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Digital archives which allow easy secondary use (Museums)

updated on
by Service Planning Division

Databases which contain digital data of the collections of institutions such as libraries, museums and archives are generally called "digital archives." For example, the National Diet Library Digital Collections which is provided by the National Diet Library is a digital archive.

A growing number of digital archives are making images of materials available on the Internet after they enter the public domain, and some of them do not require applying for permission to reproduce these images with the aim of publishing, televising or offering them on the Internet.

This guide introduces digital archives of museums which do not require applying for permission for reproduction under certain conditions.

*Some databases contain images which require permission for reproduction. If changes are made to the image, they must be indicated in some cases. Please see each website for further details.

This guide does not cover all databases which allow easy secondary use.

1.North America

United States of America


Kingdom of the Netherlands

French Republic

Kingdom of Norway


