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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ous challenges and opportunities facing the Japanese broadcasting industry. It is the first book in English that explores how Japanese broadcasting, especially commercial broadcasting, fulfills its social mission under the threat of the increased popularity of Internet-based as it reexamines the role and nature of broadcasting. During a series of disasters and the spread of the new coronavirus in Japan, while varied media connected people and supported socio-economic activities, broadcasting continued to be the m......d. However, as Internet media attract increasing attention, the trend in broadcast viewership is downw...
- Contents...ews: A Comparison of Japan, South Korea, and Thailand Local News in the Digital Age: A Consideration of Disaster Reporting Trust in Television and its Relationship with Entertainment Program Pr......rences Television Viewing via the Internet: Time-shift and TVer Internet Simulcast Distribution of Broadcast M......f Actual State and Demand
- Subject HeadingBroadcasting--Japan Broadcasting. Japan.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This handbook showcases how educators and practitioners around the ......pted their routine media pedagog...... the COVID-19 pandemic, which oft......cant social, economic, and cultural hardships. Combining an innovative mix of traditional chapters, au...... case studies, and dialogue within an intercultural framework, the handbook focuses on the future of media education and provides a deeper understanding of the challenges and affordances of media education as we move for....... Topics range from fighting disinformation, how vulnerabl......isadvantages using media, transforming educational T.V. or YouT......iences, supporting students' wellbeing through ...
- Contents...serve children and families from Latine communities in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic / Susana B......ltrán-Grimm, Cindy Beckett and Tarana Khan Intercultural dialogue : inclusive practice / Yonty Friesem Introduction to fighting infodemic / Paul ......lidis Implications of the "infodemic" for ne......iteracy education in the U.S. : how is misinformation like a pandemic? / Jonah S. Rubin Collaborative ......iteracy education in Hong Kong amid the COVID-19 pandemic / Alice Y.......Lee Librarians and information literacy instruction in Morocco, Italy, and France during the pandemic : reflecting on challenges and future opp...
- Subject HeadingWeb-based instruction Internet in education Mass media in education Media literacy COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction / Stephen Cole......ybylska, Yves Sintomer Innovative deliberative devices and the public sphere Connecting micro-deliberation to electoral decision making : institutionalizing the Oregon citizens' initiative review / Katherine R. Knobloch, ......ohn Gastil, Tyrone Reitman Informal deliberation over a highly ......ublicized case in weibo space of China : process, influences and quality / Fan ......isenfranchised and e-deliberation : beyond access / Zhan......eam? : challenging the mission of public service broadcasting in Europe / Kees ......periments Reviving deliberative ......racy : reflections on recent experiments / Jame...
- Subject HeadingElections. Public opinion polls. Democracy. Political participation.
- Author HeadingColeman, Stephen, 1961- Przybylska, Anna, 1973- Sintomer, Yves.
National Diet Library
- ContentsR.1 The Role of Communication Intelligence in Submarine Warfare in the Pacific (J...... of Communication Intelligence in Submarine Warfare in the Pacific. SRH-11 (cont.) R.3 The Role of Radio Intelligence in the American-Japanese Naval War (...... Role of Radio Intelligence in the American-Japanese Naval War. SRH-12 (cont.) R.5 Collection of Japanese Diplomatic ...... of the Combat Intelligence Center, Joint Intelligence Cent......rbor. SRH-27 (cont.) R.7 Reports......with Field Commands in the Southwest ......Pacific Ocean, and China-Burma-India Theaters of Operations. SRH-32 Marsh......r to MacArthur on the Use of ULTRA Intelligence...
- Note (General)Originals held by the Library of U.S. Army Military History Institute
- Alternative TitleA guide to the microfilm edition of Top secret studies on U.S communications intelligence during World War II, part 1. the Pa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This edition of The Bluebook retains the same legal citation established by......ed to make the information easier to access. Some citation forms have been expanded, elaborated upon, or modified from previous editions to reflect the ever-expanding range of authorities used in legal writing and to respond to suggestions from the legal community."--Prefac...
- ContentsIntroduction: Structure of General principles of citation Getting started Bluepages: An Introduction To Basic Legal Citation: Structure of legal citations Typeface for ......ments Subdivisions Short citation forms Quotations Abbreviations, numerals, and symbols Italicization for style and in unique Capitalization Titles of judges Cases Constitutions Statutes, rules, and restatements L......e materials Administrative and executive materials Books and other nonperiodic materi......aterials Court and litigation documents Internet Services......eign materials International materials Bluepages Tables ...
- Subject HeadingCitation of legal autho......tates. Annotations and citations (Law)--United States. Citation of legal autho......atuur. Rechtsbronnen. Citeren. United States. V...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/8342156
- Alternative TitleObservations on Trends of the Party Based on Current Information, 1949/12/27, Korean Situation As Seen from Yamaguchi Pref......Effects of the Intensification of US – Soviet Opposition in Regards to the Repatriation Problem of Japanese PWs Still Remaining in the Soviet Union, 12/23, An Outline of Russian Political Education of Japanese PWs and Observations of Effects of That Education, 11/28, Observations on Public Opinion Concerning a Peace Treat......1/28, Comments on the Foreign Re......ce Treaty with Japan, 11/26, "I was...... by Repatriate in Charge of Anti-Japanese Broadcast, ......cers Still Remaining Are OKADA, YOSHIKO and TAK...
- Alternative Title...OKADA, YOSHIKO and TAKIGUCHI, SHINTARO, Reaction to the Closure......6, They Are Trying to Deceive th...... these Methods in Maizuru, 08/11, Reaction to Dr. Shoup's Recommendations for Reforming Japan's Tax System, 10/01, Reaction to General Mac......of 2 September and Personal Observations, 09/29, Outline of Observations of Conditions in Formosa by a Certain Japanese, 08/30, Mat......ial for Estimating the Chinese Communist Situation by a Returnee from Chinese Communist O......8/30, The Riot in Fukushima Prefecture and the State of Communization of the Repatriates on the First Ship...... of the Former Japanese Army, 06/29, Report on the...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/8341755
- Alternative TitleBackground Data on the Chinese Communist F......e Tokyo Correspondents, Article in JCP Publication Heiwa to Dokuritsu (Peace and Independence), 19......0/25, Publication of OB Info, 10/18, Over......20, Press Briefing, 08/08, of Semi-Monthly Strength and Casualty Figur......s of UN Forces in Korea, 08/05, ...... Use by Public Information Section, 1951/07/28, PIO Press Briefings, 07/19, Form......ffer to Assist in Tokyo, 07/17, Accreditation of Japanese Correspondents in Korea, 06/28, CBS Television Report in Pusan POW Camp, 06/19, Query from PIO re Release of Info on Enemy Casualti...... Alsop Article on Prospect of Cease Fire (Nippo...
- Alternative Title...rder of Battle Information, 05/12, Releas......of UN Casualty Info, 05/10, Press Briefings, 05/05, Spec......ment of Correspondent Marshall Andrews, 04/26, Questionable Press Rele...... G-2 Paragraph on Enemy Reserves for CINCUNC Communique...... CCF Strengths in Manchuria an K......, 03/15, Enemy Information for GHQ Commun......, 03/01, Dissemination of Information re UN POWs, 02......asts re UN Prisoners held by the......ublicity Relations Handling, 1949/10/11, ......viet Aerial Reconnaissance of Okinawa, 1950/01/16, Army Policy on Discussion of Russia, 1949/11/23, Japan Communist Party Propaganda Re American POWs in North Ko...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- ContentsNo. 1601: Plan of Reorganization of Fuji Industrial Compan......1602: Application of Hitachi, Lt......., for Permission to Build or Reconstruct Dwelling Houses and Expand Plant Faciliti......1603: Application of Japan Optical Industry Company, Ltd., (Nippon Kogaku Kogyo K......), for Permission to Pay Bank Loans to Industrial Bank of Japan and Mitsubishi Ban......1604: Application of Toshiba Ste......), for Permission to Negotiate Loan from Industrial Bank of Japan to Install Equipment and Reconstruct Mill No.......1605: Applications for Release o......606: Notification of Death No. 1607: Abrogation of Wartime Exceptions to Indu...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents...dical Supplies from Truk to Rabaul....... 1203: Report on Progress in Manchuria No. 1204: Investigation of Disappearan......Mrs. Verna Gordon Britain No. 1205: Incomplete Report Submitted in Compliance with Existing Directive Regarding Reserve Suppl......lief Distribution No. 1206: Distribution of Beer for Occupation Forces No. 1207: Acquisition of The Tokyo U......ty of Commerce and Industry No. 1208: Application of Second Demobilization Ministry for Assistance in Securing Crew for Repatriation Vessels No. 12......1210: Acquisition of The Bank of......osen No. 1211: Japanese Government ......of Radio Receiving Set No. 1212: Request for Ex...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- ContentsNo. 801: Acquisition of Residence N......ositors’ Funds in The Deutsche B......of Banque de l’Indochine, Tokyo Branch......t of Sanitary Conditions Aboard Repatriation Vessels No. 805: Transmission of "Note Verba...... February 1946 from Royal Swedish Legation, Tokyo, to Imperial Japanese Government ...... 806: Acquisition of Recreational Facilities N......810: Apprehension of Suspected War Criminals No. 811: The Dojin-Kai Hospital, ...... 814: British Consulate Building at Nagasaki N...... 815: Application for Release of Silver and Platinum for Production Use No. 816: E......ted States National and State Laws and Case Rep...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Contents... 402: Acquisition of The Horaibashi Distributing Company No. 403: Acquisition of Open Area for Recreational Purposes of ...... 404: Acquisition of an Open Area, Near Shinbashi Stations No. 405: Acquisition of The Bachelo...... 406: Acquisition of The National Gymnasium No. 407: Information Relative to Al......aphical Survey Institute No. 409: Acquisition of The Towdobunkai Building No. 410: Acquisition of Space in Mitsui Building No. 411: Welfare and Whereabouts of Certain Japanese in The Philippines No. 412: Acquisition of Nomura Life Insurance Building No. 413: Transfer of Japanese Diplomatic Consular Property Archives No. 41...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- ContentsNo. 201: Request for Information No. 202: Reque......o. 203: Exemption from Requisition of The Tokyo Plant of The Nihon Card-Clothing Company No. 2......ilots Association Pilot Boat "Shin Yangtse" No. 205: Acquisition of Yanase Auto......e Company Building No. 206: Reco......orical Studies and Official Repor......No. 208: Revision of Requirement for Printing Materials No.......9: Movement of Japanese Naval Vesse......Broadcast Stations No. 211: Firs...... Hospital Building at Kyoto, Japan No. 212: (Not ......t. Col. Tada, Minoru No. 217: Re...... 218: Acquisition of St. Luke's ......9: Portuguese Minister No. 220: Acquisition of ...
- Subject HeadingMemoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/8341784
- Alternative TitleFalse Surrender of NK Troops on 21 Sept, 1951/......Maneuvers Held on Kunashiri (Nippon Times, 12 Oct 1951), National Volunteers of the Philippines, 10/25, Briefing Information, 10/14, Specia......ghlights for C-in-C, 11/10, Commander-in Chief query re......eged Enemy Espionage Agents, 11/ Message National Economy of China, 12/05, Translation directed by Commander-in-Chief, 11/19, ......nt, Communication from Thai Government concerning Coup d'Etat o......1, Replies to CinC Queries of 4 ...... of Air Operations from Korea, 1952/01/08, Briefing for CINCFE on the Air Interdiction Program, 1951/12/30, Chinese Nationalist Troops on Burm...
- Alternative Title...onalist Troops on Burma-Yunnan B......1, Analysis of Increased Rail Traffic during 15-20 Septemb......Foreign Troops in Korea, 09/19, ......ans or Soviets and Soviet Puppet Army troops in North Korea, 09/14, Resignation of Gen HO Shin-li (HO Shai-la......09/07, Evaluation of Taipei News...... North Korea China Manchuria, 08......Possible Relationship between US......eace Offensive and Kaesong Talks, 08/20,......munist Delegation Attitude, 08/1......Vehicular Sightings, Enemy Broad......ged Use of Poison Gas, 08/09, Se......cted Items for Information of the Commander-in-Chief (M.B. Ri......951), Composition of Special Army Groups Chines...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInformation technology as business history : issues in the history and management of ......omputers The econometrics of political economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Veblen : unres......ssues Soviet economy today : with guidelines for the economic and social develop...... for 1981-1985 and for the period ending in 1990 Dollars t...... of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recruitment : Japanese automobile investment and economic development in the American Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability in Eritrea, 1600s-1990...
National Diet Library
- Persistent ID (NDL)info:ndljp/pid/3540923
- Alternative TitleProcedures for Processing Return and Reassignment of Exchanges in Korea, 12/20, US UNC Personnel Held As PsW......, Project Pertaining to POWs Missing from the Communist ......Release of Prisoners of War Held....../13, Strategic Interrogation of Recovered ROKA Prisoners of War and Refugees, 12/12, Report on PW Incidents at Koje...... 11/02, Detection of Subversives Among Recovered Military Personnel, 10/10, Petition from CCP PW's Officers Presently Confined in Compound No 72......p No 1, 10/27, Interrogation of ROKA and UN Recovered Prisoners of War, 07/26, Communist Indoctrination Program in UN PW Enclosur......s, CIC Efforts in PW Enclosures, 08/18, Procedu...
- Alternative Title...cessing Return and Reassignment o...... Recovered Personnel Second Edition, 1945/08/17, Publicity in Connection with Escaped L......epatriated Prisoners of War to Include Evaders of Capture in Enemy or Enemy......pied Territory and Internees in Neutral Countr......5/03/29, Dissemination of Casualty Information, 1945/08/17, Interim Report of Incident at Prisoner of War Camp, 1951/07/22, Interrogation of Recovered Prisoners of War, 08/20, Interrogation and Counter Intelligence Investigations of Recovered UN Prisoners of War, 08/...... Special Screening of Prisoners of War, 07/30, Interview of POWs...... Press, 07/20, Interrogation and Counter Intell...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingReports of the Japanese Government to SCAP Directory and Biography SCAPに対する日本政府の報告書 人事...
- Note (General) Commander for Allied Powers
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Folder Only 原所蔵機関: 米国国立公 Commander for Allied Powers
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... legal policy Handbook of information, computer, and communications activities of major international organisations International telecommunication pricing practices and principles : a prog...... review Trends in the information economy Mobile cell......lar communication : pricing strategies and competition Information technology and economic prospects Economic and trade issues in the computeris......Telecommunications and broadcasting : convergence or collision? Software, an emerging industry Information networks and new technologi...... opportunities and policy implications for the 1990s......Telecommunication network-based services : poli...
- Alternative TitleInformation, computer, communication policy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSpain : resources, industries, trade and public finance Coal in Europe Export trade in rubber footwear 1925 International trade in clocks and watches development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Peru Sources o......foreign credit information Latin American development and guide to marketing of electrical equipment in Australia Hawa...... its resources and trade Central Boot and shoe industry and trade of New Zealand Asbestos : sources and trade Market f......ral implements and machinery in Australia Trade of British India with the United States, Japan, and Germany World markets fo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDemocracy, media and law in Malaysia and Singapore : a space for speech Japanese popular mus...... authenticity, and power Chinese and Japanese films on the Second World War Political regimes and the media in Asia Indonesia-Malaysia relations : cultural he......tage, politics and labour migration Lifestyle media in Asia : consumption, aspiration and identity Media and democratic transition in South Korea K-pop : the international rise of the Korean music industry Tamil cinema : the politics of India's other film industry Genders and sexualities in Indonesian cinema : constructing gay, lesbi and waria identities on screen Se...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge media, culture and social change in Asia Media, culture and social change in Asia series Media, culture and social change in Asia
- Author HeadingDonald, Stephanie