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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsDynamics of fish stocks in mari...... small pelagic fish Population dyn......cs of demersal fish focusing on wa......fic ecological and life history t......hi Miyashita 著 Fisheries stock ass......rd sustainable fisheries in the eternal ocean Tak...
- Author/Editor (Series Title)editor-in-chief Katsumi Aida series editors Toyoji Kaneko, Hisash...
Reef fish spawning aggregations : biology, research and management (Fish & fisheries series ; v. 35)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... : definitions and challenges / M......lle M. Côté, and John D. Reynol......ations is reef fishes : ecological and evolutionary p...... Choate Timing and location of aggregation and spawning in reef fishes / Patrick L....... spawning reef fishes / William Marion Hamner and John Louis Lar......trick L. Colin Fishery and biological implications of fishing spawning aggregations, and the social and economic impor......of aggregating fishes / Yvonne Sad......y de Mitcheson and Brad Erisman Studying and monitoring agg......e conservation and management of reef fish spawning aggre...... de Mitcheson, and Alfonso Aguilar-Perera Manage...
- Subject HeadingReef fishes--Spawning. Reef fishes--Behavior. Fish populations.
- Title HeadingFish and fisheries series ; 35.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFishery management--Japan. Fisheries--Japan. Fishery management-......apan--History. Fisheries--Environmental aspects--...
- Note (Content)Describing the history and institutional ......res of capture fisheries managemen......on of Japanese fisheries management and includes case ......ty of Japanese fisheries.
- Title HeadingFish and fisheries series ; 34.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Development and growth Smolts and smolting Migra......ons Maturation and spawning Recru......ent, mortality and longevity Clim......tlantic salmon and brown trout Fa......on enhancement and population conclusions and research tasks.
- Related MaterialFish and fisheries series
- Periodical TitleFish and fisheries series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsFisheries economics......08 : economics and sociocultural status and trends series / U.S. Departm......nt of Commerce Fishing communities......06 : economics and sociocultural status and trends series / U.S. Department of Commerce...
- Subject HeadingFisheries--Economic......United States. Fisheries--Social a......United States. Fishers--United States--Social con...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPt. 1 Taxonomy and population gen...... / Manuel Sera and Diego Fontanet......d Mass culture and preservation o......, Hee-Jun Kim, and Helen Marcial ......nt of rotifers and its effect on the growth and survival of fish larvae / Tomon......ring of marine fishes cultivated u...... Stelzer Aging and lifespan in th......r / Gen Kaneko and Tatsuki Yoshin......Terry W. Snell and Helen S. Marci......Hans-U. Dahms, and Jae-Seong Lee.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... Physiology of Fishes represents a......owledge across fish physiology,, evolution, and molecular cell......, biomechanics and locomotion, and behaviour and learning. Each......volume work on fish physiology. Th......ew students of fish biology, marine and freshwater bio......chthyologists, fisheries scientists, and comparative physiologists. " ...
- ContentsChapter 1: Evolution and phylogeny / Terry C.Grande and Mark V.H. Wils...... 2: Locomotion and biomechanics / Emily Standen Chapter 3: G......Jodi L. Rummer and Colin J. Braun......ika J. Eliason and Jonathan A. W.......apter 5: Iono- and osmoregulation...... Dietmar Kultz and Kathleen M.Gil...... Carol bucking and W.gary Anderson Chapter 7......nne E. Todgham and Patricia M. Sc...... / Tommy Norin and Ben Speers-Roe......thur N. Popper and Anthony D. Haw......ectroreception and electrocommuni......5: Aquaculture and fisheries / Hsin-Yiu Chou and Guan-Chung Wu ...... 17: Behaviour and learning / Shaun S. Killen
- Subject HeadingFishes--Physiology Fishes--physiology Poissons--Physiologie Fishes--Physiology.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...? Overview of land-based recircul......aquaculture in fishes Eel anguilla......著 Applications and other consider......aquaculture in fish farms Shusaku ......m Local survey and consideration of land-based facility......shihiro Suzuki and Toshiro Maruya......arcy N. Wilder and Setsuo Nohara ......hikazu Koizumi and Youichi Tsuji ......m Naoyuki Kato and Mutsumi Kawama......oshio Takeuchi and Masato Endo Shusaku Kadowaki and Yuuki Kitadai ......s Local survey and consideration of land-based factory for closed reci...
- Author/Editor (Series Title)editor-in-chief Katsumi Aida series editors Toyoji Kaneko, Hisash...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Freshwater fish are one of the...... of freshwater fish diversity,, challenges and barriers facin...... of freshwater fish biodiversity. ......e number, type and distribution o......ned freshwater fish species, discu...... of freshwater fish biology and ecology that r......why freshwater fish are so sensiti......nmental change and disturbance le......ning processes and potential solu......the key issues and looks to the f...... opportunities and challenges for......e conservation and management of freshwater fish. Leaders in th...... of freshwater fish diversity, syn...... opportunities and challenges to conservation; I...
- ContentsLost fishes, who is coun...... to freshwater fish biodiversity /......m R.T. Darwall and Jörg Freyhof ......are freshwater fish so threatened?......m R.T. Darwall and Stephen R. Bal...... on freshwater fishes, conservation and management /, Ari Huusko and Miska Luoto Challenges and opportunities for fish conservation i......niel L. Scholz and Jenifer K. McI...... on freshwater fish : a review and meta-analysis D. Matthaei and Katharina Lang......ctious disease and the conservati...... of freshwater fish / Martin Krkosek and Robert Poulin Non-indigenous fishes and their role in freshwater fish imperilment / M. Jake Vander ...
- Subject HeadingFreshwater fishes--Conservation.
National Diet Library
- ContentsMarshall Islands Facts The Challenge Reforms and Rethinking Fisheries Developme......cing of Inputs and Relying on Development and Resistance and Challenges Enh......e. Marshall Islands Fisheries: Before and After The Sust......g, Adaptation, and Time Understanding the Context The Role of Ex...
- Subject HeadingFishery management -- Marshall Islands -- Case studies.
- Note (General)...he-Pacific/RMI-Fishing-Development.pdf.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...erspectives of fisheries Christensen and Malcolm Tull U...... Madras marine fisheries : legacies of the fish curing yards /......s, Bob Pokrant and John McGuire T......story of shark fishing in of the past and current distri......shrimp farming and the growth of ......rant Evolution and development of...... offshore tuna fishery / Ta-Yuan C......ndustrial tuna fishing in the Pacific Islands / Kate Barcla......SW steam trawl fishery on the sout......ploiting green and hawksbill turt...... marine turtle fishery / Brooke Ha......tal history of fish and fishing in the Sout......rn Australia / Andrea Gaynor Shark Bay snapper :...
- Subject HeadingFisheries--Indo-Pac......acific Region. Fisheries. Marine biodiversity con...
- Related MaterialMARE publication series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSustainable fisheries.
National Diet Library
- Contents... reefs play in fisheries managemen......fs as unifying and energizing fac......uture research and management of fisheries and ecosystems / W...... juvenile reef fish abundance in fishery management ......enecks in reef fish productivity w......pplication for fisheries enhanceme......t, management, and conservation /......ri L. Lavalli, and Dor Edelist A ......icial reefs in fisheries managemen......nhancement of sandfish, Arctoscopus j......cial reefs for fisheries managemen......himada Brotto, and Ilana Rosental......y to introduce fishermen to sustai......icial reefs in fisheries managemen......iterranean sea fisheries / Gianna Fabi and Alessa...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsPrologue: why study seafood? Fish as food: health and danger The env......ory of the sea and seafood Traged......sury: managing fisheries Industria......ation, markets and globalization Fish transformers: ...... our appetites and tastes Seafood......ethics: eating and entertainment ......ipt: preparing and eating seafood.
- Subject HeadingFish as food. Seafood--Health aspects. Environmental protection--Moral and ethical aspects.
- Title HeadingRoutledge series for creative teaching and learning in anthropology.
National Diet Library
- Toc / Article...ーpositive rods and cocci/ 15 D. A......ーpositive rods and cocci/ 49 4 Ch......ーpositive rods and cocci/ 126 D. ......ーpositive rods and cocci/ 199 8. ......ーpositive rods and cocci/ 244 D. ......ontrol A. Wild fish stocks/ 281 B. Farmed fish/ 282 11. Conclusions/ 333 Bib...
- Subject Heading魚 (地理区分) 感染症. 細菌. 養魚. Bacterial diseases in fishes.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingFishery management. Marine fishes--Ecology. Fisheries--Environmental aspects. Fisheries--Social a......s. Sustainable fisheries.
- Note (General)...namics Program and other bodies.
- Related MaterialFish and aquatic resources series
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- ContentsLandscape developme......t swamp forest and their role in ......annel profiles and hydrodynamics of streams and lake at the Lo......Organic matter and heavy metal co......... [et al.] Stand characteristic......ic composition and structure of r...... : germination and nutrients comp......n of the seeds and fruits of seve......ning potential and constraints of....... ... [et al.] Fish fauna of Loaga......L., A.K. Sayok and E. Efransjah Riverine fishery in Loagan B......tatus, threats and management str......L., G.T. Noweg and A.K. Sayok -- ......., K.P. Dennis and K.A.A. Rahim T......unut / Das, I. and K.A. Jensen Quantifying diver...
- Subject Heading...rawak) Forests and forestry -- Malaysia -- Taman...
- Note (General)...f Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, U...