木下, 恭一, 緒方, 康行, 足立, 聡, 越川, 尚清, 鶴, 哲也, 宮田, 浩旭, 村松, 祐治, 依田, 真一, Kinoshita, Kyoichi, Ogata, Yasuyuki, Adachi, Satoshi, Koshikawa, Naokiyo, Tsuru, Tetsuya, Miyata, Hiroaki, Muramatsu, Yuji, Yoda, Shinichi宇宙航空研究開発機構2005-03-31宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development Report: Effects of Microgravity Environment on Growth Related Properties of Semiconductor Alloys (InGaAs): Growth of Homogeneous CrystalsJAXA-RR-04-022Ep.14-20
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- Subject Heading...n growth model plate crystal solution zone
- Note (General)...ion. Then, the plate crystal growth for obt......e thickness of plate crystal was useful for......(0.3)Ga(0.7)As plate crystals with 10 mm wi......tallization of plate crystals is required for device fabri...