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National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Consuming the periodical tex......t, Hazlitt and the anxiety of Cockneyism Domesticating the flâneur : Cole...... De Quincy and the forms of metropolitanism The Great Wen and the Rural Gothic U...... and Egan, and the act of charity Lamb, theatricality and the fool Conclusion.
- Subject Heading...834. -- Essays of Elia. London magazine (London, 1820-29) Britain -- History -- 19th century. Essays. Tijd...
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 5.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This edited collection of essays draws together new research scholars to offer a new metho...... framework for the history of reading. A growing field, history of reading brings together literature, history, sociology, ed......s, and law. On the one hand, scho......ave approached the subject empiri......l moment and gathering detailed s......e and time. On the other, scholars have approached the subject theoretically, foc......nditioned by a theoretical-and often largely ahi......his edition synthesizes divergent...... to reconsider the history of reading, the ways we make c......aders and what they do with texts.
- Subject HeadingBooks and reading -- History. Lesen. USA. Gro (0xC7) brita...
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 6.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....interpretation of his working pr......ustrations for the 'Book of Job'. Sung arg......ammer marks to the reverse of the plates point to high levels of repoussage.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //bvbr.bib-bvb...
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 4.
National Diet Library
- Contents...gins Launching the Quaterly revie......torial control The Quarterly review ascendant The transition to ......pendix A. List of articles and indentification of contributors A......y's 1808 lists of prospective contributors.
- Subject HeadingQuarterly review (London, England) English periodicals -- History -- 19th Britain -- History -- 19th century.
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 2.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...e More than a 'book for boys'? Sir......te Darthur and the Victorian girl....../ Katie Garner The manuscript magazines of the Wellpark Free ......caste: mapping the geographies of 'missing' read......ding Reynolds: The mysteries of London as ' experiences of late-Victorian......dramatizations of the novel: the case of Fergus Hume's ......Rooney Reading theatre writing: T.H. Lacy and the sensation drama / Kate Mattac...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory.
- Subject Heading...-19th century. Books and reading--Great Britain--History. Books and reading. Publishers and ...
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 3.
National Diet Library
- ContentsPlotting the success of the Quarterly Revi......blic policy in the Quarterly Revi......on A plurality of voices in the Quarterly Revi...... : classics in the Quarterly Revi......lter Scott and the Quarterly Revi......z John Barrow, the Quarterly Revi......ed : Robert Southey, poetry, poets, and the Quarterly Revi......ratt Robert Southey's contribution to the Quarterly Review / W.A. Speck...
- Subject HeadingQuarterly review (London, England) -- History. The quarterly Britain -- History -- 19th Britain -- History -- 19th Britain -- History -- 19th century. Konservativi...
- Title HeadingHistory of the book (London, England) ; no. 1.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....urvey explores the evolution of graphic design from the 19th century to the present day. exploration of design's prehistory in ancient civ......ations through the Industrial Rev......ow it grew out of the influence of Victorian-age ......ers. He traces the emergence of modernist design styles in the early 20th cen......ury, examining the wartime politicization of regional style......ters chronicle the history of the Bauhaus and the rise of the International Style in the 1950s and '60s, and the postmodern movement of the 1970s and '80s......erations bring the third edition discussions of app design, social media, emo...
- ContentsThe origins of graphic design......g to Bodoni 1. The nineteenth cen......panding field. The Industrial Revolution and the rise of urban mass cul......newspapers and the law ; New design theories ; The popular book and print ; Ma......t advertising: the broadsheet and the poster ; Ninet......illiam Morris. The arts and craft......lmscott Press. The advent of graphic Mucha: Absinthe, the green fairy ; ......nd symbolism ; Théophile Steinle......louse-Lautrec: The United States ......anese prints ; The portrayal of young women ; ......ey Beardsley ; The Beggarstaff Brothers: Art nouveau......, and Germany: the four ; The Glasgow School of ...
- Genre/Form TermsHistory. Illustrated works.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This Handbook triangulates the disciplines of history, legal history, and literatur...... framework for the study of early modern Scholars of early modern E......literature and history have increasin...... understanding of how people in the past thought about and used the law is key to ......ortant aspects of the political revolution and the emergence of capitalism. Ju......ter new habits of literary compo...... new processes of fact-finding a....... In addition, the post-Reformati......onal dominance of the common law produced new ways of drawing the boundaries bet......rians come together in this Handbook to develop ...
- Contents... Idiosyncratic Books and Common Le......on Statutes at the Inns of Court / Margar......cholarship and the Written Word / Rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice / Satire and the Legal Profession in the 1590s : John D......igrammes and Professional Decoru......Winston Emblem Book and Common Law......tionality, and the Legal Profession / Paul R......and Liberty at the Inns of Court / Martin......iterature, and History in Restoration......nforcement and the Local Communit......anging Persona of the Justices and their Quarter Sess......Landau Law and the Evidentiary En......terary Thing : The Imaginary Holding of Isabella...
- Genre/Form TermsCriticism, interpretation, etc. History.
National Diet Library
- ContentsOthers : some reflections on book trade history / John Feather Typography ma......Newspapers and their publishers during the Popish Plot an......John White and the development of print culture in the north east of England, Boswell and the London stationers : the authorial collaboration of James Boswell ......lliam Flexney, bookseller and Samu......ticians, and profit : the printing career of Peter reactions : the effect of the 1798 Rebellion and the 1800 Act of Union on the Irish monthly ......hanna Archbold The printing history of the Peace Egg chapbooks / Eddie Cass The chapbook mummers play : analy...
- Subject HeadingBook industries and trade -- Great Britain -- History -- Congresses.
- Note (General)Papers delivered at the 22nd Print Net...... Conference on the History of the British Book Trade, University of Birmingham, July 2005.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe bookshop of the world : books and their makers as agents of cultural excha......Lotte Hellinga The fortunes and misfortunes of book publishing in ......ilosophiae and the early printing......eghen and Mary of Nemmegen : a h......ccardo Rizza A bookshop for a new age : the inventory of the bookshop of the Louvain bookseller Hieronym......erre Delsaerdt The English book in the seventeenth-ce......lic / Paul G. Hoftijzer Anglo-Du......lishing during the eighty years' and selling the life and death of Lady Jane Grey...... Karel Bostoen The Elzeviers and ......c relations in the first half of the seventeenth century / Pau...
- Subject HeadingBook industries and trade -- Netherlands -- History -- Congresses.......ublishing -- Netherlands -- History -- Congresses. Books -- Netherlands -- History -- Congresses. Book Industry -- history. Boekhandel. Boekwezen. Histó...
- Note (General)"Proceedings of a conference h......9 organized by the Association fo......emish Cultute, The British Librar...... Institute for the History of Medicine"--T.p. verso.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe role of translations a......translators in the production of English incuna......Lydgate's Fall of princes : tran......ranslation and history / A.S.G. style from the Spaniards in s......h translations of the Classics / Fre......s translations of Leonardo Fioravanti : the literary career of a London disti......le Pantin 'For the common good and for the national inter......h translations of navigational mediator in the Low Countries / Paul Hoftijzer 'Newes l...... European news books in English translation / S.K...
- Genre/Form TermsBibliographies. Criticism, interpretation, etc. History.
- Subject Heading... into English--History and criticism ......Great Britain--History--16th century ......Great Britain--History--17th century ......Great Britain--History--To 1500 Book industries and......Great Britain--History Translations--......Great Britain--History Early printed books--Great Britai......Great Britain--History Books and reading--Great Britain--History Languages. Book industries and trade. Books and reading. Early printed books. Incunabula. Language and cu...
National Diet Library
- ContentsA view of the people of the vvhole vvorld:...... short survery of their policies, John Bulwer The sea-atlas or the watter-world, ...... described all the sea coasts of the knowne world. ......marchants and others by Pieter Go......all geography, then yet extant, after the latest discove......and gentlemen, the like not print......d Chamberlayne The zea-atlas of the water-world, shewing al the sea-coats of y known parts of y earth, with ......ll discription of the same. Verie us......asters & mates of shipps, & likw......b Aertsz Colon The young = studen......nd abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in t...
National Diet Library
- ContentsOf the, or Variety of things in the whole world by......ght treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed, concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes by Sig by Giovanni Botero The world drawne according to the … best obserua......angers by anon The cavse of the greatnesse of cities The merchants mappe of commerce, wherein the universal manner and matter of trade is compe......udy newes from the East-Indies A for Holland The humble petitio......d remonstrance of Richard Wylde ......ll description of the world by Denis Petau A co...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Graphic design......ll as a wealth of illustrations ......ary texts from the 1920s to the present day." -- Provided by ...
- ContentsThe graphic design......Atzmon Part 1. History of graphic design......graphic design history. Section 1.1. Industry and the birth of graphic design......980). New kind of printing in founding the Kelmscott Pres......William Morris The Studio: photom......production and the changing status of design / Gerry......ative problems of graphic design history / Victor Margo......Graphic design history edited by Stev......present). Cult of the ugly / Steven ......teve Rigley Is there a canon of graphic design history? / Martha Scotford Good history bad history / Tibor Kalman......rie Jacobs Out of the studio: graphic design hi...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...der's guide to the anthology: pur....... Interpreting the life stories of early modern artists I. The forerunners: life stories of ancient and me......artists. Pliny the Elder's Natural history (First century......5; Translation of De mulieribus ...... c. 1361), and the Life stories of Thamyris,, and Marcia the Roman" -- II. The life stories of early modern w......ovesi (1674). Sofonisba Anguisso...... Notizie de' professori del dise......u, colophon to the handscroll Flowers of the Four Seasons ( San Pedro), Theatro heroino (1......llard, Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain who have been c...
- Related MaterialAn Ashgate book
- Periodical TitleAn Ashgate book
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Manchester and......o Gretna Green The Brighton Road ......ed, sport, and history on the classic highway The Oxford, Glouce......d Haven Road : the ready way to South Wales The Norwich Road :......nglian highway The Holyhead Road : the mail-coach road to Dublin The Dover Road : annals of an ancient turnpike The Portsmouth Roa......ay and in days of old The Cambridge, Ely......'s Lynn Road : the Great Fenland Highway The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford, and : sport and history on an east Anglian Turnpike The Hastings Road and the“Happy springs of Tunbridge" The Great North Road : the old mail road to Scotland Fro...
National Diet Library
- ContentsSymbols of conversion : proprieties of the page in Reform......entury English book illustration /......Like fragments of a shipwreck' :......glish 'how-to' books / Lori Anne F......, topsell, and the purposes of pictures in ea...... histories / Katherine Acheson Ho......pects and maps of London / Simon Turner The theory of the impression acc......ert Hooke / Matthew Hunter 'The common weales ......ker wormes, or the locvsts both of chvrch, and images and the royal favourite in the 1620s / Alastair Bellany The devil's bloodh......ierce Decoding the Leviathan : doing the history of ideas through ......or commercial? The early history of mezzotint in...
- Note (General), University of London, and Sept. 12-13, 2008...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Privacy is a core value of librarianship ......o uphold. This book considers how ...... information professionals can do to protect the privacy of their users. The book features a range of practical examples of such issues, p......narios support the examples laid out in the book, while examples of data breaches ......y setting, and the lessons we can learn from them, are also included. The book also covers the main legislati......nal librarians offering services......o EU citizens. The book provides a range of tools through ......ommunicate how they handle the personal data of their users whilst ensuring that they are following best practice ...
- Contents1. Setting the scene 1.1 Examples of how privacy issues arose in the 19th and 20th ...... to sign out a book 1.1.3 Library ......blishing lists of borrowers with overdue books 1.1.5 Names of people request......erman language books turned over to the authorities 1.......y emigrés use of the British Museum......ry 1.2 Why are the risks to libra......much bigger in the 21st century 1.3 Why is the privacy of library users ......portant? 1.3.1 The chilling Effec...... to hide 1.3.3 The functional relationship of privacy with other values 1.3.4 ......erely an issue of data protection 1.3.5 The different types of privacy 1....
- Subject Heading...Privacy, Right of Data protectio......Privacy, Right of. Protection de l'information ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche