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Medical care and public health statistics in Japan

This search guide comprises an introduction to official statistics in the fields of medical care and public health in Japan, most of which are available via the Internet.

Official statistics are compiled by and made available via the websites of government ministries, national administrative agencies, municipal governments, or independent administrative institutions.

Following links are to websites in either Japanese or English. The Japanese websites generally have the most up-to-date data.

1. Statistical Compendia

2. Fundamental statistics

Fundamental statistics are especially important statistics designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as the core of official statistics. Fundamental statistics in the fields of medical care and public health are available on the Portal site of Official Statistics Japan (e-Stat)Leave the NDL website. , the MHLW websiteLeave the NDL website. , and elsewhere. They include the following.

Iryo shisetsu chosaLeave the NDL website. /Survey of Medical InstitutionsLeave the NDL website.

Implementing agency
Survey of the number, distribution, and condition of hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.
Static Survey of Medical Institutions is published once every three years. Dynamic Survey of Medical Institutions is published monthly. (Not available on the English version of the MHLW website.)

Kanja chosaLeave the NDL website. /Patient SurveyLeave the NDL website.

Implementing agency
Survey of patients in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities
Once every three years

Other fundamental statistics related to medical care and public health.

3. Other official statistics

Official statistics and other fundamental statistics in the fields of medical care and public health are available on the Portal site of Official Statistics Japan (e-Stat)Leave the NDL website. , the MHLW websiteLeave the NDL website. , and elsewhere. They include the following.

Ishi, shika ishi, yakuzaishi tokeiLeave the NDL website. /Survey of Physicians, Dentists and PharmacistsLeave the NDL website.

Implementing agency
Survey indicating the sex, age, specialization, and other characteristics of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
Once every two years

Eisei gyosei hokoku reiLeave the NDL website. /Report on Public Health Administration and ServicesLeave the NDL website.

Implementing agency
Survey of mental health and welfare, nutrition, sanitary inspection, food sanitation, pharmaceutical affairs, and others items compiled for prefectures, designated cities, and core cities.
Once every one or two years, depending on the survey target

Kokumin kenko eiyo chosaLeave the NDL website. /National Health and Nutrition Survey JapanLeave the NDL website.

Implementing agency
Survey of the physical condition, nutrient intake, and lifestyle of Japanese.

Further information about statistics typically kept in the fields of medical care and public health are available on the MHLW website. They include the following.

See below for other websites with official statistics in the fields of medical care and public health.

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For the latest information in English on COVID-19 in Japan, see About Coronavirus Disease 2019Leave the NDL website. (MHLW) and Updates on COVID-19 in TokyoLeave the NDL website. (Tokyo Metropolitan Government).