edited by A. Wallace Hayes and Tetyana KobetsCRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group2024<SD74-D31>
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ts integral to toxicology. The new edition contains upda...
- Contents...ible future of toxicology. Harming and helping through t...
- Subject HeadingToxicology Toxicologie toxicology. Poisons Poisoning
edited by Swaran Jeet Singh FloraAcademic Press[2023]<SD74-D28>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingArsenic--Toxicology Arsenic--Toxicology. Arsenic--toxicology
edited by Ramesh C. GuptaAcademic Press[2022]<SD74-D21>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Developmental toxicology. Reproductive toxicology.
edited by Wanda M. Haschek, Colin G. Rousseaux, Matthew A. Wallig, Brad Bolon, associate editors, Kathleeen M. Heinz-Taheny, Daniel G. Rudmann, illustrations editor, Beth W. MahlerAcademic Press[2023]<SD74-D27>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Pathological. Toxicology. Veterinary toxicology.
Roland Kallenborn, Heinrich Hühnerfuss, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Imran AliSpringer[2021]<NA217-D95>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental toxicology Enantiomers--Toxicology Enantiomers--Toxicology. Environmental toxicology.
edited by Wanda M. Haschek, Colin G. Rousseaux, Matthew A. Wallig, Brad Bolon, assosicate editors, Kathleen M. Heinz-Taheny, Daniel G. Rudmann, illustrations editor, Beth W. MahlerAcademic Press[2023]<SD74-D26>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Pathological. Toxicology. Veterinary toxicology.
edited by Xiaoping Pan and Baohong ZhangHumana Press[2021]<NA217-D134>
National Diet Library
Lishi Zhang, editorSpringer2022<SC186-D9>
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....od science and toxicology. It also offers a state-of-the...
- Subject HeadingFood--Toxicology Food--Toxicology.
AB PantSpringer[2024]<SD2-D14>
National Diet Library
Liang-Hong Guo, Monika Mortimer, editorsSpringer[2022]<NA217-D200>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading... Environmental toxicology.
Nilesh Sharma, Shivendra Sahi, editorsSpringer[2021]<SD74-D13>
National Diet Library
editor, Alan D. Woolf, section editors, Nicholas Bateman [and four others]Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier[2022]<SD74-D17>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingToxicology--History Toxicologie--Histoire Toxicology.
edited by Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. PreedyAcademic Press[2021]<SD74-D12>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingToxicology Oxidative stress Oxidative stress. Toxicology.
Masami IshidoSpringer[2023]<NA217-D231>
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....e principle of toxicology. Secondly, it shows recent res...
edited by Wanda M. Haschek, Colin G. Rousseaux, Matthew A. Wallig, Brad Bolon, associate editors, Molly H. Boyle, Mark J. Hoenerhoff, illustrations editor, Beth W. MahlerAcademic Press[2024]<SD74-D32>
National Diet Library
富田正文, 川崎医科大学 [著][富田正文]2004-2006<Y151-H16590552>
National Diet Library
editors, Wanda M. Haschek, Colin G. Rousseaux, Matthew A. Wallig, Brad Bolon, associate editors, Stacey L. Fossey, John H. Vahle, illustrations editor, Beth W. MahlerAcademic Press2021<SD74-D15>
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading... Pathological. Toxicology. Veterinary toxicology.
edited by Debasis Bagchi and Manashi BagchiCRC Press2021<SD74-D10>
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMetals--Toxicology Organs (Anatomy) Metals--Toxicology.
Douglas M. Templeton, Michael Schwenk and John Duffus.Royal Society of Chemistry[2020]<SD2-D1>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
editor-in-chief Philip Wexler, associate editors, Steven G. Gibert [and four others]Academic Press[2020]<SD1-D2>
National Diet Library