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List of websites of Japanese local governments

1.Prefecture (都道府県)

Japan consists of 47 prefectures each of which has a directly elected governor (知事) and a local government. The following table is a list of the websites of the prefectural governments in Japanese and English languages. Most of these websites provide other language versions such as Chinese, Korean etc. Note that though the names of the capital cities often coincide with the names of their prefectures, they always have separate governments. For example, Kyoto city is situated in Kyoto prefecture and both of them have their own government respectively. That means that in Kyoto city two local governments co-exist; Kyoto prefectural government and Kyoto city government.

PrefectureCapital City
北海道Leave the NDL website. HokkaidoLeave the NDL website. 札幌(Sapporo)
青森Leave the NDL website. AomoriLeave the NDL website. 青森(Aomori)
岩手Leave the NDL website. IwateLeave the NDL website. 盛岡(Morioka)
宮城Leave the NDL website. MiyagiLeave the NDL website. 仙台(Sendai)
秋田Leave the NDL website. AkitaLeave the NDL website. 秋田(Akita)
山形Leave the NDL website. YamagataLeave the NDL website. 山形(Yamagata)
福島Leave the NDL website. FukushimaLeave the NDL website. 福島(Fukushima)
茨城Leave the NDL website. IbarakiLeave the NDL website. 水戸(Mito)
栃木Leave the NDL website. TochigiLeave the NDL website. 宇都宮(Utsunomiya)
群馬Leave the NDL website. GunmaLeave the NDL website. 前橋(Maebashi)
埼玉Leave the NDL website. SaitamaLeave the NDL website. さいたま(Saitama)
千葉Leave the NDL website. ChibaLeave the NDL website. 千葉(Chiba)
東京Leave the NDL website. TokyoLeave the NDL website. 新宿(区)(Shinjuku)
神奈川Leave the NDL website. KanagawaLeave the NDL website. 横浜(Yokohama)
新潟Leave the NDL website. NiigataLeave the NDL website. 新潟(Niigata)
富山Leave the NDL website. ToyamaLeave the NDL website. 富山(Toyama)
石川Leave the NDL website. IshikawaLeave the NDL website. 金沢(Kanazawa)
福井Leave the NDL website. FukuiLeave the NDL website. 福井(Fukui)
山梨Leave the NDL website. YamanashiLeave the NDL website. 甲府(Kofu)
長野Leave the NDL website. NaganoLeave the NDL website. 長野(Nagano)
岐阜Leave the NDL website. GifuLeave the NDL website. 岐阜(Gifu)
静岡Leave the NDL website. ShizuokaLeave the NDL website. 静岡(Shizuoka)
愛知Leave the NDL website. AichiLeave the NDL website. 名古屋(Nagoya)
三重Leave the NDL website. MieLeave the NDL website. 津(Tsu)
滋賀Leave the NDL website. ShigaLeave the NDL website. 大津(Otsu)
京都Leave the NDL website. KyotoLeave the NDL website. 京都(Kyoto)
大阪Leave the NDL website. OsakaLeave the NDL website. 大阪(Osaka)
兵庫Leave the NDL website. HyogoLeave the NDL website. 神戸(Kobe)
奈良Leave the NDL website. NaraLeave the NDL website. 奈良(Nara)
和歌山Leave the NDL website. WakayamaLeave the NDL website. 和歌山(Wakayama)
鳥取Leave the NDL website. TottoriLeave the NDL website. 鳥取(Tottori)
島根Leave the NDL website. ShimaneLeave the NDL website. 松江(Matsue)
岡山Leave the NDL website. OkayamaLeave the NDL website. 岡山(Okayama)
広島Leave the NDL website. HiroshimaLeave the NDL website. 広島(Hiroshima)
山口Leave the NDL website. YamaguchiLeave the NDL website. 山口(Yamaguchi)
徳島Leave the NDL website. TokushimaLeave the NDL website. 徳島(Tokushima)
香川Leave the NDL website. (Kagawa)高松(Takamatsu)
愛媛Leave the NDL website. EhimeLeave the NDL website. 松山(Matsuyama)
高知Leave the NDL website. (Kochi)高知(Kochi)
福岡Leave the NDL website. FukuokaLeave the NDL website. 福岡(Fukuoka)
佐賀Leave the NDL website. SagaLeave the NDL website. 佐賀(Saga)
長崎Leave the NDL website. NagasakiLeave the NDL website. 長崎(Nagasaki)
熊本Leave the NDL website. KumamotoLeave the NDL website. 熊本(Kumamoto)
大分Leave the NDL website. OitaLeave the NDL website. 大分(Oita)
宮崎Leave the NDL website. MiyazakiLeave the NDL website. 宮崎(Miyazaki)
鹿児島Leave the NDL website. KagoshimaLeave the NDL website. 鹿児島(Kagoshima)
沖縄Leave the NDL website. OkinawaLeave the NDL website. 那覇(Naha)

2.Ordinance-designated cities (政令指定都市)

Prefectures consist of wards, cities, towns and villages (区市町村). Local Governments of "ordinance-designated cities" are delegated most of the administrative powers and responsibilities normally attached to the prefectural governments. The following table is a list of websites of the ordinance-designated cities in Japanese and English languages. Most of these websites provide other language versions such as Chinese, Korean etc.

札幌Leave the NDL website. SapporoLeave the NDL website. 北海道(Hokkaido)
仙台Leave the NDL website. SendaiLeave the NDL website. 宮城(Miyagi)
さいたまLeave the NDL website. SaitamaLeave the NDL website. 埼玉(Saitama)
千葉Leave the NDL website. ChibaLeave the NDL website. 千葉(Chiba)
横浜Leave the NDL website. YokohamaLeave the NDL website. 神奈川(Kanagawa)
川崎Leave the NDL website. KawasakiLeave the NDL website. 神奈川(Kanagawa)
相模原Leave the NDL website. SagamiharaLeave the NDL website. 神奈川(Kanagawa)
新潟Leave the NDL website. NiigataLeave the NDL website. 新潟(Niigata)
静岡Leave the NDL website. ShizuokaLeave the NDL website. 静岡(Shizuoka)
浜松Leave the NDL website. HamamatsuLeave the NDL website. 静岡(Shizuoka)
名古屋Leave the NDL website. NagoyaLeave the NDL website. 愛知(Aichi)
京都Leave the NDL website. KyotoLeave the NDL website. 京都(Kyoto)
大阪Leave the NDL website. OsakaLeave the NDL website. 大阪(Osaka)
Leave the NDL website. SakaiLeave the NDL website. 大阪(Osaka)
神戸Leave the NDL website. KobeLeave the NDL website. 兵庫(Hyogo)
岡山Leave the NDL website. OkayamaLeave the NDL website. 岡山(Okayama)
広島Leave the NDL website. HiroshimaLeave the NDL website. 広島(Hiroshima)
北九州Leave the NDL website. KitakyushuLeave the NDL website. 福岡(Fukuoka)
福岡Leave the NDL website. FukuokaLeave the NDL website. 福岡(Fukuoka)
熊本Leave the NDL website. KumamotoLeave the NDL website. 熊本(Kumamoto)