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National Diet Library
- ContentsProposal of a framework fo......the 2014 European Parliament elections and campaigns in Central and Eastern Europe / Silvia Branea and Ruxandra Boicu Political advertising during the 201......Media rhetoric and virtual commu......n Bulgaria / Ivanka Mavrodieva I......ring the European Parliament elections in Poland / Bartlomiej Lodzki and Anna Paluch An overshadowed c......n in two Croatian dailies / Gordana Vilović Pers......ives on the Romanian electoral context and media coverage of campaign discourses / Adriana Ștefănel Coverage of the 2014 European parliamentary ......campaign in Romania's print press (a case study...
- Subject HeadingEuropean Parliament--El......s, 2014. European Parliament--Elections. European Parliament. Co...... politics--Balkan Peninsula. Com......Elections. Balkan Peninsula. Europe, Central.
- Title HeadingPolitical campaigning and communication.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The MLA Handbook is the Modern Language Associati......ols, colleges, and publishing houses, the MLA Handbook treats every aspect of research to research and writing in th......t. It provides an authoritative account of MLA documentat......hed on the Web and new recommend...... several kinds of works, such as digital files and graphic narratives.--From th...
- Contentspt. 1: Research and writing 1-1: ......aper as a form of exploration 1-......aper as a form of communication ......1-3-1: Freedom of choice 1-3-2: Finding an appropriate fo......Online catalog of library holdin......rary resources and services 1-4-...... Keeping track of sources 1-5-2:......-6-2: Accuracy and verifiability......1-7-1: Methods of note-taking 1-7-2: Types of note-taking 1-...... 1-7-5: Amount and accuracy of note-taking 1-......1-8-1: Working outline 1-8-2: Thesis ......t 1-8-3: Final outline 1-8-4: Summing......4: Final draft and the research ......ming up 1-10: Language and style. pt. 2: Plagiarism and academic integrity 2-1: Defi...
- Subject HeadingReport writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Wete......nschaftliches Manuskript. Wissenschaftliches Ar...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAdvertising.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAdvertising Semiotics
- Subject Heading (ID)Advertising Semiotics
- Related MaterialLanguage, media & education studi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAdvertising -- Outlines, syllabi, etc
- Subject Heading (ID)Advertising -- Outlines, syllabi, etc
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Includes bibliographies and index
National Diet Library
- Related Material...Newspapers "Japan Advertiser" To......ains War Bill" an outline of the National Mobilization Law...
National Diet Library
- Related Material...Newspapers "Japan Advertiser" To......ains War Bill" an outline of the National Mobilization Law...
National Diet Library
- Related Material...Newspapers "Japan Advertiser" To......ains War Bill" an outline of the National Mobilization Law...
- Alternative TitleCourt Exh. No. 862 Pros. Doc. No. 2604 The Japan Advertizer. May 19, 1938
- Alternative TitleCourt Exh. No. 862 Pros. Doc. No. 2604 The Japan Advertizer. May 19, 1938
National Diet Library
- Related Material...Newspapers "Japan Advertiser" To......ains War Bill" an outline of the National Mobilization Law...
- Alternative TitleCourt Exh. No. 863 Pros. Doc. No. 2605 The Japan Advertizer. May 20, 1938
- Alternative TitleCourt Exh. No. 863 Pros. Doc. No. 2605 The Japan Advertizer. May 20, 1938
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHabit and instinct Grun......ogy The senses and the intellect German psychology of To-day : the e......butions to the analysis of the sensations An outline of psychology Inquiries into human faculty and its developme......The psychology and pedagogy of reading : with a review of the history of reading and writing, and of methods, texts, and hygiene in re......tment by sleep and suggestion The senses of insects Classi......torical essays Outlines of psychology : d......tated portions of the lectures of Hermann Lotze The principles of psychology Body and mind : an inquiry into t......eir connection and mutual influence, specially ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-160) and index
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAdvertising
- Subject Heading (ID)Advertising
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...unded by Karl Mannheim"
- Related Material...ogy, legality, and personality M......bility, space, and culture Homo ......dens : a study of the play-eleme......age : a review of social provisi......t Britain The Danube basin and the German economic sphere Race and suicide in Adolescents and morality : a study of some moral values and dilemmas of working the context of a changing climate of opinion reality of ethics : the comparative analysis of moral codes Organization, class and control Urbanism, colonialism, and the world-eco......omy : cultural and spatial foundations of the world urban system The sociology of nationalism : tomorrow's ance...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
National Diet Library
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
National Diet Library
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...des Principles of accounting : b......m's Principles of accounting I b......etics Schaum's outline of theory and problems of electronic circuits Schaum's outline of theory and problems of mathematics for nurses Quantitative approaches to management Schaum's outline of theory and problems of basic circuit analysis Schaum's outline of theory and problems of fluid mechanics and hydraulics Schaum's outline of theory and problems of Lagrangian dynamics : with a treatment of Euler's equations of motion, Hamilton's equations and Hamilton's pr......ciple Schaum's outline of theory and problems of machine design Schaum's outline of theory and problems of acc...
- Alternative TitleSchaum's outlines
- Alternative TitleSchaum's outlines