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Information on meetings of the Diet

The Diet, the sole law-making organ of the State, deliberates various bills including legislative bills and budget proposals. These deliberation meetings are recorded, printed and issued as Minutes. This webpage explains Minutes briefly, and introduces how to search information on meetings of the Diet on the internet.

The following webpages describe the Japanese Diet system in English.

1. Minutes of the Diet

Meetings held in the Diet comprise plenary sessions and committee meetings. Plenary sessions consist of all members of each House. The will of each House is determined at these sessions. Committees are established as preliminary reviewing bodies to facilitate plenary sessions. They review agendas and survey national politics. Certain matters including agendas of all meetings are recorded as minutes and issued. Minutes are taken literally based on stenography.

1-1. Plenary Session Minutes

In accordance with the Constitution of Japan, Article 57Leave the NDL website. , minutes of plenary sessions are published and given general circulation as extra editions of Official Gazettes, which are national bulletins. Minutes of the House of Representatives and House of Councillors are issued separately (House of Representatives Minutes and House of Councillors Minutes). Number 1 is issued on the date of the convocation and continues until the closing date. After the closing date, indexes are issued, enabling users to search by agenda and speaker.
Matters recorded in Plenary Session Minutes are defined in the Diet LawLeave the NDL website. , Rules of the House of Representatives (Chapter15. Meeting Minutes)Leave the NDL website. (in Japanese), Rules of the House of Councillors (Chapter X. Minutes)Leave the NDL website. , and House of Councillors Record of Precedents (Chapter16. Meeting Minutes)Leave the NDL website. (in Japanese), etc.

1-2. Committee Meeting Minutes

Records of Committees are issued as "House of Representative Committees Minutes" and "House of Councillors Committees Minutes" separately.

In addition to Committees, Research Committees of the House of Councillors, Commissions on the Constitution of Japan (both houses), subcommittees, sectional committees, public hearings, Federal Review Board, Joint Examination Committee and Joint Meetings of the Committees of both Houses are held, and their meeting minutes are issued. After the closing date, table of contents (Agenda indexes are available in the House of Councillors Minutes) and indexes which summarize all committees (Agenda/speaker indexes are available in the House of Representatives Minutes and speaker indexes are available in the House of Coucillors Minutes) are issued for both houses.

Matters recorded in Committee Meeting Minutes are defined in Rules of the House of Representatives (Article 61-66)Leave the NDL website. (in Japanese), Rules of the House of Councillors (Article 56-59)Leave the NDL website. , House of Councillors Record of Precedents of Committees (Chapter 12. Committee Meeting Minutes)Leave the NDL website. (in Japanese), etc.

2. How to search Minutes of the Diet

The following database and websites enable users to search Minutes of the Diet:

2-1. Internet Deliberation Relay

All deliberations held in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors are webcast.

  • House of Representatives Internet TV (in JapaneseLeave the NDL website. ) (in EnglishLeave the NDL website. )
    Internet Deliberation Relay comprises Real Time Relay and Video Library of past deliberations.
    Videos from the 174th Diet session (convened on January 18, 2010) are available in the Video Library.
    Search from the date(s) of meeting(s), name of meeting, agenda, and speaker are available in the Japanese version, and search form the date(s) of meeting(s) and name of meeting are available in the English version.

  • House of Councillors Internet Deliberation RelayLeave the NDL website. (in Japanese)
    Internet Deliberation Relay comprises Real Time Relay and Video Archive of past deliberations.
    Past deliberations are available on Video Archive for a year after the closing of each session.
    Search from the keyword, name of meeting, date of meeting, speaker, agenda and progress are available.

The following websites provide information on the progress of plenary sessions and committee meetings.

3. Minutes of the Imperial Diet

Minutes of the Imperial Diet Search System (National Diet Library)(in Japanese)

Digital images of stenographic minutes of the Imperial Diet's plenary sessions and committee meetings (1st-92nd) (1890-1947) are available in this system.

Full-text Search is available.
Please note that the full-text data used in this system has been generated from digitized images in this system using optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Full-text data is not checked or proofread manually. Full-text data sometimes includes the symbol 〓 (geta), which stands in place of characters that were illegible or otherwise could not be recognized properly by OCR.

Also, with the Selection browsing function, users can browse relevant minutes by selecting house, session number, name of meeting, and date of meeting.