
The sustainable history monograph pilot

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The sustainable history monograph pilot

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University of Hawaiʿi Press
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Table of Contents

  • Woman between two kingdoms : Dara Rasami and the making of modern Thailand

  • American political parties : why they formed, how they function, and where they're headed

  • Institutionalizing gender : madness, the family, and psychiatric power in nineteenth-century France

  • Turning toward edification : foreigners in Chosŏn Korea

  • Performing power : cultural hegemony, identity, and resistance in colonial Indonesia

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Abbreviated title: SHMP
Publisher varies: Cornell University Press, Fordham University Press, University Press of Kansas, University of North Carolina Press
"The Sustainable History Monograph Pilot (SHMP) is an Andrew W. Mellon-funded initiative to publish open digital editions of high-quality books from university presses in the field of history. Working collaboratively with Longleaf Services, twenty-two university presses have participated in the pilot."--Longleaf Services' website (viewed, Oct. 26, 2022)
Related Material
Woman between two kingdoms : Dara Rasami and the making of modern Thailand
American political parties : why they formed, how they function, and where they're headed
Institutionalizing gender : madness, the family, and psychiatric power in nineteenth-century France
Turning toward edification : foreigners in Chosŏn Korea
Performing power : cultural hegemony, identity, and resistance in colonial Indonesia
Police matters : the everyday state and caste politics in south India, 1900-1975
Mass mobilization in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1945-1960
Cold War liberation : the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Portuguese empire in Africa, 1961-1975
Inventing America's first immigration crisis : political nativism in the Antebellum West
Being indigenous in Jim Crow Virginia : Powhatan people and the color line
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