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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......mbines classic and contemporary r......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ble to general and undergraduate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and twentieth cent......c readings. It then explores dimensions of urban sustaina......ty, including land use and urban design, ......gical planning and restoration, energy and materials use,......opment, social and environmental justice, and green architecture and building. Addi......nally, visions of sustainable community, and ca...
- ContentsList of Illustrations List of Tables and Boxes Copyrigh...... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth Edition Part 1. Origins of the Sustainability......uction to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......'Garden Cities of To-morrow' (1898) / Ebenezer Howard "The Land Ethic" from 'A Sand County Almanac' (1949) / Aldo Leo......hodox Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities' (1961) / Jane Jacobs "The Development of 'Capitalism and Underdevelopme......atin America' (1967) / Andre Gunder Frank "Plight and Prospect" from 'Design With N...
- ISBN9781032214092 9781032331935
Other Libraries in Japan
- ISBN0471544582
- Publication Date (W3CDTF)1995
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- ISBN0471544582 0471544590 0471544620 0471544639 0471544647
- LC Control Number94044119
- LCCTJ163.235
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- ISBN047114827X
- LCCTJ163.235
- NDC 8th519.033
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- NCIDBB10039499
- Related Material...n zu Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : i......articular that of the air and water, ... : w......plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whic...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......ed treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian géologie de 1834 à 1845 Sammlungen la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromness Essa...
- Author Heading (ID)DA15940101 https:/......urceID/NII%7CDA15940101 DA01318650 htt......rceID/NII%7CDA01318650
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- NCIDBA00317011
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
- Related MaterialThe Hellenic world......Medieval faith and symbolism Rode......onservatism in the age of enterprise, 1865-1910 : a study of William Graham......ephen J. Field and Andrew Carnegie The philosophy of mathematics : an int......n D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 The house of intellect A treasury of Russian spirit......thnic politics The nature of life : the main problems and trends of thought in mod......ry studies for the Philosophical ......rally known as the Blue and Brown books The travail of religious libe......o a metaphysic of hope Woodrow Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw and the cooked The Logic ...
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- NCIDBA00339411
- Note (General)"Spectrum paperbacks" -- [175] p. of S-23
- Related MaterialFaulkner : a collection of critical essay......edeker's Spain The Future of foundations Ar......: a collection of critical essays Stars and galaxies: birth, ageing, and death in the universe The Philosophy of mind Daniel De......: a collection of critical essay...... in transition The complete thinker : a handbook of techniques for creative and critical probl......nterpretations of As you like it......: a collection of critical essays Law and the American futur......: a collection of critical essay......nner balance : the power of holistic healing : insights of Hans Selye, El......, Marcus Bach, and others Corporate executive's ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBB01200312
- Related Material...Elemente der Mathematik : in sech......les An account of some remarkabl......discoveries in the production of artificial col......experiments on the congelation of quicksilver in England. Like wise, observations on the best methods of producing arti......t penitus admiranda ac summa iucu...... Reminiscences and letters of Sir Robert Bal......ator : studies of wild life and scenes in many lands Divertimento ......zen Erdtbodens The microscope and its arabischen Handschrift der Bibliothèque nationale symptomatis The flora of the Alps : being a description of all the species of flowering plants i...
- Alternative TitleLandmarks of science