Search results 5
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingRocket Pump; Liquid Hydrogen; Mechanical Shaft Vibration
- Note (General)...suppression of shaft vibration is one of the ......iscosity. Many shaft vibration problems have permissible shaft vibration limits. This method was subse...
- Alternative Title...f asynchronons shaft vibrations.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...rotating shaft shaft vibration inducer liquid propellant roc...
- Note (General)The component of shaft vibration, which rotates......e inducer, the shaft vibration was assumed to......ionship of the shaft vibration and the clouds of cavitation ...
- Alternative TitleObservation of shaft vibration caused by the clouds of cavit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...on tunnel test shaft vibration inducer test
- Note (General)...concluded that shaft vibrations of this type ......pressing these shaft vibrations. In the light......tion tunnel, a shaft vibration of higher freq......nalysis of the shaft vibration, it was concluded that the vi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...bopump inducer shaft vibration non synchronous vibration tip...
- Note (General) synchronous shaft vibrations with a frequency of about 1....
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...n asynchronous shaft vibration low cycle oscillation cavitat...