Neil W. Bergmann, Olaf Reinhold, Norman C. Tien, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, IREE Society(Australia), Queensland Government State Development(Australia)SPIE--the International Society of Optical Engineeringc1999
Bernard Courtois, Serge Demidenko, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, IREE Society (Australia), Queensland Government State Development (Australia)SPIEc1999
sponsored by the Software Engineering Research Consultative Council (SERCC) of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), in cooperation with the IREE Society of the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust) ; edited by Paul A. BailesIEEE Computer Societyc1997
Fred Payne, Ash M. Parameswaran, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, IREE Society (Australia), [and] Queensland Government State Development (Australia) ; cooperating organizations, LeGUMES--the Griffith University Microelectronics Engineering Society (Australia) ... [et al.]SPIEc1999
Kevin Chau, Sima Dimitrijev, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, IREE Society (Australia), [and] Queensland Government State Development (Australia) ; cooperating organizations, LeGUMES--the Griffith University Microelectronics Engineering Society (Australia) ... [et al.]SPIEc1999