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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ucation sector for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT). Thi...... in a range of European locations. They cover key top...
- ContentsForward / Ethel Br...... Interventions for Challenging Ro......Morley (Centre for Higher Educati......ungary) 3. The European Discourse of I......usion Policies for Roma in Higher......oberts (Centre for Higher Educati......otcoi (Central European University, Bu......National Plans for Roma Inclusion......ration of Roma Women Associations, ......ordic Roma and Traveller Policy Documents / Jenni H...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Shirin M. Rai European citizenship : opportunity for women? / Ute Gerhard......e in promoting women's rights in po......political transformation in centr......equality' : on travel metaphors and ...... Education and European women's citizenship : images of women in Bulgarian h...... impact of the women's movement on ......politics : the European Union's impact......nance and good for business too? Equality and di...
- Subject HeadingWomen's rights -- Europe. Women -- Europe -- Political activi...
National Diet Library
- culture and European youth culture ......t German youth travel to western Eur......sen A struggle for radical West German women and the impact of the pill / ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingTravel. Europe -- Description and travel.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsForeword: a common......zewska-Wójcik Travelling art works ......rnative routes for the Japanese o......act on Central European glass and cera......Piotr Spławski Women as active agents of Japonisme...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nters with the European world since th......panese men and women presented in t......ors who strove for modernization, e.g., in the f...
- Contents...translators of European texts : Yohoke...... of military reforms : Ōtomo Sō......691) The first travelers to Europe :......4) Pioneers of women's education : ......3-1996) A life for the poor : Wu Yongbo (1916-20...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....rious concerns for governments ar...... ideas which inform the study of ......e of different forms of evidence ......rk publication for all students, academics, poli...
- Contents...sical activity for health and wel...... evidence to inform physical acti......ity and active travel / Hugh Barton,......e Tulle Girls, women and physical a...... opportunities for young people :......encar Cruz The European union / Mads de Wolff India /...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nous origins before European contact, to its twenty-first ...
- Contents...é ; The first European account of Jam......arles Dallas ; Women's and men's wo...... Dick Chislett Traveling from Kingst......from war / Glenford Howe ; Self government for Jamaica / W. A...... and Rex Nettleford VI. Independe......s ; We are not for sale / Michael...... George L. Beckford ; Yesterday/t....../ Committee of Women for Progress ; A h......en, with Honor Ford Smith VII. Ja......roa ; The case for reparations / P.J. Patterson ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ce. Provides information across all age groups f...
-'s diet Body for life diet Body......n diet Central European and Russian di......sorders Eating for life Fiber Fit for life diet 5-fa......ivity Northern European diet Nutrigeno......iet Trans fats Traveler's diarrhea T......Wilson disease Women's nutrition Zinc Zone diet.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ce. Provides information across all age groups f...
-'s diet Body for Life diet Body......n diet Central European and Russian di......ise Austin Fit forever Detoxifica......sorders Eating for Life Echinacea......Phen Fiber Fit for Life diet Flax......iacin Northern European diet Nutrigeno......iet Trans fats Traveler's diarrhea T......eight Watchers Women's nutrition Yersinia Zinc Zon...
National Diet Library
- Contents...n marriage and women's romantic fri......riminal code reform (1969) Cape T......ahua sexuality Fortune and men's ...... in Africa Gay European Tourism Associ......Sahara Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-......Lesbian lands, women's lands, and s...... Madchen in uniform (1931; Us (PLU) Performance artists Southern Comfort Conference Sp......merica Sports, Women in, Africa Sto......s/transsexuals Travel/travelogues on the Middle East Trave...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ministrative reforms in Korea ; T......u hollandois ; Travels of some Dutch......pan, Korea and Formosa . Carpenter's world travels A description......ay and Cipango forty years ago . ......sia . Virtuous women A concise hist......s and villages Travels of the Russia......he Nevius plan for mission work, A directory for the navigation......stern seas . A traveller's notes Bib......e in Corea . A forbidden Land The......ames with dice Travels in the Far Ea......rea History of European botanical grammatical forms Dreiunddreis...... Korea's fight for freedom ; The ...... Isabella Bird Travels of a naturalist in Japan and...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...panish sources for the history of......ernative basis for rural developm......ons of Siam by travellers from the L......ved techniques for analysing Thai......sed definition for the middle Mek......ring the 1930s Forced as a source for Thai history -......iland The case for the Northern T...... on the eve of European colonisation o......orary Buddhist women in Thailand Relationships bet...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...entury British women poets Walt Whi......tory writers before 1880 American......ntieth-century European cultural theor......-1945 American travel writers, 1776-......rose writers before 1867 Writers on women's rights and U......0-1925 British travel writers Canadi......erican writers for children before 1900 Eighteen...... radical and reform writers Twent......erican writers for children, 1900......ers from the Reformation to Decad......olume American women prose writers,......rica British reform writers Thoma......entury Eastern European writers Afro-A......ican writers before the Harlem re......erican writers for children since 1960 : fiction...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ocial policies for old age : a re......cial provision for old age in Gre......s : mobilities for the twenty-fir......ories of the information society ......y of knowledge Women's two roles : ......: middle-class formation in conte......d mobilities : travel in technologic......rmany The need for certainty : a ......ations : a new form monopolist or...... criminology : for a social theor...... : a framework for political inqu......of the service for the deprived c......rades The west European city : a geogr......its elementary forms The Gender transformations Colour ......f revolution Informality : social theory and con...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...account of his travels through the c......ances, men and women, and dramatis ......dsor ; Measure for measure Five p......s Mr. Facey Romford's hounds The ...... hazard of new fortunes : a novel......, Esq. Can you forgive her? The R......e Old Arcadia) Travels with a donkey......, and selected travel writings so stories, for little childre......n the struggle for life Causeries......han comedies Before the storm : a......essions The misfortunes of Elphin......nterpreted The Forsyte saga Table......Romance of the forest The white d......-case ; A cure for a cuckold Resu......dan Gulliver's travels The Peace of the Augustans :...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editors of "Travel writing in Dutch and German, ...
- Related MaterialFrench travel writing in the......nd mobility in travel writing Visual......entury British travel accounts Women, travel writing, and truth Travel writing in Dut......lity, mobility Travel and ethics : t......taly : British travel writing from H......Norman Douglas Travel narratives in ......ion of culture Travel writing and at......ssian-American travel writing Travel writing, form and empire : ......cs of mobility Travel writing, form, and empire :......mporalities in European travel writing Travelling servants fiction and travel writing 1750-1850 Travel, travel writing, and B...... "instructions for travellers," circa 1750-1850
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... changed: East European Monographs
- Related Material...t Fateful transformations : the F......lution and war for independence Contexts for Conrad Fakers ......iscovering the women of Romanian sh...... the ideals of women is the strengt...... of the Polish Women's Alliance of ...... and the quest for Macedonia, 187...... Conrad : East European, Polish and wo......say : American women writers of Pol...... (1862-1953) : former minister of......e : rural transformation in Hunga......n East Central European experience wit......y East-central European traumas and a ......d the struggle for reform, 1916-1941 Th......y cold war era Women, the bureaucra......Austrian armed forces, 1814-1918 The stars too f...
- Alternative TitleEast European monograph Series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...レクトノベルズ A time for everything Mac......lyn Tales of a travellers Stevenson'......y of England before the restorati......ida Tales of a traveller Student's H......en's "lectures for aspiranis" The European crisis Macaula......ife by men and women of yesterday and to-day セルフカル...