Located inside the villa of Iseya Kiemon, there were over 300 plum trees planted and it was very popular as a meisho (famous place) for ume plum trees. The ancient plum tree "Garyubai", which was shaped like a dragon crawling about the ground, was particularly famous, and was said to have been named by Mito Mitsukuni. Pickled ume plums were sold as souvenirs.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
名所江戸百景 亀戸梅屋舗
東都名所 亀戸梅屋舗全図
東都名所 亀戸梅屋舗ノ図
江戸むらさき名所源氏亀戸梅屋舖 見立梅かえ
Other Materials
Landmarks around Umeyashiki
Azuma-jinja Shrine Kameido Zaifu Tenmangu Shrine Yanagishima Myokendo Temple Yatsukoji Akiba Daigongen no Yashiro Shrine Koumezutsumi Sazaido Mimeguri Inari no Yashiro Shrine Mukojima Hyakkaen Sumida-gawa River