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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book explores the gap in knowled...... exists around the social of Canadian university boards, despite them playing a sig......ficant role in the bicameral mode......e insight into the structures, pr......hich determine the work of Canadian university boards and their role in the strategic mana......mbers perceive the board's relation to university policy, accoun......her education. The authors draw on and synthesis the work of Jones as others to provide a......overnance over the last century, with the addition of a ......ontribution to the field which paves the way for future and much neede...
- ContentsIntroduction : governing boards as a part of university governance The social foundat......tion Exploring university power structures Studying university governance in ......d structure of university governing boards Composition of university governing boards with an......embers Work of university governing boards The impact of board governance Ch...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....tic universes (the MCU and DCEU) have dominated the last two decad......ecords. Where other scholars have......Secker examine these films' produ......tionships with the American Depar......e (DOD), NASA, the Science and En......e (SEEX), and other government ag......ithdrawn from) their creation and......nment complex, they argue, uses propaganda: the state does not......erate or force the creation of these movies, but ...... portrayals of the state differ f......n values," but their methods are similar and their efforts can ......cies invest in the production of ......ero films, how their support-or lack thereof-inf...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, research on the purpose and fu......versities from the perspective of...... two sections, the book starts ou......examination of the concept of uni......s. It explores the differences be...... universities, the history and nature of university governance, the role of, and the problem of dom......ement context. The second section looks at the faculty, the students, and the role of spirituality in the university and research. ...... examines such themes as the nature of facu......f researchers. The book calls on the expertise from both the fields of busi......nal ethics and university management and leadership. It...
- ContentsSection 1: Introduction to the Concept of Universities The Historic and the Contemporary University: Myth and Real......y Greg Shailer The Idea of a University: Experiences from the Field by Susan......hout Breaking: The Role of Higher......fer L Kisamore The History and Nature of University Governance, Le......eborah C. Poff The Problem of Dom......Subjugation in the Context of Doi...... Management in University Settings by Sc...... Leadership as the Backbone of University Social Respons......nted Values as the Bedrock of University Social Respons......ene Section 2: The Faculty, the Students, the Role of Spirituality in the U...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....s, to show how they have challeng......and respond to them, and to reveal empirical fin...
- Contents... under China's university governance sys...... and trends of university governance str......sive reform of university governance system : the paradigm of Tongji University / Yan Wang, Ru...... under China's university governance sys......ntrepreneurial university : the case of Zhejiang University / Wei Yao, Mos......ucation - Nova University experience : i......o Rendas, Nova University Lisbon, Portug......of Chinese and the EU universitie......tate control : the case of the University of Ljubljana /......within diverse university structures : the case of Charles University / Tomas Zima Strategic university governance : more than playin...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....fy and explore the dynamics of global forces on the development of......ted reforms on university governance and management in the region. It inc......e responded to the dominant ideology at the systemic, inst......rocess levels. The focus is on the relationship between the state and the universities w......y reflected in the degree of auto......cation system. The selected examines the establishment ......niversities in the country focusing on (i) the Acts, reports ......ove as well as the rationales behind the move; (ii) the changes in the governance and......l structure of the universities, highlighting th...
- Contents...a? World-class university construction a......tials National university reforms introduced by the Japanese government : university autonomy under......o universities University governance Singapore : the case of the Singapore inst...... of management university (UNISIM) Gover......n : reforms of university governance and management in ...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....thority places the American state......aratus back in the foreground to rethink the development of the country's government in the context of its......e of equality. The book argues that the tensions betwe......r equality and the simultaneous accompanied the rise of calibrating the relationship between the interior and the exterior of the nation, moving......ipation inside the national commu......tinue to belie the historical pro......e of equality. The authors draw o......been accepted. They conclude that the legitimization crises of the present must be comprehended ...
- Contents... democracy and the Fordist Maintaining the promise in the era of globalization Rethinki...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)... over those of the community in d......tation. We hypothesized that comm......which involves the community at e......tudy addressed the first step of ......officials, and university researchers. The CAB conducted ......ts to identify the community’s he...... andstrengths. These group discus......analyzed using thematic analysis, and the results were u...... households in the community to o......ealth program. The CAB then designed a program using the overall study ......nts identified the following heal...... households in the community, que......were ranked as the most important......aboration with the community health office were ...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)共同刊行: Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ven in 2014 by the author during the Tanner Lecture......d at Princeton University, followed by f......t scholars and the author's response to the commentators. ......rson questions the authoritarian ......ced to give to their employers in order to remai...
- Contents...reface 1. When the market was "le...... Learning from the Levellers? / Ann Hughes ; 4. ...
- Related MaterialThe University Center for Human Values serie...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...vivors' rights The politics of he......blood products The North Korean Conclusion: The politics of redress.
- Title HeadingStudies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University.
National Diet Library
- Summary, as it is in the wider world were run by their academic com......taken root, as university research has b......onomies and as the demand for more accountabilit...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University
National Diet Library
- Note (General)共同刊行: Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / Article...ue Overview of the Kofun Period P......naka Kofun and the Tombs of Kawac...... Searching for the Five Kings of ......rchaeology and the Era of the Five Kings of ......Kirii Riki (2) The Excavation of ......suo ◆ Column 1 The Historical Significance of the Excavation of ......itary Power as the Core of Politi...... New tools and the age of major l......d Ueda Naoya 4 The Formation and Development of the Furuichi Kofun......(1) Prelude to the Furuichi Kofun......ama Kofun, and their satellite to...... East Asia and the Furuichi-Mozu ......g Nonaka Kofun The Establishment of the Furuichi Kofun......kunaga Shin’ya The Mass Burial of Armor at Nonak...
- Author introduction...Letters, Osaka University assistant prof......Letters, Osaka University graduate Stude......Letters, Osaka University
- Related MaterialOsaka University humanities and social science...
National Diet Library
- ContentsOn Guelfs and Ghibellines On the government of a city On the tyrant Appendix I: The preface to Bar......e autonomy and the universality of the Roman Empire Appendix III: The 'city, emperor unto itself.'
- Title HeadingWorks. Selections. English Cambridge texts in the history of political thought
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tory of Temple University Japan and how it has develope...
- Contents...III. Where Did the Money Go? Development The Higashi Partne...... of TUJ TUJ at the End of 1986 V.......lations TUJ at the End of 1989 VI......ationship with the Ministry of Ed......Deciding about the Future of TUJ ......okyo 1996-2001 The Academic Progr......upport Foreign University, Japan Campus ......g a New Campus The Temple Educati...... Showa Women's University XIII. Developi......ademic Quality The Undergraduate ......ionships with Other Universities ......COVID 3.11.11: The Sensation of a......t, Sharp Shock The COVID-19 Pande......s XV. Building the Temple University Japan-Showa Women's University (SWU) Relationship Chancellor...
- Subject HeadingTemple University. Japan Campus-......History Temple University. Japan Campus--Administration...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book brings together English trans......and educators. These papers inves...... dimensions of the legacy of Chinas historic The Christian Univ...... China even in the twenty-first c......s Education in the Chinese contex......n developed in the West, their Liberal Arts......on readings in the classics, hist......hinese values. The Christian Univ......hat focused on the whole person, ......qually valued. The book presents ......acteristics of the study of Chris......n in China and the interplay between globalizati...
- Contents...ors Chapter 1. The Historical Des...... Evidence from the Writings of Mi...... T.C. Chao and the School of Reli......on at Yenching University Chapter 3. Chen Yuan and the Modern Transfo......on Religion in the first half of the 20th century C......Reflections on the Case of Wu Yif......acteristics of the Study of Chris......ina Chapter 5. The Rocks from Other Mountains may......ies Chapter 6. The Department of ......chow Christian University during the Republican era Chapter 7. The Liberal Arts at Yenching University, As We Know Them Chapter 8. Fukien Christian University and South China Womens University as Examples of the Theory-bas...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Covering the period from the Meiji Restoration to the Abe administra......hat has driven the development of...... and what role the government and......have played in the policy development"--
- Contents...alth care with the United States care in the globalization era