Search results 38
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMiddle East -- History -- 1517- -- Sources. Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
- Note (General)Second ed. published in 1975 under title: The Middle East and North Africa in world politics.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiddle East -- History -- 1517- -- Source...
- Note (General)Second ed. published in 1975 under title: The Middle East and North Africa in world politics.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading中近東問題. 歴史∥史料. Middle East -- History -- ......1- -- Sources. Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiddle East. Foreign relat......535-1956 - Readings from contemporary sources Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
- Subject Heading (ID)Middle East. Foreign relat......535-1956 - Readings from contemporary sources Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
- Note (General)Originally published in 2 v.: London : Macmillan, 1956 Includes index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMiddle East -- History -- 1517- -- Sources Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
- Subject Heading (ID)Middle East -- History -- 1517- -- Sources Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Sourc...
- Note (General)Vol. 1. 1535-1914 -- v. 2. 1914-1956 Reprint. Originally published in 1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)First ed. originally published in 1956 under title: Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East
- Alternative TitleDiplomacy in the Near and Middle East
- Alternative TitleDiplomacy in the Near and Middle East
British documents on foreign affairs : reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGreat Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1910-...
- Subject Heading (ID)Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1910-...
- Note (General).... Cameron Watt and Michael Partri....... 4, ser. A-G, and pt. 5, ser. A,......, Paul Preston and Michael Partri......hael Partridge and Piers Ludlow P......hael Partridge and Piers Ludlow P......, Paul Preston and Michael Partri......hael Partridge and Piers Ludlow P......hael Partridge and Piers Ludlow Publisher slight...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople La culture......ues devant l'opinion française d......734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris Bernard ......e Fontenelle : the idea of science in the French Enlightenment Spain and the American Civil......ury, 1855-1868 The famine plot persuasion in eighteenth-century France The Imperial Library in southern Sung China, 1127-1279 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly agencies of the central govern......iam Croone, on the reason of the movement of the muscles The Nāṭakalakṣaṇar......kośa of Sāgaranandin : a thirteenth-century trea...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philo......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philo......phia for Promoting Useful Knowledge
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon Marruecos Vingt-sept ans d'h......867 Reise nach Innerarabien, Kur......tungen und im Lande selbst gesamm...... Nachrichten Mein erster Aufenthalt in Marokko und Re......hara de la province de Constantine : region nord du Sahara The tragedy of Arm...... a brief study and interpretation Un......u XVIIe siècle In the clouds above Baghdad : being the records of an air commander Documents su......i det hellige land : Ægypten og e......sydlige Europa The scourge of Chr......giers prior to the French conquest Two years in Palesting & Syria La Sy......nce en Algérie The Lebanon in turmoil : Syria an...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Singapore : ISEAS Publishing, 2015-
- Related MaterialThe state of local politics in Indonesia : surve......olitical Islam and Islamist politics in Malaysia The "free and open Indo-Pacific" and implications f......SEAN Vietnam's industrialization ambitions : the case of vingroup and the automotive industry China's new maritim......: implications and opportunities for Southeast Asia Trends in Thailand : proceedings and background paper Chinese investment and Myanmar's shifting political landscape Strategic possibilities and limitations for Abe's Japan in Southeast Asia The South China Sea and China-ASEAN relations The rising politics of indigeneity in Southeast Asia Parti Pribumi ...
- Alternative TitleTrends in Southeast Asia TRS
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editor: A.J. Vanderjagt
- Related MaterialCornelius Agrippa, the humanist theologian and his declamatio......s Echoes of an invisible world : Marsilio Ficino and Francesco Patr......n cosmic order and music theory Magic and memory in Giordano Bruno : the art of a heroi...... spirit Latitudinarianism in the seventeenth-ce...... Church of England Reading catechisms, teaching religion Sabbath and sectarianism in seventeenth-century England Locations of knowledge in medieval and early modern E......eric discourse and Western identities The Renaissance in Scotland : studies in literature, re......igion, history and culture offere......nzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulph...
- Author HeadingVanderjagt, Arie Johan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Formerly Arab history and civilization E......rorial Board, Hinrich Biesterfel......, Sebastian Günther
- Related MaterialThe intensification and reorientation ......jihad ideology in the Crusader (1105-1176) and his age, with an edition and translation of Ibn ʿAsakir's The forty hadiths for inciting jihad Early M......graphy : Al-Yūnīnī's Dhayl Mirʾā Gespräch : eine Studie zu kla...... controversies and polemics Muslim religious institutions in Imperial Russia : the Islamic world ......zensk District and the Kazakh Inner Horde, 1780......anique, de la fin du XVe siècle Al-Māturīdī and the development of Sunnī theology in Samarqand From Bāwīṭ to ......documents from the medieval Muslim world The piety of learning : Islamic s...
- Alternative TitleArab history and civilization Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts Islam history and civilization : studies and texts I.H.C. IHC
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher name of different representation: "W.W. Norton & company, Inc."
- Related MaterialMechanization takes command : a contributi......history Poetry and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colon......ay fishermen : their peasant econ......Romanesque art in Europe : architecture and sculpture : with 254 black and white plates : 23 maps and plans Consensus and continuity, 1776-1787 Play and development : ......frican Negroes The natural history of flies Evelina, or, The history of a y......ady's entrance into the world Captain Swing Catharine Beecher : a study in American, madrigals, and rounds Understanding causality The human habita...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Touchstone
- Related Material... school reform The challenge of the passing years : my en...... time Close to the bone : life-threatening illness and the search for meaning The Iraq war reade......, documents, opinions Heat and dust The happiest man a......f Henry Miller The varieties of r......ence : a study in human nature The closing of the American mind Our bodies, o...... for a new era The pursuit of virtue and other Tory notions First in his class : the biography of Bill Clinton America in black and white : one nation, indivisible Experience and education Wild......daughters of China John McCain : an American odyssey The agency : the rise and decline...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental guerrilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a big......zz : its roots and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first c......reflections on the challenges ahe......--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in Western Europe Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific,......1850 : a study in the history of art and ideas ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe great powers and the Near East, 1774-1923 The divided society : parties and politics in England 1694-1716 The Renaissance sense of the past Education in Tudor and Stuart England John Calvin The Lost peace : international relations in Europe, 1918-1939 Huldrych Zwingli Post-war integration in Europe The growth of the British Common......0-1932 Germany in the Thirty Years War Martin Luther The development of the British welfar......ate, 1880-1975 The French Revolution : the fall of the ancien regime to the Thermidorian React......people : state and society The French Revolution : the fall of the ancien régime to the Thermido...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTowns and local communities in Medieval and early modern England An Orthodox co......bolic legacies and cultural encounters in southeastern Europe Church and crown in the fourteenth century : studies in European history and political thou......arly Hungarian and pontic history Writing Ottoman history : documents and interpretations S......ies on Alberti and Petrarch Cardinal Pole in European conte...... a "via media" in the Reformation Es......ic Islamic art and beyond Islamic......100-1800 Galen and Galenism : theory and medical practi......m antiquity to the European Renaissance Turks and Khazars : origins, institutions, and interacti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Title at publisher's listing: Variorum collected studies ...
- Related MaterialAutour de l'épopée byzantine History, language, and literacy in the Byzantine world Paintings on glass : studies in Romanesque and Gothic monumen...... Studies on Latin Greece , A.D. ......1715 Chemistry and the chemical industry in the 19th century : the Henrys of Manchester and other studies Studies in Syriac Christi......y, literature, and theology Byzantium and its image : history and culture of the Byzantine Empire and its heritage M......lia Scientific instruments and experimental p......ophy 1550-1850 The city and the realm : Burgos and Castile, 1080-1492 Spanish and Portuguese mon......600-1300 Bede, the schools, and the Computus Byz...
- Alternative TitleCollected studies Variorum reprint Variorum collected studies s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...eople's Army : the Viet Công insurrection manu...... countries War and the Soviet Union :......uclear weapons and the revolution in Soviet military and political thinking Ancient arts ......cts, questions and answers, pertinent statutes Dragon and sickle : how the communist revo......ution happened in China The Soviet Far East : a survey of its physical and economic geography Art of China, Korea, and Japan The United States and the common market ...... for democracy in West Germany :......ents - shortcomings - prospects The art of two worlds : studies in Pre-Columbian and European cultures The mind and work of Paul Klee Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe biographic reg......ster General ; The British Commonwealth ; The far East Diplomacy for the 70's : a progr......ent reform for the Department of ......lics : Central and South America The quest for peace : principal United St......lic statements and related documents on the Arab-Israeli p......ess, 1967-1983 The United States ...... Cooperation : the second five ye...... a Great Power Eastern Europe : the Soviet Union China Vietnam, Janu......ry-August 1968 The American Republics Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on Janua...... States policy in the Korean Crisis Summary ana...
- Alternative Title...ublications of the Department of State
- Alternative Title...ublications of the Department of State