野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROSpringer, Singapore2024-03Advances in CO2 Utilization: Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology
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Xin Tu, J. Christopher Whitehead, Tomohiro Nozaki, editors.Springer[2019]<MC241-D1>
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROCRC Press2020-09Direct Natural Gas Conversion to Value-Added Chemicalsp.53-69
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROSpringer Nature2019-11Plasma Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applicationsp.1-348
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO技術情報協会2019-07ナノ粒子塗工液の調整とコーティング技術p.425-430
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野崎智洋 [著][野崎智洋][2003]<UT51-2004-R663>
National Diet Library
丁, 毅, Ding, Yi, 野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROSpringer2018-01Advances in Silicon Solar Cellsp.177-203
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO, 亀島, 晟吾, Kameshima, Seigo, Sheng, Zunrong, 田村, 奎志朗, Tamura, Keishiro, 山崎, 匠, Yamazaki, TakumiSpringer2019-11Plasma Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applicationsp.231-269
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Sheng, Zunrong, 亀島, 晟吾, Kameshima, Seigo, 坂田, 謙太, Sakata, Kenta, 野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROIntechOpen2018-08Plasma Chemistry and Gas Conversionp.37-57
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ZHOU, SHU, Zhou, Shu, 丁, 毅, Ding, Yi, Juangsa, Firman Bagja, Juangsa, Firman, 野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROTaylor & Francis (CRC Press)2017-07Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebookp.341-365
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROサイエンス&テクノロジー2012-10p.301-324
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROシーエムシー出版2011-12大気圧プラズマの技術とプロセス開発(分担)p.175-190
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROサイエンス&テクノロジー2011-10大気圧プラズマの基礎と応用(分担)No.p.301-324
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO, 岡崎, 健, OKAZAKI, KENNova Science Pub Inc2011-04Generation and applications of atmospheric pressure plasmas (分担)No.p.117-139
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO, 岡崎, 健, OKAZAKI, KENNova Science Pub Inc2008-07Photoluminescence Research ProgressNo.p.213-233
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO, 岡崎, 健, OKAZAKI, KENサイエンス&テクノロジー2006-12No.p.112-134
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吉野, 雅彦, YOSHINO, MASAHIKO, 大竹, 尚登, OHTAKE, NAOTO, 山本, 貴富喜, Yamamoto, Takatoki, 山中, 晃徳, Yamanaka, Akinori, 中村, 吉男, NAKAMURA, YOSHIO, 安田, 公一, YASUDA, KOUICHI, 齊藤, 卓志, SAITO, TAKUSHI, 源関, 聡, 津島, 将司, Tsushima, Shohji, 黒川, 悠, Kurokawa, Yu, 井上, 裕嗣, INOUE, HIROTSUGU, 山﨑, 敬久, Yamazaki, Takahisa, 野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROコロナ社2012-08No.p.167-177
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROStudies in surface science and catalysis, Natural gas conversion VII (Elsevier)2004Studies in surface science and catalysis, Natural gas conversion VII (Elsevier)147 No.p.505-510
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIROStudies in surface science and catalysis, Natural gas conversion VII (Elsevier)2004Studies in surface science and catalysis, Natural gas conversion VII (Elsevier)147 No.p.557-582
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野崎, 智洋, NOZAKI, TOMOHIRO, 岡崎, 健, OKAZAKI, KENPlasma Processes and Polymers (Wiley-VCH Publisher)2004-07Plasma Processes and Polymers (Wiley-VCH Publisher)No.p.477-487
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