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Article Index of Periodicals in Japanese

This webpage introduces indexes for Japanese periodicals in the field of Humanities and Social Science from the perspective of two periods.

Numbers shown in brackets 【 】 indicate the NDL call number for an item.

1. General

  • NDL Search
    Open the "Refiners" and select only "Periodical article etc" for material type. Users can search for the articles hold not only by the NDL but also libraries in Japan.
  • National Diet Library Digital Collection
    Users can search the table of contents of periodicals digitized by the NDL. In the "Advanced Search" screen, please select "Periodicals" in Material Type, and enter a title or author's name in the Table of Contents field.
  • The Complete Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from Meiji Era to the Present (Zassaku Plus) (subscription database at the NDL: in-library use only)
    Users can search data included in CiNii Articles (mentioned in 2) in addition to "Meiji Taisho Showa Zenki Zasshikiji Sakuin Shusei" below. However, they cannot search abstracts or full text of CiNii Articles.
  • "Meiji Taisho Showa Zenki Zasshikiji Sakuin Shusei" (Complete Article Index of Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from Meiji Era to the Early Showa Era) All 124 books (Koseisha 1994-1999 【UP54-E16】)
    [Recording range] Meiji period-1948 (Showa 23)
    This database includes articles from national and regional magazines published in Japan and its former colonies.
  • Koseisha DatabaseLeave the NDL website. (Koseisha)
    This database provides the author's index of "Meiji Taisho Showa Zenki Zasshikiji Sakuin Shusei".
  • CiNii ArticlesLeave the NDL website. (National Institute of Informatics)
    This is an index database of Japanese academic journals. Users can search abstracts and full texts. Also, they can search data included in the NDL's Japanese Periodicals Index and J-STAGE. (For details, please see CiNii Articles Incorporated DatabasesLeave the NDL website. )
  • Web OYA-bunko (Oya Soichi Library) (Subscription database at the NDL: in-library use only)
    This is the database version of "Oya Soichi Bunko Zasshikiji Kensaku Somokuroku" which is shown below. Users can search articles before 1987 by catalog only, and articles from 1988 to the present by free word search, personal name, and subject item. Users can use the terminals in the NDL's Special Materials Rooms to search the materials.
  • "Oya Soichi Bunko Zasshikiji Kensaku Somokuroku" (The Indexes of Magazine Articles of The Oya Soichi Library)
    All 20 books (Oya Soichi Library 1985-1997)
    [Covering range] Meiji period-1995 (Heisei 7).
    These materials contain articles held by the Oya Soichi Library such as weekly magazines, general monthly magazines, women's magazines, economic magazines, and specialty magazines, which are classified roughly into personal names and subject editions.

2. Search Articles in Periodicals from the Meiji Period to the Period during the War and Occupation

  • Edited by Shimotomae Shigematsu "Zasshi Sakuin " First volume 1, First volume 2, Second volume (Zasshi Sakuin Publishing Office 1932-1939) (National Diet Library Digital Collection: First volume 1, First volume 2, Second volume)
    Edited by Shimotomae Shigematsu "Zasshikiji Sakuin : Senzen Zasshikiji Sakuin" (Prewar Periodicals' Articles Index) All four books (Ozorasha Shuppan 1994 【UP54-E13】) ※Reprinted edition of the above
    [Recording range] Meiji period-1941 (Showa 16)
  • "Meiji Zenki Gakujyutsu Zasshi Ronbunkiji Soran" (A bibliography of articles in early Meiji periodicals, academic/scientific/technical) (Revised edition Yumani Shobo 1990 【UP54-E5】)
    [Recording range] Until 1887 (Meiji 20)
    Users can research articles about Japan in academic articles in the fields of science, engineering, and agriculture, as well as foreign academic journals. This material can also be used as an index of "Meiji Zenki Gakujyutsu Zasshi Ronbunkiji Shusei" All 35 books (Yumani Shobo 1989 【US15-E30】) which contains the text of the articles.
  • Co-authored by Fukushima Juro and Ookubo Hisao "Senjika no Genron " (Writing in Time of War) (Nichigai Associates 1982 【GB1-67】, Reprinted edition 1995 【GB1-E64】)
    This material is an author's index of "Daitoa Senso Shoshi " (Bibliography of the Great East Asia War) (Nichigai Associates 1981 【GB1-61】, Revised edition 1995 【GB1-E65】) which are accumulated and reedited periodical article indexes included in "Tokyodo Geppo" published from 1937 (Showa 12) until 1944 (Showa 19)

3. Search Articles in Periodicals from the Post-war Period to Now

3-1. Period during the War and Occupation

  • 20th Century Media Information DatabaseLeave the NDL website. (Institute of Intelligence Studies, Japan) (Non subscription database at the National Diet Library)
    [Recording range] 1945 (Showa 20) to 1949 (Showa 24)
    This is a paid database which enables users to search articles of all journals and some newspapers of the Gordon W. Prange Collection (A comprehensive collection of Japanese print publications issued during the early years of the Occupation of Japan. For details, please refer to Gordon W. Prange Collection in Research Navi).

3-2. Academic Journals

  • "Gakkai Nenpo Kenkyu Hokoku Ronbun Soran " (The compendium of academic reports and theses) (Nichigai Associates)
    [Recording range] 1945 (Showa 20)- Users can search theses published in the annual research reports on humanities and social sciences in Japan.
  • "Zenkoku Tankidaigaku Kiyo Ronbun Sakuin" (Bulletin of Junior College's Theses Index in Japan) (Saitama Fukushikai Social Welfare Corp, et al. 1981-1996)
    [Coverage range] 1950 (Showa 25) year-1991 (Heisei 3) March
  • "Shiritsudaigaku Tankidaigaku Kiyorui Ronbundaimoku Sakuin" (Bulletin of Private University and Junior College's Theses Index in Japan) (Tokyo Colleges Association 1968-1977 【UP54-10】)
    [Recording range] January 1967 (Showa 42) to March 1977 (Showa 52)

3-3. General Magazines

  • Fujisan.co.jpLeave the NDL website. (Fujisan Magazine Service)
    This is an advanced search of periodicals on online stores. Users can search by keyword in the "Table of contents" field by selecting "specific issue" in the "search target" field. This is a useful search if an article has not been included in the major periodicals index (most search target periodicals were published in 2000 or later).
  • "Sogoshi Kiji Sakuin" (Index of General Magazines Articles) (Nichigai Associates 1988-2007)
    [Recording range] 1981 (Showa 56) to 2006 (Heisei 18)
    Users can search articles on specific persons, groups, houses, companies, organizations, news and incidents published in major domestic general magazines.
  • "Shukanshi Kiji Sakuin 1981-1987" (Index of Weekly Magazines Articles 1981-1987) Person, Company・Organization, News・Event (Nichigai Associates 1988 【UP54-E1】)
    [Recording range] 1981 (Showa 56)-June1987 (Showa 62)

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