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National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Subject HeadingParallel processing (Electronic computers)--Congresses. Parallel processing (Electronic computers)
- Note (Content)Annotation
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Subject HeadingWireless communication systems--Security measures--Congresses. Comput......ity measures--Congresses. Intern......ity measures--Congresses. Comput......ess communication systems--Security measures.
- Author HeadingIEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (4th : ...
National Diet Library
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings.
- Subject HeadingWireless communication systems--Security measures--Congresses. Comput......ity measures--Congresses. Intern......ity measures--Congresses. Comput......ess communication systems--Security measures.
- Author HeadingIEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (3rd : ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCloud physics -- Congresses.
- Note (General)Cover title. On cover: Preprints. Sponsored by the International Commission on Cloud Physics, International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics, American Mete......Geophysical Union, National Oceanic and ......ic Administration and National Center for Atmospheric Rese...
- Author Heading...Geophysical Union. International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics. International Commission on Cloud Physics. National Center for A......ed States. National Oceanic and ......ic Administration. International Conference on Cloud Physics (1976 : Boulder, Colo.)
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCloud physics -- Congresses.
- Note (General)Cover title. At head of title: International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
- Title HeadingMonograph (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) ; no. 16.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCondensation (Meteorology) -- Congresses. Ice nuclei -- Congresses.
- Author HeadingInternational Commission on Cloud Physics. Subcommittee on Nucleation. International Conference on Condensation and Ice Nuclei (7th : 1969 : ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCondensation (Meteorology) -- Congresses. Ice nuclei -- Congresses.
- Author HeadingPodzimek, Josef. International Commission on Cloud Physics. Subcommittee on Nucleation. International Conference on Condensation and Ice Nuclei (7th : 1969 : ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCloud physics -- Congresses
- Subject Heading (ID)Cloud physics -- Congresses
- Author HeadingInternational Conference on Cloud Physics (1968 : Toronto, Ont.)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)“Sponsored by the International Association of Meterology ......nd Atmospheric Physics, IUGG World Me......gical Orgaization Science Council of Japan. Met...
Proceedings of the international conference on cloud physics, May 24-June 1, 1965, Tokyo and Sapporo
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCloud physics -- Congresses
- Subject Heading (ID)Cloud physics -- Congresses
- Note (General)"Sponsored by International Association of Meteorology......nd Atmospheric Physics of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, World Meteoro......ical Organization, Science Council of Japan, Me...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe physics of galaxy formation : proceedings ......op held at National Center for A...... 2001 The astrophysics of cataclysmic......he Interpretation of modern synthesis observations of spiral gal......polis workshop on magnetic catac......oceedings of a conference held in Annapo......d high resolution spectrograph :......d peculiar motions in the univer......ridge workshop on cool stars, st......ter and Michelson Science Center at Hilton Pasadena Hotel......a workshop in honour of Prof. Ke......esota lectures on extragalactic radio astronomy : techniques and applications : proceedings......ol held at National Astronomy and Ionosphere Ce...
- Alternative TitleASP conference series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)A continuation of Progress in astronautics and rock......s of volumes sponsored by Americ......nstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Publishe......e, SW, Washington,DC 20024-2518 ......ell Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091
- Related Material...ics in combustion of solids Conventional warhead systems physics and Space economics Fundament......rocket combustion and propulsion Liquid rocket ......e Space operations : mission management, te......rrent applications Communications satellite tec......Dynamics of detonations and explosions : detonations Economic principles......industry decisions Selected aero......blems of hypersonic flight vehic...... with thermal control applications Recent advanc......hermal protection : technical pa......IAA 14th Thermophysics Conference, June 1979, su......ce Flames and configurations Physics of direct hit and ne...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...r 1820 The motion of fluids, by description only, might not r......matiques : ou sont inserées les ......tiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fr......Élements d'astronomie Lettres su......leur distribution géographique d......phy of expression A treatise upon artificial ele...... générales des ondes dans les mi......x visqueux et non visqueux Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and, et perfectionner les vins worlds than one : the creed o......turgeschichte von einigen Liebha......ften Introduction a l'étude de l......e, ou description des figures géométriques, pro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe large-wavelength deformations of the lithos...... of the evolution of thought fro......s to plate tectonics The Nature ......n and implications Pre-Mesozoic ...... their bearing on understanding ......ffin Island : Containing a Study......ry B. Whittington. And Shorter S...... Notes by Preston E. Cloud, Jr., Charles ......d Alice E. Wilson Bibliography plutonic terranes Fau......s and Descriptions of Paleozoic ......Basin Lower Devonian Brachiopoda......: and explanation of the geologi......alinspastic reconstruction, and geologic evolution Igneous and me......: a volume in honor of Arie Poldervaart Geology...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...seful information NCID:AA0071601......- New series. Monographs ISSN:09407677
- Related Material...eedings of the international colloquium hel......plasma simulation Space weather : the physics behind a sloga......oceedings of a conference, held at the U......y and applications Thermodynamics and constitutive equations : lectures gi...... 2nd 1982 session of the Centro internazionale matematico ......82 Lattice hadron physics Heidelberg Colloquium on Glassy Dynamic......f a colloquium on spin glasses, optimization and neural net......e theories Hadrons in dense matt......98 Ernst equation and Riemann su......N-body simulations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School VI, org...... European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialManual on access to air ......ansport by persons with disabilities Convention : on international interests in m......d at Cape Town on 16 November 2001 Manual on establishment and operation of aviation training centres Air navigation plan : Caribbean region Report of the ......h Atlantic regional air navigation meeting Aeronautical radio operator Continuing airwort......und aids divisional meeting : implementation conference : report Statistics division : report of the ... session Air traffic controller Special air transport conference : report Manual on the establishment of international air carrier tariffs Manual of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAn introduction to turbulence ......and platinum Economics of : an economic analysis Management control Transportation planning, poli......Organo-transition metal compound......reader in environmental planning......ics of transition Internal combustion engines : a de......iled introduction to the thermod......k and compression ignition engines, their......he Political economy of EEC relations with African,......ific states : contributions to the unders......g of the Lomé convention on North-South relations Data and form......: an introduction to farm animal......dicine The Commonwealth : a new look Extraction...