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- Toc / Article1 Introduction||2 Exper......ormance electrode||4 In-situ gr...... cloth as a binder-free electrode for flexible ......Nb2SnC: new kind of nanomateria...... fabrication and application in supercapacitor...
- Summary, storage device, has been widely used in aerospace industry and heavy machinery areas due to the high power density and long cycling l......the low energy density limits their widespread application. I......hat the energy density depends on specific c...... of the electrode and working potent......tive way is to develop nanostructured materials of electrodes for increasi......ffectively broaden the working ......ainly focus on developing electrode materials and assembling asy......earch background is introduced. Supercapacitor structure and its working pr......ciple are also described. In order to get an understan...
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/11300847
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...n of the Ozone Layer (1985) . Proto......15. Convention de Vienne pour la protection de la couche d'ozone (1985) .......esearch -- Canada. Ozone layer -- Research --......History. Ozone layer depletion -- Canada. Ozone atmosp......cherche -- Canada. Couche dozone -- Recher......stoire. Couche d'ozone -- Réduction -- Canada.
- Note (General)Government document call number: En56-218/...
- Author HeadingCanada. Environment Canada.
National Diet Library
- LCCTD885 .5 .O85 U58r 2007
- Subject Heading...n of the Ozone Layer (1985). Protoc......sent la couche d'ozone--Gestion......sent la couche d'ozone--Droit. Couche d'ozone--Réduction--Droit. Couche d'ozone--Réduction--Aspect de l'environnement.
- Alternative Title...e Technology and Economic Asses......s report At head of title: Mont......ubstances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
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- Subject HeadingNanostructured materials -- C......nanomaterials 2D layered systems Graphene MRS
- Subject Heading (ID)Nanostructured materials -- C......nanomaterials 2D layered systems Graphene MRS
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and indexes
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- Subject Heading3-D Boundary Layer Transition Stability Analysis...
- Note (General)Boundary layer transition along the leeward symmetry plane......axisymmetric bodies at nonzero angle of incidence in superso......was investigated numerically as......gency (JAXA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N......ity of the boundary layer over five axisymmetric bodies (namely, th...... Sears-Haack body, the semi-Sears-Haack body, two straight cones and the flared cone) was analyzed in order to pressure gradients, freestre...... Mach number and angle of incidence on the boundary layer transition. Mo......on over four bodies was detected pressure gradients on the boundary layer pr...
- Author Heading... 敬掲 藤井, 啓介 Choudhari, Meelan Li......ugawa, Naoko Ueda, Yoshine Ishikawa, Hiroaki F...
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- Subject Heading3-D Boundary Layer Transition Computational Fuild Dynamics
- Note (General)Boundary layer transition along the leeward symmetry plane......axisymmetric bodies at zero and non-zero angles of incidence in superso......was investigated numerically as......gency (JAXA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N......axisymmetric bodies (namely, a Sears-Haack body, a semi-Sears-Haack body, two straight cones and a flared cone) was analyzed to pressure gradient, freestrea......Mach number, and angle of incidence on boundary layer transition. Co......tations revealed the strong pressure gradient on boundary layer profile in the......y of the leeward symmetry plane, highlighting ...
- Author Heading石川, 敬掲 徳川, 直子 Li, Fei Choudhari, Meelan White, Jeffery Is...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingClimatic changes. Ozone layer depletion. Green......ements. Couche d'ozone--Réduction. Gaz à effet de serre--Aspect de l'environneme......Réchauffement de la Terre.
- Note (General)Issued also in French under title: Appauvrissement de l'ozone et ch......nt climatique. Distributed by the Government of Canada Depository Services Program.
- Author HeadingFergusson, Angus. Meteorological Service of Canada.
National Diet Library
- LCCTD885.5.O85
- Subject HeadingOzone layer depletion--Envir......aspects. Ozone-depleting substa......spects. Couche d'ozone--Réduction--Aspect de l'environnement. Rayonnement...
- Note (General)At head of title: United Nations Environmental Program...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingOzone-depleting substances -- Canada -- Management -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Ozone layer depletion -- Gov...... policy -- Canada. Hazardous wastes -- Canada -- Management -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Ozone-depleting substa......nagement -- Handbooks, manuals,......sent la couche d'ozone -- Canada -- Gestion -- Guides, manuels, etc. Couche d'ozone -- Réduction -- Polit......mentale -- Canada. Déchets dangereux -- Canada -- Gestion -- Guides, manuels, et......sent la couche d'ozone -- Gestion -- Guides, manuels, etc.
- Note (General)Issued also in French under title: Guide sur les techniques d'élimination des substances q......sent la couche d'ozone (SACO) au Canada. Distributed by the Government of Canada Depository Services Program.
- Title HeadingReport (Canada. Environment Canada) ; EPS 1/RA/4.
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- Subject Heading...leavage atomic layers molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) 2D materials
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- Subject HeadingS波異方性 D"層 コア・マントル境界 時間......ave Anisotropy D" Layer Core-Mantle-Boundary Temporal variation
- Note (General)...るスプリッティングを利用して、D"層内においてS波の偏光異方性......能性が指摘される。 In order to study the possibili......sotropy in the D" layer change which are radiated from deep earthquakes around Japan and recorded stations in Japan. The used seismological records are those obtained by Japan Meteo......gical Agency and several universities. Including results reported previously by us and other research......the last three decades. The tempora......shows that the directions of pricipal axes do not change wi...... least in an order of ten years. However, the data suggests th......on of the axis direction in a longer period. 研究課題/領域番号:10640384, 研究期間(年度)...
- Alternative TitleStudy on Temporal Variations of S ...
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- Subject Heading3-D boundary layer, streamline-curvature instabi...
- Note (General)An iterative calculation method was applied to identify two different instability modes in a three-dimensional boundary layer near attachmen......-line on a yawed cylinder. The point disturbance orig......le on the cylinder was dispersed in the wedge-shaped region which c......nstable waves. Detailed hot-wire measu......ents illustrated the wave crest......sting the each distribution of ...... instability modes. The iterati......alculation based on an assumption for the distribution fun...... of the amplitude successfully provided the decomposition of......l experimental data into the two modes. The decomposition enabled us the co...
- Alternative TitleDecomposition of two instability modes near attachment-line boundary layers
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- Subject Heading3-D boundary layer, streamline-curvature instabi...
- Note (General)The flow on a rotating disk is the simp......ample of three-dimensional boundary layers where two kinds of essentially described by Rayleigh's inviscid stability equation, and the other is s......s mathematical description is n...... yet established. The present study gives an asym...... exact partial differential equ......small but wavy disturbances superimposed on rotating-disk flow and compares the results with som...
- Alternative TitleOn stability analysis of rotating-disk flow
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- Subject Heading3-D boundary layer, critical Reynolds number, streamline-curvature...
- Note (General)...tures of small disturbances ori......ource on a yawed cylinder were experim......lly investigated in order to decide the critical Reynolds number near were examined by hotwire mea......e results showed that the disturbances propagate downstream in wedge-like regions and the cross-flow......instability is dominant for all......uencies examined here in compar......ower frequency disturbances the......clearly observed in contrast to......critical Reynolds number for of......ine was obtained. The value is ......critical Reynolds number Rc=583 for attachment...
- Alternative TitleCritical Reynolds number near a swept attachme...
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- Subject HeadingCFD, NS, 3-D boundary layer, T-S instability, cross-flow ...
- Note (General)In the development of a......ion analysis code (LSTAB code) based on a current e^N method was originally developed. Recently to i...... analysis method, a new analysis procedure was investigated. This procedure consists laminar boundary layer based on CFD analysis and computing stab......ics by LSTAB code. To verify the procedure, two simple......a sharp cone and the nose cone were analyzed. Although they......axisymmetric bodies, they have ......omplex flowfield at nonzero ang......, it is supposed that present analysis procedure is effectiv......ility on the side surface is dominant on transition phenomen...
- Alternative TitleTransition Analysis on Axisymmetrical Body at nonzero angle of attack i...
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- Subject Heading3-D boundary layer transition; swept cylinder; longitudinal vortex
- Note (General)An experiment has been carried out on three-dimensional boundary-layer transition alo......g a swept cylinder with a diameter of 500 ......ue has been used to study the development of s......ow that two kinds of time-dependent disturbances gro......ate. The first disturbance may be ascribed to T-S wave-ty......following second with one order higher frequ...... first is caused by inflectiona......experimental and current theoretical results. ...
- Alternative TitleThree-Dimensional Boundary-Layer Transition on a Swept Cylinder
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- Subject Heading2D shear layer; density gradient; growth rate; thermochrom...
- Note (General)The plane turbulent mixing layer in the presence of density gradient was studied experimentally......e growth rate, depended critically on whether the density gradient had the same sign ......he velocity gradient. A new tec......simultaneous and non-intrusive ...... of velocity and temperature was introduced to the 2D mixing layer with temperature distribution. Th......nique has proved useful for this kind of research. 資料番号: NALSP00150...
- Alternative TitleThe Influence of Density Gradient on Turbulent Structure in the 2D Shear Flow
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- Subject Heading...層安定解析 超音速実験機 L/D比 揚力対抗力比 逆設計法 aerodynamic design supersoni......minar flow boundary layer stability anal...... aircraft L to D ratio lift to drag ratio inverse design method
- Note (General)...NLF)の空力設計を3次元CFD(計算流体力学)および境界層安......)の小型無人超音速実験機のL/D(揚力/抗力)比を改善すること......た。この目的のために3次元CFDソルバおよび3次元層流境界安定......な後退翼を設計した。 Aerodynamic design of Natura......t wings was conducted by using 3-D CFD analysis and boundary layer stability anal......s for NLF wing design. One is t......f the sub-scaled unmanned supersonic exp......tory (NAL) was designed to improve the L/D (Lift/Drag) ratio. The...... sections were designed especially to reduce skin friction drag which amoun......f of the total drag. For this purpose, we designed the wing secti......ssible using 3-D CFD solver and 3-D laminar boundary layer stability analysis c...
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- Subject Heading...式 流れの可視化 快適性制御 layered ventilation TiO_D22_D2-nano particles Dust re-suspension Room ventila...
- Note (General)...rt mechanism and distribution of VOC inside constructing wooden materials and its emission1.......onstructing wood material and transport mech......smComponents and concentration distribution of VOC inside wooden were measured. Emission rate......ace was measured under various It was found that emission ...... temperature and changes with components and constructing m......erials in an indoor space2.1 Ef......king motion on dust re-suspensi......eThe amount of dust was measured for various speed of walking. It was clarified that the amount of re-suspended particles increased with th...
- Alternative TitleDevelopment of C......hnologies of Indoor Air Environ......hly Airtight and Insulated Living Space
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- Subject Heading...可視化 transonic 2D HLFC airfoil 2D hybrid laminar flow c......ol airfoil boundary layer transition poi......ualization aerodynamics tempera......e sensing liquid crystal stagna......fficient Reynolds number dependence wind tunnel test te......t subsonic speed flow visualization
- Note (General)...論じる。 In the study of laminar-fl......ent of the boundary layer transition poi......e important to deepen the understanding of its drag characteris......e-sensing liquid crystals is on......techniques for detecting the tr...... some inherent difficulties in ......cations for wind tunnel testing...... temperature and the liquid crystals tempe...... one encountered in the present blowdown wind tunnel test. W...... effort to avoid mismatching, it was used to measure the......oints of a two-dimensional hybrid laminar-flow-c......ic, high Reynolds number flow a...... Laboratory) 2-D wind tunnel. In the......t paper, it is described of the results of the...
- Alternative TitleMeasurement of the boundary layer transition point over a 2-D LFC airfoil in......low using liquid crystals