Fumiko MiuraUitgeverij Van Oorschot2023<GG381-D6>
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Fumiko Miura verhuisde meer dan twintig ja...
三浦, 史子, 黒澤, 和代, 梶谷, 紘花, 三田, 麻紀, Fumiko, MIURA, Kazuyo, KUROSAWA, Hiroka, KAJIYA, Maki, SANDA, 京都文教大学大学院臨床心理学研究科博士前期課程, Kyoto Bunkyo University Graduate School of Clinical Psychology2011-03-31臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University3p.127-139
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading三浦, 史子 黒澤, 和代 梶谷, 紘花 三田, 麻紀 Fumiko, MIURA Kazuyo, KUROSAWA Hiroka, KAJI...
[by]Fumiko Miura, translation and introduction by James KirkupAsahi Shuppan-sha2002.3<KH358-B1>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura カーカップ, ジェイムズ
三浦冨美子 著角川文化振興財団2016.10<KH874-L1865>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
三浦冨美子 著角川書店2008.10<KH358-J58>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
ベティ・フリーダン 著, 三浦冨美子 訳大和書房2004.5<EF73-H76>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)フリーダン, ベティ 三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
三浦冨美子 著ながらみ書房2000.12<KH358-G278>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
edited with Japanese translations by Fumiko Miura.Kenkyusha[1969]<KS162-3>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)カーカップ, ジェイムズ 三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
James Kirkup ; edited with by Fumiko Miura朝日出版社1982.4
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by James Kirkup, annotated by Fumiko MiuraKaibunsha1982.3
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James Kirkup ; edited with by Fumiko Miura朝日出版社1981.4
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ベティ・フリーダン 著, 三浦富美子 訳大和書房1986.3<EF73-E26>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)フリーダン, ベティ 三浦, 冨美子 Miura, Fumiko Fumiko Miura
James Kirkup, Fumiko Miura朝日出版社1979.4
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James Kirkup ; annotated by Fumiko Miura朝日出版社1978.4
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JAMES R.FOSTER, Edited with Notes by Fumiko MiuraASAHI PRESS1976.4
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingJAMES R.FOSTER Edited with Notes by Fumiko Miura
James Kirkup ; edited with notes by Fumiko MiuraAsahi Press1977.4
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James R. Foster ; edited with notes by Fumiko MiuraAsahi Press1977
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James Kirkup ; edited with notes by Fumiko MiuraAsahi Press1975
Other Libraries in Japan
by James Kirkup, annotated by Fumiko MiuraKaibunsha1969
Other Libraries in Japan
James Kirkup ; edited with notes by Fumiko MiuraAsahi press1973
Other Libraries in Japan