Search results 1,384
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCoatings Surfaces (Technology) Revête...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....aled films and coatings. This comprehensive work will...
- Subject HeadingProtective coatings Thin films Protective coatings. Thin films.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....urrounding nanocoatings and biocoatings, from their fa...... new, advanced coatings and the characteristics of ab...
- Contents...tion of modern coatings 1.1 and coatings 1.3.1 Strategi......1.3.2 Metallic coatings 1.3.3 Inorganic coatings 1.3.4 Organic coatings 1.3.5 Techniqu......cterize modern coatings 1.5.1 Systems 1-3) 1.5.2 Coatings with pores or ......(Case 4) 1.5.3 Coatings with macroscop......(Case 5) 1.5.4 Coatings anodic to the ......6 and 7) 1.5.5 Coatings cathodic to th......o characterize coatings performance 1.......1 Self-healing coatings 1.7 Critical a......nique to study coatings 1.8 Other loca......information of coatings 2.4.1 Ex situ ......on examples in coatings 2.5.1 Photovoltaic films 2.5....
- Subject Heading..., manuals, etc Coatings--Handbooks, ma......ting processes Coatings
National Diet Library
- Contents... Preface 1 Nanocoatings by sol-gel pro...... UV-protective coatings 1.3.4 Antimicrobial coatings 1.3.5 Flame-re......tional nanosol coatings 1.5 Conclusions References 2 ...
- Subject Heading..., manuals, etc Coatings--Handbooks, ma......ting processes Coatings
National Diet Library
- Contents... antibacterial coatings in the develop...... antibacterial coatings 1.2.1 Antibiotic-doped coatings 1.2.2 Organic ......ealing organic coatings 2.1 Introducti.......2 Purposes of coatings 2.3 Recent in front of coatings 2.4 Definition......f self-healing coatings 2.6 of organic coatings 2.7 Capsule-ba......n self-healing coatings 2.31 Web reference Further re...
- Subject Heading..., manuals, etc Coatings--Handbooks, ma......ting processes Coatings
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....nts in polymer coatings, encompassing ......cts of polymer coatings, highlighting fundamental res...
- Contents...r Arya Polymer coatings based on nanoc......rosion polymer coatings / (Dr). Akarsh Verma
- Title HeadingPolymer coatings (CRC Press)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... thermal spray coatings for various en...... thermal spray coatings for thermal pr...... thermal spray coatings techniques and...... thermal spray coatings Cold spray tec......sion resistant coatings and thermal barrier coatings for power plan......sion-resistant coatings for hydro-powe......ndustries. Bio-coatings for human body...... thermal spray coatings
- Subject HeadingCoatings--Thermal properties Coatings--Thermal properties.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCoatings Ink industry A......sives industry Coatings industry Green chemistry Rene...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...s (Technology) Coatings Nanotechnologie Photocatalyse...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ogy of polymer coatings. It discusses ......phobic polymer coatings. Current industrial applicati...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ible Films and Coatings for Fruits and......n Based Edible Coatings: Properties and Applications ...
- Subject HeadingEdible coatings Food--Packagin......nnement Edible coatings. Food--Packaging.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEdible coatings. Coated foods.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCoatings--Abrasion resistance Tribolog...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....llular phones, coatings, concrete, dental application...
- Subject HeadingCoatings--Handbooks, ma......, manuels, etc Coatings Surfaces (Technology)
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingNanostructured materials. Coatings.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCoatings. Coating processes.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...nti-corrosives Coatings Ceramics. Coatings. Composite materials. Corrosi...