Search results 217,800
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Author HeadingIlsen, Almut Beketov......ha Chołuj, Bożena Dölling, Irene Goel, Urmila Halliday, Nicole Jusová, I......ebscher, Doris N Plahotnik, Olga Scholz, Sylka Wegmann, Rebe Wegmann, Rebecca Šmídová, Iva
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)児童書 子どもの本 ヤングアダルト図書 Children's book Young adult book
- Author Headingn
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)n
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Author HeadingElisa Eiseman Bloom, Gabrielle Eiseman, Elisa Rand Corporation. Clancy, Noreen B N National Cancer Institute (U.S.) ......ed, Stuart Science and Technology Policy Institute (Rand Corporation) Brower, Jennifer Clancy, Noreen Olmsted, Stuart S.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.В монографию вошли избранные исследования автора, изданные в 2014?2024 годах. Они посвящены изучению радикальных преобразований в государственном и социально-политическом устройстве Японии до и после В......рой мировой войны. Раскрываются......я и характер отношений Японии с ее наиболее важными государства......оссией и США. Анализируются особенности японской внешней политики и д......ической деятельности на современном этапе
- Author HeadingPanov, A. N., 1944-
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)パノフ, アレクサンドル Panov, Alexander N. Panov, Alexander
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.ウエスト55cmNちゃんが伝授「月曜に始めて日曜......&バズ連発。ウエスト55cmのNちゃんのコスパ最高「食べるダイエット」。待望の初書籍。背徳飯...
- Author introductionガッツリ食べても太らないレシピをSNSで発信し、バズを連発させている美容ダイエッター。日本化粧品...
- Author HeadingNちゃん
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)訓話 教訓 Conduct of life
- Author Heading精神科医N
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)精神科医N
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTrubnikova, N. N.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)マンガ コミック コミックス 劇画 Comics (Graphic works) Manga
- Author Headingnぽぽ
National Diet Library
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)児童書 子どもの本 ヤングアダルト図書 Children's book Young adult book
- Author Headingもり, あき N-なつこ
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)N-なつこ
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Written by a non-native English-speaking professional speaker with......r 20 years of international consulting experience, this book l......-cultural communication skills and achieve a strong global presence. Every year organizations lose money, time, and people due to poor or inefficient cross-cultural communication-and this can be between departments or individuals within an organization as easily as across oceans. To tackle th......pread problem, Natsuyo Lipschut......the "3 As" (Acknowledge, Analyze, Adapt), using a unique multi-laye......e X logical thinking X storytelling. Using the 3As proce......ove their awareness of cultural differences, l...
- ContentsWhy isn't it getting through? Focus on one big message Present and captivate your global audience Communicate to transform your glob......message heard and acted upon in one-on-one communication Putting it all together, and the bonus A
- Subject HeadingIntercultural communication
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)原タイトル: To the Moon and Back
- Additional TitleTo the Moon and Back
- Author HeadingWalker, N. R
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingN27編集室
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)N27編集委員会
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.人気看護系YouTuber Nバクさんが、仕事をしていると必ず立ちはだかる「壁」を越えるた...
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)看護婦 精神保健 ナース 看護士 Nurses メンタルヘルス Mental health
- Author HeadingNバク
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Genre/Form Terms/altLabel)マンガ コミック コミックス 劇画 Comics (Graphic works) Manga
- Author Headingあむ, N子
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingN, Kyoko., 1971-
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)N, Kyoko
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialПроект журнала "Историк"
- Periodical TitleПроект журнала "Историк"
- Author HeadingRudakova, V. N.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....CLE~hide 60th Anniversary、そして未来へ。著者 I.N.A.が思いの丈を「あとがき」......り志半ばで永眠したX JAPANのギタリストであり、ソロアーテ......リスペクトを寄せている。「I.N.A.ちゃんの才能を、俺だけの......ウンドには、必ず共同制作者I.N.A.の姿があった。X JAPANのマニピュレーターとしてhid......支え、共に楽曲を作り続けたI.N.A.だけが知る、hideの人......CLE~hide 60th Anniversary、そして未来へ。著者 I.N.A.が思いの丈を「あとがき」......訂版。<著者プロフィール>I.N.A.(イナ)(hide wi......rのメンバー、またX JAPANのツアーサポートメンバーとして、日本のロック界を裏側から支え...
- Author HeadingI.N.A
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)イナ INA
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....the political influence of the very wealthy and corporations in the postwar era. The historian David Gibbs locates this influence it in the rightward shift in US politics in the 1970s, driven by business groups and the wealthy e......fter the realignment of the Republican party in the 1960s, driven mostly by raci......o white Southern Democrats, the historian David Gibbs argues that business and conservative elite......d crises like inflation and security the Soviet Union as pretexts to sell a conservative policy transformation to the public. Business interests ran campaigns that reduced living standards and compromised ec...
- ContentsIntroduction The rich accep......h revolt Building a mass base Selling a new Cold War The......aissez faire Conclusion
- Subject HeadingWealth--United States--History--20th century Rich people--United States--History--20th century Conservatism--United States--History--20th century Deindustrialization--United States--History--20th century