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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Plant Factory: An Indoor Vertical Faming System of Eff......ation of plant factory (PF) practices...... food security and environmental sustainability. Now in its second edi...... fully revised and updated to include the latest advances in PF technologies. Edited and authored by leading experts in PF and controlled env......ook is divided into four section......on 1: Overview and Concept of Clo......ics of Physics and PHysiology - Environments and Their Effects;......, Cultivation, and Management; and Section 4: Plant Factories in Operation.--COVER.
- ContentsPt. 1. Overview and concept of clo...... system (CPPS) Introduction Role of the plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL) in urban areas PFAL business and R&D in Asia and North America : Status and perspectives Vertical faming in Europe : Present status and outlook Plant factory as a resource-...... system Micro- and mini-PFALs for improving the quality of life in urban areas Ro......uction systems in urban areas Pt......ics of physics and physiology Environments and their effects ......ents for plant-factory artificial lighting Physical envi......mental factors and their properti......Photosynthesis and respiration Growth, developme...
- Subject HeadingArtificial light gardening. Sustainable agricultur...... crops--Harvesting. Crops--Technological innovations.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction : th......gest migration in human history ......ho built urban China Passport to purgatory : fixing the Hukou system Farm versus factory : the battle over land The construction orgy : paving the fields Ghost towns in the desert : how China builds its cit......wallets : what china's new urbanites will and won't buy Conc......usion : civilizing the cities.
- Subject HeadingUrban-rural migration--China. Rural-urban m......ocial aspects--China. Rural-urban m......nomic aspects--China. Urbanization--China.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAgriculture -- China. China -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1949. China -- Industries.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAgriculture -- China. China -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1949. China -- Industries.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic and social aspects Russia since Stalin: old trends and new problems F......onal migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......tions to crime and violence Partn......for progress : international tec......l co-operation China social and economic condi......ons The second Industrial Revolution and its significan......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ution by the aging The cost of living Immigration and American publi......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of Americ...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989:Compiled by Vanc...
- Related Material... symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation......rane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics Advances in the understanding and treatment of disease : clinical and biological insights The role......]-labeled proteins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of ......ted facilities in the eastern Un......ted States Myelination and dysmyelination A French engineering realization :......Rhone river basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses of nu......ecent advances in odor : theory, measurement, a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNorth Manchuria and the Chinese Eastern Railway Factory workers in Tangku The accounting system of native banks in Peking and Tientsin Étude sur le m......o 1945 The Kuomintang : a sociol......demoralization China Wholesale prices and price index numbers in north China, 1913-1929 Land utilization in China : statistics T......otton textiles in Kuomintang China, 1927-1937 Japanese investment in Manchurian manufacturing, mining, transportation, and communications...... 1931-1945 Terminal marketing of Tientsin cotton . An an......ounts of the Principal Chinese Banks, 1932......33, 1934 Bulletins of the of the standard of living of working famil...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialChina, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture, and social habits,......pire A view of China, for philologi......urposes : containing a sketch of Chinese chronology,......ho study the Chinese language China and the Chinese : their rel......cter, customs, and manufactures : the evils arising from the, political, and commercial intercourse with the country China : political, commercial, and social : in an official re......ate Emperor of China : with memoirs......he court of Peking : including a sketch of the principal events in the history of the Chinese empire during the last fifty years The old...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. ......dicalism Crime in its relations ......ties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ra......l constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of I...... of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a development Intermarriage in New York City ...... Congressional investigations : ......udy of the origin and development of......of Congress to investigate and punish for con......Prison methods in New York State...... of the theory and practice of correctional institutions in New York State T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)The series was formerly known as "Studies in history, economics and public law"
- Related MaterialFarmers and workers in American politics Privileges and immunities of ...... United States India's demand for transporta......ilway monopoly and rate regulatio......tier town-planting in New England colonial devel......1660 Valuation and rate-making : the conflicting theories of the Wisconsin Railroad Commi...... on the uncertainty of the Unite......urt decisions, and a concluding chapter on th......of a revised principle of utilit......owth Sociology and education : an......ies of Spencer and Ward Sieyes: his life and his nationalis...... Social reform and the reformatio......n of creditors and shareholders The working forc...
- Alternative TitleColumbia University studies in the social science Columbia studies in the social sciences
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAgainst the grain : a deep histo......te change Planning democracy : agrarian intellectuals and the intended New Deal......e art of not being governed : an...... history of upland Southeast Asia Managing the mountains : land use planning, the New Deal, and the creation of a federal landscape in Appalachia Land reform in Russia : institutional design and behavioral res......elve seconds : industrialized slaughter and the politics o......ork at the cutting edge The bana......history of marginal peoples and global markets in Borneo Forests and peasant politics in modern France Famine politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union Nongover...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInside the revolu...... everyday life in socialist Cuba Chinese working-class lives : getting by in Taiwan Cities, classes, and the social ord...... Brokered homeland : Japanese Bra......ilian migrants in Japan The futu...... us all : race and neighborhood politics in New York City Wanderings : Sudanese migrants and exiles in North America Uneasy endings : daily life in an American nursing home The soli......the revolution and beyond Accommo......ikh immigrants in an American hi......aeli emigrants in New York Blood, sweat, and mahjong : family and enterprise in an overseas Chinese community Farm work and fieldwork : American...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGlobalization and the South Globalization and labour in China and India : impacts and responses Sanc......craft : theory and practice Trans......nal governance and South American......eader Religion and the politics o......emocratization in the Third Worl......concrete cases in comparative and theoretical pe......tates, markets and regimes in global finance The politics of IMF lending Legislative drafting for market re......e lessons from China The politics o......e extraction : indigenous peoples, multinational corporations, and the state China and the mortgaging of America : economic interdependence and domestic politics Economic po...
- Alternative TitleMacmillan international political economy series International political economy ...
- Alternative TitleMacmillan international political economy series International political economy ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editor of "Pawned states : state building in the era of international finance": Joel Mokyr
- Related MaterialThe vanishing Irish : house......ds, migration, and the rural economy in Ireland, 1850-1914 Why......opean economy since 1945 : coordinated capitalism and beyond Dark lending and banking in France Feeding the world : a......800-2000 War, wine, and taxes : the po......689-1900 Power and plenty : trade, war, and the world economy in the second : surnames and the history of......arkets, power, and backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800 Creating wine : the emergence of a world industry, 1840-19...... Quarter notes and bank notes : t......ic composition in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries The Roma...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSpain : resources, industries, trade and public finance Coal in Europe Export trade in rubber footwear 1925 International trade in clocks and watches development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Peru Sources o......foreign credit information Latin American development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Australia Hawa...... its resources and trade Central Boot and shoe industry and trade of New Zealand Asbestos : sources and trade Market f......ral implements and machinery in Australia Trade of British India with the Un......States, Japan, and Germany World markets for cut...
- Author HeadingUnited States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRegulating flood-plain development International lis......serials Locals and cosmopolitans mobility during the transitio......bibliographies and reference works in Russian or on ......cultivatorship in Middle Chile Integration of grazing and crop agricultu......ement problems in the Uncompahgr......nt, North Carolina The demand for transporta......ion : regional and commodity studies in the United Sta......ral migrations in southwestern Asia and northern : diversity and unity in island politics Fresh......ation of costs and benefits Geogr......Union : essays in honor of Chaun...... Neighborhoods and friendship networks : a study...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...story from the income of the Henry Warren Torre...
- Related Material... of prosperity in Austrian Galic...... The reign of King Pym German so......ization of writing in Britain French foreign policy during the administration of Cardinal Fleury 1726-1743 : a study in diplomacy and commercial dev......he Monroe Doctrine, 1823-1826 Sl...... patrols : law and violence in Virginia and the Carolinas Georges Sore......onor : a study in anti-intellectualism T......chleswig-Holstein question Constantinople and the Latins : the foreign policy of Andronicus II, 128......328 Maxime Weygand and civil-military relations in modern France Globalizing sport : national rivalry and international community in th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the...... Front Studies in the economic p......rxist analyses and social anthrop......of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated......sis management in the power industry : an inside story Redefining politics : pe......ple, resources and power Plato to......e from the origins to the empire......uage, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social 1830-1914 : individualism, collectivism and the origins of the welfar...... participation in British industry resources and disequilibrium macrodynamics ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProblems of pattern in Lermontov's verse and prose Kedang :...... of an eastern Indonesian people......ued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial consequences during the period 18......cheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflec......eval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Russ......Ngan : the growing divide in a central Thai......n's literature in the Soviet Uni......n 1917 to 1934 International accounting harmonisation in developed stoc......of measurement and associated dis......sure practices in France, German......Japan, United Kingdom, and the United Sta......y of knowledge and the curriculum : a framework ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......eory of everything Anxiety and neurosis Londo......tions for Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the seventeent......tury Apes, men and language A his......ersion The origins and growth of mode......flict The floating republic : an......ount of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 Mysticism in world religion......e Soviet Union and the Middle government in Britain : everyone's g......glish novel Against our will : men, women, and rape A social literature and society The of John Hawkins : a biography...... his third slaving voyage The destruction of ab...