Search results 1,596
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The coronavirus (C......disruptions to the economy and business activities. The COVID-19 crisi......ecific sectors of the economy, primarily rel...... that suffered the most. On the other hand, it has highlighted the great flexibility of the activities of entrepreneurs in their attempts to fight the crisis. The role of government has......sis to contain the epidemic and affected by the crisis. Numero......nd workers. At the same time, fin......s were made at the international level; the effect of this was the mobilization of huge funds tha......ded to support the functioning of enterprises. T......ises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the econ...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in international business and the world economy
- Periodical TitleRoutledge studies in international business and the world economy
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book is about how the rise of democracy has ......economics over the past 150 expanded to the masses in the late 19th Cent...... prosperity to their newly enfran......s. This led to the rise of the guardian state......als now became the prime directiv......t a failure on the international ......ons, so be it. The book traces the history of international ......od to show how the guardian state...... it has shaped the course of international ......elations. Each of the most important......ght to protect the prosperity within their national economies. The historical nar......y demonstrates the advantages of an interdiscipl...
- Subject Heading... policy State, The Democracy--Eco......inance. State, The.
- Related MaterialRoutledge frontiers of political economy
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIndustrial productivity. Globalization -- Economic aspects. Investme...
- Title HeadingGlobalization of the world economy ; 20. Elgar reference collect...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."In Interconnected Worlds, Henry Wai-Chung Yeung offers a theory-driven analysis of electronics gl......etworks during the 2010s, in order to develop the idea of global product......nterdependent "worlds" of production (e.......ied to explain these dynamics in the global electronics industry"-...
- ContentsWorlds of electronics : ......n networks : a theory of interconnected worlds Geographical configurations of global dynamics Whither (de)globalize...... production in the 2020s? : current trajectories...
- Subject Heading...ies--East Asia Globalization--Economic aspects--East Asia ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc...., arguing that the implosion of Pax Americana ......s initiated by the process of globalization, preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union b......arly a decade. The era of Pax Americana, conditions. There is a stark c......ntrast between the present epoch and the postwar era of American hegem......1979) in which the US, at least outside of the Soviet sphere of influence, largely managed the international economy and reigned ov......rawing on both theoretical and em......ook shows that the era of globalization unleashed forc......ich broke down the status quo of American hegem......hes that since the Iranian Revolution (1979), US...
- ContentsIntroduction: the American world order is passe...... to perdition: the American debac......nistan Specter of globalization: the rise and fall of the Pax Americana Globalization of oil: cartel, cult of monopoly, and synthetic competition The origin and fabric of globalization Globalization: identity, fal......negative price of oil COVID's bi...... post-pandemic world Conclusion: the rise and the fall of American power
- Related MaterialRoutledge frontiers of political economy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....fully analyzes the last six crises of the global economy. It evidences that the crises are the most important...... to understand their causes and development. The book coherentl......s a thoughtful theoretical analysis of crisis theory with a profound empirical analysis of their stubborn occ......l be convinced of the relevance of the global economy as the righteous unit of economic analysis despite the dominance of the national econo......a Izquierdo, Professor of Political Economy and Head of the Department of Economics, Uni...... book is about the crises of the world economy that have occurred from the 1970s to the present day. It ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Origins of Globalization: For better or......n recent times the rapid growth of international ......d this process of globalisation ......den argue that the networks of trade established after the voyages of Columbus and Da Gama of the late fifteenth......s inaugurating the first era of globalisation. The global flows of ships, people,......bstantial, and the realignment of production and......resulting from these connections ...... formation and the long-term econ......owth prospects of the societies involved in the newly created global economy. Whether early region; but the world economy as we now know ...
- Contents...e Consequences of conquest in La......ica Africa and the slave trades E...... in South Asia The "age of commerce" in Southeast Asia East Asia and the limits of globalization Europe and the spoils of globalization Conclusion.
- Subject HeadingGlobalization--Economic aspects--History. E...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...a and Japan in the global economy / Tomoo Kikuch......akuragawa Will the 21st century b...... / Sahoko Kaji The Chinese economy and the Sino-Japanese ......ment in Asia : the quality of infrastructure and the project implem......mura Advancing the ASEAN economic community : the role of China and Japa......ationalisation of the yen in Asia : ......autionary tale of market power a......olicy : beyond the geoeconomics of renminbi internationalisation...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingGlobalization -- Economic aspects. Internat...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingExports. Free trade. Commercial policy. Economic development. Globalization--Economic aspects.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...nomic aspects. Globalization -- Economic aspects. Economic...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingGlobalization--Economic aspects. Capitalism...
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies in the modern world economy ; 139.
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...c integration. Globalization -- Economic as......ation. Balance of payments. International finan...
- Note (General)A collection of articles selected from variou...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....orous analysis of some of the major episodes......pirically, how globalization played a cruci......w a globalized economy can take advantage of international ......inks, while at the same time navi......te shocks like the 2008 global fi....... It discusses the collapse of the Soviet Union and the massive wave of high skill imm......hich followed; the Great Moderati......luctuations in the advanced economies, and the convergence of Israel's inflation to the low world inflation rates; the 2008 Global Fi......ial Crisis and the surprising performance of the Israeli economy; the rise of the Asian markets, recently o...
- Contents...ll and retreat of high inflation......ome inequality Globalization, disinflation,......ect investment The "great moderat......s disinflation The 2008 global cr......sis and Israel-economy resilience Isr......uisition Costs of occupation Early literature I...
- Subject HeadingGlobalization--Economic aspects--Israel. Gl...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEnvironmental economics. Globalization. International economic relat...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ional division of labor. Strateg......ces (Business) Globalization -- Economic aspects. Small bu...
- Note (General)A selection of articles from various sources...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Globalisation of advertising : an overview of trends and iss......dvertising and the new world of "viral" advert......dvertising and the politics of consumption / ......ot an island : the symbiotic connection of the UK and global ...... industry / Matthew Hook Advertis......stern Europe : the influence of digital media ......e : case study of advertising ma......Advertising in the Middle East & ......advertising in the context of globalisation ...... a globalising world / Julie Bilby ......dvertising and the world / Jackie Dicke......munication and the future of globalisation & advertising /...
- Subject HeadingAdvertising. Internet advertising. Globalization--Social aspects. Culture and globalization.
- Title HeadingRoutledge studies in international business and the world economy ; 66.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....linary account of how the disintegrated, subsistence economy circa 1800 has......edented levels of material produ......ntal studies), the analysis tracks the ways in which conceptions of race, gender, ......nd vice versa. These changes have...... many possible worlds from an indiv......spective. Yet, the scale and pace of change has challenges. The narrative consists of 30 chapters or......nto 10 subsets of 3: one chapter......d crosscutting theme. Major regio......and developing world scholarship. S......ted throughout the book. The last chapter contains over-ar...
- Contents... Understanding the Anthropocene.-...... 4: "Political Economy": The making of a North/South planet Chapter ...