Search results 10
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLabor supply -- Turkey. Turkey -- Economic policy.
- Author HeadingRobinson, Richard D, 1921-
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLabor supply -- Turkey Turkey -- Economic policy
- Subject Heading (ID)Labor supply -- Turkey Turkey -- Economic policy
- Author HeadingRobinson, Richard D.
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- Subject HeadingBrain drain -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Subject Heading (ID)Brain drain -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Note (General)"Published in cooperation wi......World Affairs" Includes bibliogr......references and index
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- Related MaterialThe performance of industrial development corporations :......Jamaica Agribusiness in Latin America The St......on of the 1966 input-output table Turkish economic, social, and p......l change : the development of a more pros......duction, marketing, and consumpt......copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international res......f trade unions in the development process : with......oviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture planning for the multinational corporation Managing foreign investment in southern Italy : U.S. business in developing areas of the EEC Economic an...
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCodetermination in the German steel industry : a repo......ollective bargaining : a survey of......r case studies High-level manpower in overseas subsi......s : experience in Brasil and Mex......s : experience in four firms Transmitting information throu......o case studies Manpower perspective of......ent procedures in the determination of industrial High-talent manpower for science and industry : an app......ce for mothers in an urban labor......ollective bargaining : experience in seven industries Group health insurance and sic...... benefit plans in collective bargaining Public assist...... supply of low-income female heads of household...
- Alternative TitleResearch report series / Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
- Alternative TitleResearch report series / Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
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- Related MaterialThe problem of diglossia in Arabic : a com......onor : negotiating female "public" space in Islamic/ate societies The industrialization......perty and land in the Middle Eas......Bosnia-Herzegovina : their historic development from the Middl......slavia Syria : development and monetary p......sraeli Kibbutz High-level manpower in economic development : the Turkish ......ons to Arabic linguistics Charle......itor The Palestinian peasant eco...... colonial bungling Communal dialects in Baghdad The se......hal legitimacy in al-Andalus Ottoman Egypt in the age of the......sophy : essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi Mystics, monarchs an...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...: politics and development Brazil : politics in a patrimonial and methods in German and Ame......udy The crisis in historical mat......s, and culture in Marxist theory...... for policy making Urban development in the Third World : internal dynamics......akistan Brazil in transition The......volution of an influence relatio......ip New methods in social science......y transfer and international law......erseas Private Investment Corpor......tion : a study in political risk......The Food retailing industry : market......ssroots organizing Development of moral reasoning : practical a......ics and change in Spain Women, religion, and de...
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- Related MaterialAn Integrated approa......s for national development : report of a regional seminar Studies on c......ulation change in Asia : comparative findings : proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Consequen......ulation Change in Asia, Chiang M......d urbanization in Asia and the Pacific : interrelationships with socio-economic development and evolving policy issues......-Conference Seminar, Fourth Asia......tive methods China : knowledge a......ts family planning workers about......ts family planning workers about......ds Regional Seminar on Evaluatio......Strategies for Integrated Family Planning Programmes wi......l Reference to Increased Involvement of Local I...
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- Note (General)"Began with no. 1 in 1959"--Pedioricals' LC-MARC (...
- Related experiments in marine biological sy......matology : A joint undertaking by the International Ato......trometer surveying Status of and......d reactors Costing methods for nuclear desalination Technique......ent of low and intermediate power plant instrumentation a......estructive examination of water ......e waste processing Methods for the minimization of ra......e from decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear facilities Training courses on surveys in uranium explor......nce and trends in spent nuclear ...... management Training in radiological p...... analysis held in Vienna, 4-8 December 1972 Ste...
- Alternative Title...eports series (International Atomic Energy Agen...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... "Panel proceedings series (ISSN=00741876)" als...
- Related Material12th Congress of the International Rad......2) : strengthening radiation pro......ctors : proceedings of the second International held by the International Ato...... Energy Agency in Helsinki, 15-19 June,......quid-metal working fluids Fissil......egies for sustainable nuclear energy : proceedings of an IAEA technical meeting on fissile ma......egies for sustainable nuclear energy, held in Vienna, 12–15 ......r 2005 Neutron inelastic scattering 1977 : proceedings of a symposium on neutron inelastic scattering Plasma physic......earch : proceedings of the third International Con......h, held by the International Atomic Energy Agen...
- Alternative TitleIAEA Proceedings series International Ato......Agency. Proceedings series Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agen...