
313.2: Receipts (文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry17A ; ボックス番号:15 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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313.2: Receipts(文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry17A ; ボックス番号:15 ; フォルダ番号:3)

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原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料

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False Surrender of NK Troops on 21 Sept, 1951/09/23, Armament 82d Regt 8th NK Div, 09/23, Press Summary 25 Sept 51, Four Soviet Patrol Vessels Sighted Off Hokkaido, 10/01, USSR Maneuvers Held on Kunashiri (Nippon Times, 12 Oct 1951), National Volunteers of the Philippines, 10/25, Briefing Information, 10/14, Special Highlights for C-in-C, 11/10, Commander-in Chief query reference Alleged Enemy Espionage Agents, 11/21, State Dept Message National Economy of China, 12/05, Translation directed by Commander-in-Chief, 11/19, NGRC Army Political Department, Communication from Thai Government concerning Coup d'Etat of November 29, 1951, Replies to CinC Queries of 4 Dec 51, 12/08, Enemy POL Logistic Capability for Support of Air Operations from Korea, 1952/01/08, Briefing for CINCFE on the Air Interdiction Program, 1951/12/30, Chinese Nationalist Troops on Burma-Yunnan Border, 09/21, Analysis of Increased Rail Traffic during 15-20 September, 09/22, Enemy Security Measures Relative to Foreign Troops in Korea, 09/19, Estimate of Caucasians or Soviets and Soviet Puppet Army troops in North Korea, 09/14, Resignation of Gen HO Shin-li (HO Shai-lai), 09/07, Soviet 132mm Rockets, 09/07, Evaluation of Taipei News Release, 08/26, UN POW Enclosures – North Korea China Manchuria, 08/21, Possible Relationship between USSR Peace Offensive and Kaesong Talks, 08/20, Analysis of Current Communist Delegation Attitude, 08/16, Vehicular Sightings, Enemy Broadcast re UN Alleged Use of Poison Gas, 08/09, Selected Items for Information of the Commander-in-Chief (M.B. Ridgway, 5 Aug 1951-8 Jul 1951), Composition of Special Army Groups Chinese Communist Army, Southeast Asian Attitude toward Reparations from Japan, DA Note 4, 07/07, Soviet Forces in Korea, 07/04, Preliminary Report of Interrogation of NK POW KANG SOK KUN, Eighth Army Estimate re Enemy Armor Capability, 07/03
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Note (General)
原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料
Note (Original Version)
原資料の出版事項: ; 1951/07-1952/01