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- Toc / Article... usefulness of housefly larvae based on amino......Preparation of housefly larvae water extract (HLWE) with mul...
- Summary, etc....itin, and fat. Housefly larvae have been used......compounds from housefly larvae. Although housefly larvae are considered......composition of housefly larvae with other ide......oconversion by housefly larvae, and these stu......e potential of housefly larvae for applicatio......the utility of housefly larvae as a protein s......d. Second, the housefly larvae, the larval bi......e utilities of housefly larvae, and the backg......the utility of housefly larvae was evaluated ...... analysis. The housefly larvae contained suff......e potential of housefly larvae as a good prot......3, we prepared housefly larvae water extract (HLWE) using de...
- Subject Heading...itory activity Housefly larvae Multifunctional activities