Search results 2
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingwool keratinase cuticle disulfide bond protea...
- Note (General)...reatment using keratinase is expected to......udy examined a keratinase from Meiothermus ruber H328 (Keratinase H328) on degra......t condition of Keratinase H328 such as i......degradation of Keratinase H328 pretreate......Results showed Keratinase H328 eroded properties. Keratinase H328 mixture r......icle than pure keratinase or protease tr...... on wool using keratinase, a damage repa......istic study of keratinase activity, and ......improvement of keratinase treatment to minimize the har...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingwool keratinase cuticle disulfide bond protea...
- Note (General)...reatment using keratinase is expected to......udy examined a keratinase from Meiothermus ruber H328 (Keratinase H328) on degra......t condition of Keratinase H328 such as i......degradation of Keratinase H328 pretreate......Results showed Keratinase H328 eroded properties. Keratinase H328 mixture r......icle than pure keratinase or protease tr...... on wool using keratinase, a damage repa......istic study of keratinase activity, and ......improvement of keratinase treatment to minimize the har...