

Icons representing 映像資料


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[製作・著作] モーションプロ
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12 cm
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In English; with Japanese subtitlesTitle and statement of responsibility from containerFrame succeeding opening frame: ブライトン派映画作品全集 : 初期イギリス映画 ; Each ...

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Recording Media

Material Type
Title Transcription
ブライトンハ エイガ サクヒン ゼンシュウ
[製作・著作] モーションプロ
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
12 cm
Alternative Title
ブライトン派映画作品全集 : 初期イギリス映画
The derby
The baker and the sweep
The kiss in the tunnel
As seen through a telescope ; Let me dream again ; Grandma's reading glass
How it feels to be run over ; Explosion of a motor car
Rough Sea ; Ladies' skirts nailed to a fence
The countryman and the cinematograph
The big swallow ; Attack on a China Mission ; Stop thief! ; Fire!
A chess dispute ; An extraordinary cab accident
The sick kitten ; Mary Jane's mishap
A desperate poaching affray
A daring daylight burglary
Buy your own cherries
The other side of the hedge ; That fatal sneeze
An interesting story . Rescued by Rover . The '?' motorist