金 春愛, 黄 嘉平, 住田 潮, 盧 韶南University of Tsukuba. Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. Doctoral Program in Social Systems & Management2007-08
小池 雄平, 菅谷 健人, 住田 潮, 高橋 一樹, 平野 智章, 山本 浩平University of Tsukuba. Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. Doctoral Program in Social Systems & Management2007-07
川西 亜矢子, 佐藤 亮, 住田 潮University of Tsukuba. Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. Doctoral Program in Social Systems & Management2005-11
住田 潮, 斉藤 晃一, 高橋 一樹, 小池 雄平, 菅谷 健人University of Tsukuba. Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. Doctoral Program in Social Systems & Management2006-08
鈴木 秀男, 水野 誠, 住田 潮, 佐治 明University of Tsukuba. Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. Doctoral Program in Social Systems & Management2005-06