan-paʾi-rgyal-mtshan . by Ṅor-chen Saṅs-rgyas-phun-tshogs
[Microfiche ed.]
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11 × 15 cm
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