Sam Goldstein, Jack A. Naglieri, editors.Springer[2014]<SC364-B110>
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ns that target executive function. Supporting and strengthening ...
- Subject Heading... manuals, etc. Executive Function. Executive functions (Neuropsy...
Shintaro FunahashiSpringer[2022]<SC364-D19>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Dianne M. Broussard.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2014.<SC364-B106>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCerebellum. Executive Function. Neural Pathways--physiology. ...
Uratani, Mitsuhiro, Ota, Toyosaku, Iida, Junzo, Okazaki, Kosuke, Yamamuro, Kazuhiko, Nakanishi, Yoko, Kishimoto, Naoko, Kishimoto, ToshifumiBioMed Central2019-06-28Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health
National Diet Library
中野, 慎也2018-09-30
National Diet Library
Margaret H. SibleyGuilford Pressc2017
Other Libraries in Japan
Dianne M. BroussardWiley Blackwellc2014
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Scott J. Hunter, Elizabeth P. SparrowCambridge University Press2012
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Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Mary V. SolantoGuilford Press2013, c2011
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Russell A. BarkleyGuilford Pressc2011
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David BadrePrinceton University Pressc2020
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松谷, 信也2015-03-11
National Diet Library
Mary V. SolantoGuilford Pressc2011
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edited by Irina A. Sekerina, Lauren Spradlin, Virginia ValianJ. Benjaminsc2019
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edited by Irina A. Sekerina, Lauren Spradlin, Virginia ValianJ. Benjaminsc2019
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Yana SuchyOxford University Pressc2016
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edited by Elkhonon GoldbergElsevier/Academic Pressc2017
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Sam Goldstein, Jack A. Naglieri, editorsSpringerc2014
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Uratani, Mitsuhiro, Ota, Toyosaku, Iida, Junzo, Okazaki, Kosuke, Yamamuro, Kazuhiko, Nakanishi, Yoko, Kishimoto, Naoko, Kishimoto, ToshifumiBioMed Central2019-06-28Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health13p.Article No.29-
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan