Kanda Myojin Shrine
It was believed this shrine enshrined Taira no Masakado. It is an old shrine that was originally constructed in 730, however it was relocated for the expansion of Edo Castle and moved to its current location in 1616. It was dedicated as the protective shrine for Edo by the 2nd Shogun Hidetada, with parishioners from the north and east of Nihonbashi-gawa River attending Kanda Myojin Shrine and parishioners from the southwest attending Sanno Gongen. The annual festival on September 15 (presently held in May) was called the Kandamatsuri (Kanda festival) and is one of Edo's 3 major festivals. Because the festival was a magnificent affair, the Shogunate ordered that it should be held every other year, alternating with the Sanno Festival from 1681. The magnificent procession of the festival gathered at Sakuranobaba next to Yushima Seido Shrine before dawn, and then made its way into the castle grounds through Sotokanda and Uchikanda, before entering through the Tayasu-mon Gate. After being viewed by the Shogun, the procession exited through the Takebashi-mon Gate, passed through the Sakai Clan residences (the former site of the Kanda Myojin Shrine) and exited through the Tokiwabashi-mon Gate and dispersed.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
東都名所 神田明神
江戸名勝図会 神田明神
名所江戸百景 神田明神曙之景
旅の家つと 第29 都の巻
Other Materials
- 神田明神社(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 神田明神祭礼[其一](挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 神田明神祭礼其二(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 神田明神祭礼其三(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 神田明神祭礼其四(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
Landmarks around Kanda Myojin Shrine
Ochanomizu Yushima Shohei-bashi Bridge Surugadai Suruga-cho Ueno Hirokoji / Shitaya / Yamashita Hongo Shinobazu no ike Pond Konya-cho Nezu