Search results 15
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingα-sunuclein / tau / p62 / kallikurein / 異常線維形成
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingラフト / プロテオーム / ポリグルタミン病 / 凝集体 / 質量分析 / p62 / aggresome / ユビキチン
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingパーキンソン病 / 神経変性 / レビー小体 / 神経細胞内封入体 / p62/A170 / ユビキチン / プロテアソーム / ドパミン
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingp62 liquid droplet amyotrophic la...
- Note (General)...ions in SQSTM1/p62, which have be......f bone. SQSTM1/p62 protein forms ......egion (KIR) of p62, respectively.......LS/FTD-related p62 mutations in t......LS/FTD-related p62 mutations in t......ast, while all p62 mutants demons......tant proteins, p62 missense mutat......tive change in p62 liquid droplet fluidity. The ...
- Alternative Title筋萎縮性側索硬化症に関連するp62/SQSTM1変異体が形成する相分離液滴は内部流動性が低下している Characterization of disease-related p62 droplets
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....endent manner. p62 bodies formed ......phosphorylated p62, which partici......phorylation of p62. ULK1 co-localizes with p62 bodies, and di......interacts with p62. This phosphor......etained within p62 bodies, activating NRF2. p62S351E/+ mice ar......osphodefective p62S351A/S351A mic......yperkeratosis. p62S351E/+ mice are a phenocopy o...
- Subject Headingp62/SQSTM1 ULK1 NRF2/NFE2L2 KEAP1...
- Alternative TitlePhosphorylation of phase-separated p62 bodies by ULK1 activates a re...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading血小板 トロンボキサンA2受容体 ミスセンス変異 12-リポキシゲナーゼ mRNA コラーゲン受容体 蛋白チロシン燐酸化 p62 (GPVI)
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading乳癌 PGC1α p62 breast cancer PGC1 alpha
- Alternative TitleExpression of PGC1α and p62 in apocrine carcinoma of brea...
- Alternative TitleExpression of PGC1α and p62 in apocrine carcinoma of brea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSMARCA4,フェロトーシス,CASP8,p62
- Note (General)...酸化シグナルの活性化を促進するp62/SQSTM1タンパク質の安定......ability of the p62/SQSTM1 protein, which promote...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....原因蛋白ubiquilin2やp62/SQSTM1に関する研究であ......細胞を用いた。免疫染色の結果、p62遺伝子変異のある患者細胞の細胞質内に、p62の凝集が認められた。このような...... identify, and p62 of which mutat......patient with a p62 mutation had aggregations of p62, a pathologica......e negative for p62. Cells of a p62-negative patient had mild agg...
- Subject Headingp62
- Alternative Title...onship between p62 and ubiquilin 2, new proteins...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingC-myc p62 Estorogen Receptor甲状腺癌 生物学的悪性...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Headingcarnosic acid Nrf2 NGF rosemary p62
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading蛋白質分解 DnaJ蛋白質 ユビキチン-プロテアソームシステム p62 Hsp70 Hsc70
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDnaJタンパク質 ユビキチン-プロテアソームシステム 小胞体関連分解 構造異常膜タンパク質 p62
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ions in SQSTM1/p62, which have be......f bone. SQSTM1/p62 protein forms ......egion (KIR) of p62, respectively.......LS/FTD-related p62 mutations in t......LS/FTD-related p62 mutations in t......ast, while all p62 mutants demons......tant proteins, p62 missense mutat......tive change in p62 liquid droplet fluidity.
- Subject Headingp62 liquid droplet amyotrophic la...
- Alternative Title...sis-associated p62/SQSTM1 mutants......isease-related p62 droplets
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....endent manner. p62 bodies formed ......phosphorylated p62, which partici......phorylation of p62. ULK1 co-localizes with p62 bodies, and di......interacts with p62. This phosphor......etained within p62 bodies, activating NRF2. p62S351E/+ mice ar......osphodefective p62S351A/S351A mic......yperkeratosis. p62S351E/+ mice are a phenocopy o...
- Subject Headingp62/SQSTM1 ULK1 NRF2/NFE2L2 KEAP1...
- Alternative TitlePhosphorylation of phase-separated p62 bodies by ULK1 activates a re...