Manfred KirchgessnerCrosby Lockwoodc1967
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André VoisinCrosby Lockwood1965
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Manfred Kirchgessner, Henning Friesecke, Günter Koch ; translated from the German by Catherine T. M. HerriottCrosby Lockwoodc1967
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André Voisin ; English translation [from the French] by Catherine T. M. HerriottCrosby Lockwood1965
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C. Craplet ; translated from the French by Catherine T.M. HerriottEdward Arnold1963
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- Author HeadingCraplet, Camille Herriott Catherine T. M.
Curt Kuhl ; translated by C.T.M. HerriottOliver and Boyd1961
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André VoisinLockwood1960
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André Voisin ; translated from the French by Catherine T.M. HerriottLockwood1960
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by André VoisinCrosby Lockwoodc1959
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by André Voisin ; translated from the French by Catherine T.M. Herriott ; conversion of tables by M.M. SandilandsCrosby Lockwood1961
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by André Voisin ; translated from the French by Catherine T.M. Herriott ; conversion of tables by M.M. SandilandsCrosby Lockwoodc1959
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