Published in 14 numbers, each having special t.p. ; v. 1 (pts. 1-4) only is 2nd ed
Vol. 2 includes numbers 5 to 9 of "Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis", first issued in parts
Vol. 3 includes numbers 10 to 12 of "Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis", first issued in parts
Vol. 4 includes numbers 13 and 14 of "Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis", first issued in parts
Pagination: v. 1: xvi, 672 p.; v. 2: [4], 73, [8] p., p. 84-159, [6] p., p. 162-249, [8] p., p. 252-348, [11] p., p. 350-562, [2] p.; v. 3: [8], 248, [9] p., p. 254-441, [5], clxxv, [3] p., p. 444-682; v. 4: [12], lx, 161, [9], 62, [2], 551, [17] p
Advertisements: v. 1: p. [131]-134, [215]; v. 2: p. [6] (7th group); v. 3: p. [212] (2nd group), p. [3] (5th group); v. 4: p. [139]-140 (3rd group)
References: ESTC T145231, T225115, T225117, T225119
Errata: v. 2: p. [5] (3rd group), [7] (9th group); v. 3: p. [2] (3rd group); v. 4: p. [9] (4th group)
Errors in paging: v. 1: p. 180, 600, 624 misnumbered 18, 660, 620; v. 3: 370, 661 misnumbered 170, 561; v. 4: xlvi (5th group), 359, 539 (7th group) misnumbered vi, 259, 563 respectively
Includes index
Contents: (form t.p.) v. 1. no. 1. A chorographical deſcription of the County of Weſtmeath -- no. 2. A letter from Sir John Davis to the Earl of Saliſbury. Archbiſhop Uſher of Corbes, Erenachs and Termon Lands. Account of two ancient inſtruments -- no. 3. A diſſertation concerning the ancient Iriſh laws, &c. Part I -- no. 4. The diſſertation, Part II. Part of the ancient Brehon Laws of Ireland. Two laws from the corporation book of Iriſhtown, Kilkenny
Contents: (form t.p.) v. 2. no. 5. Of the literature of the Iriſh nation in heatheniſh times -- no. 6. An eſſay on the study of Iriſh antiquities -- no. 7. Druidiſm revived -- no. 8. An eſſay on the antiquity of the Iriſh language -- no 9. The hiſtory and antiquities of Iriſh town and Kilkenny
Contents: (form t.p.) v. 3. no. 10. A continuation of the Brehon laws. Of the round towers. Account of the Ship-temple near Dundalk. Reſleƈtions on the hiſtory of Ireland. A letter from Curio -- no. 11. The ancient topography of Ireland. Obſervations on Iriſh antiquities -- no. 12. Eſſay on Irish feſtivals. Deſcription of the banqueting-hall of Tara. Kiſs of salutation. The ancient hiſtory of Ireland vindicated. Obſervations on the ancient topography of Ireland. A ſecond letter from Curio
Contents: (form t.p.) v. 4. no. 13. The Iodhan Morain, or breaſt-plate of judgment. The Liath Meiſicith. The brazen image. The charter horn. The harp of Brien Boiromh. The Iriſh crown. The pateræ urn, &c. The crotal, corabaſnas, or cibbual, &c. The braſs tools. The Tuagh Snaighte. The implements of war. The purin, seic seona, cloch tag. The Cead, Rai Re. The Fainidh-Draoieach -- Tair-faimh, Boil-reann, &c. -- no. 14. A vindication of the ancient hiſtory of Ireland, wherein is ſhewn. 1. The deſcent of its old Inhabitants from the Phæno-Scythians of the Eaſt. 2. The early skill of the Phæno-Scythians, in navigation, arts, and letters. 3. Several accounts of the ancient Iriſh bards, authenticated from parallel hiſtory, ſacred and profane, &c.