Search results 78
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsToward an incremental democracy and governance : Chinese theories and assessment criteria / Yu Keping An analysis o......roblems concerning democracy in China / Gu Su Democ......tization : the Chinese model and course of poli......ivic character and electoral reform in China / Cai Dingjian Intraparty democracy and political deve......pment : exploiting the resources within the establishm......t to advance China's democratic the focal point for the continued advancement of China's democratic ......elopment / Pu Xingzu The route o......rm : strengthening village management and streamlining township and county govern...
- Subject HeadingDemocracy--China. China--Politics and government--2002- China--Economic con......tory. Politics and government China. Demokratie. ...... Rechtsstaat China Demokrati--Kina. Kina--politik och förvaltning--2002- Kina--ekonomiska förhållanden--2000-
- Title HeadingIssues in contemporary Chinese thought and culture ; v. 2.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction: changes in governance and political development in China under the imp...... Globalization and capacity of pu......ase study of China From "China and the West" to "......lobalization": Chinese perspectives o......sternization, Sinification: mode...... globalization in China? Civic organizations and governance in rural China: a case study......ty, Fujian Province The emergence of China's civil society and its significan......o governance China's rural governance then and now: a compara......e analysis of Dingxian, Zouping and Jiangning Counties The ......ongress system in reforming China Toward an incremental ...
- Subject HeadingGlobalization. China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002. China -- Politics and government -- 2002-
- Author AliasKeping, Yu.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsToward an incremental democracy and governance : Chinese theories and assessment criteria / Yu Keping An analysis o......roblems concerning democracy in China / Gu Su Democ......tization : the Chinese model and course of poli......ivic character and electoral reform in China / Cai Dingjian Intraparty democracy and political deve......pment : exploiting the resources within the establishm......t to advance China's democratic the focal point for the continued advancement of China's democratic ......elopment / Pu Xingzu The route o......rm : strengthening village management and streamlining township and county govern...
- Subject HeadingDemocracy -- China. Demokratie. Rechtsstaat. China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic c......ons -- 2000- China.
- Title HeadingIssues in contemporary Chinese thought and culture ; v. 2.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe predicament of compiling textbooks on ...... / Sun Ge Teaching "the others' history" in Chinese schools : the ......l asymmetries, and shifting images of Eur...... today) / Gotelind Müller The co......tion of "self" and western and Asian "others" in contemporary Japanese civics and ethics textboo......s Vollmer Learning to love the motherland : "national education" in post-retrocess......rd Vickers Telling histories of an island nation : the academics and politics of hi......tory textbooks in contemporary Taiwan / Lungc......riculum reform and history textbook compilation in contemporary China / Li Fan The "others" in Chi...
- Subject HeadingEducation and state -- East ......sia. Education and state -- China. Education and state -- Japan. Education and state -- Taiwan. Education and state -- Korea......story -- Study and teaching -- China. East Asia --......story -- Study and teaching -- Japan. Eas......story -- Study and teaching -- Taiwan. Ea......story -- Study and teaching -- Korea (South)
- Author HeadingMüller, Gotelind.
National Diet Library
- Contents...nish colonists in Florida The Pilgrims and Puritans Purit......ional emphasis and educational ph......hool Puritans' and Pilgrims' rela......r groups Dutch and other settlers in the Mid-Atlant......onies Settlers in Maryland and other areas in the South The ......ion of Puritan and Native America...... education Distinguishing a truly Ameri......ity school Forming the foundatio......s Free schools and African Americ......seph Lancaster and the new charit......ce of Dewitt Clinton The decline of the charit......itical debates and their effect o......ic-Republicans and the Federalists Presidents and educational leaders How victo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGlobalization -- China Globalization -- Political a...
- Subject Heading (ID)Globalization -- China Globalization -- Political a...
- Related MaterialIssues in contemporary Chinese thought and culture
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSustainable development -- China Environmental policy -- China Environmental protection -- China
- Subject Heading (ID)Sustainable development -- China Environmental policy -- China Environmental protection -- China
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references (p. [199]-202) and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGlobalization -- China Globalization......l aspects -- China China -- Politics and government -- 21st century China -- Foreign re......21st century China -- Foreign economic relation...
- Subject Heading (ID)Globalization -- China Globalization......l aspects -- China China -- Politics and government -- 21st century China -- Foreign re......21st century China -- Foreign economic relation...
- Note (General)Includes index "Result of ...... between Chongqing Publishing House Co. Ltd and Kaninkljike Brill NV......ere translated into English from the original '中国学者论全球化与自主' (Zhongguo xue...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDemocracy -- China China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 20...
- Subject Heading (ID)Democracy -- China China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 20...
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGlobalization -- China Political culture -- China China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002 China -- Politics and government -- 2002-
- Subject Heading (ID)Globalization -- China Political culture -- China China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002 China -- Politics and government -- 2002-
- Related MaterialIssues in contemporary Chinese thought and culture
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingDemocracy -- China China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 20...
- Subject Heading (ID)Democracy -- China China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 20...
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references and index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingChina -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002 China -- Politics and government -- 2002- Globaliza...
- Subject Heading (ID)China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002 China -- Politics and government -- 2002- Globaliza...
- Related MaterialIssues in contemporary Chinese thought and culture
National Diet Library
- Contents...ndations of business ethics. Aristotelian business ethics: core concepts and theoretical fo......gues Aristotle and business: an inescapable tension / Colin D. Pearce Aristotle and the corporatio......formation / Edwin Hartman The em...... a model of business ethics / Eu...... 2. Scholastic thought and business ethics. Scholastic thought and business ethics: an ...... Scholastic business ethics: Thomas Aquinas versus Willi......meier Economic and business ethics in select Italian......00-1450) / Martin Schlag Business ethics in the School of Salamanca / André Azevedo Alves and José Manuel Moreira The influence of Thomistic thought i...
- Subject HeadingBusiness ethics. Business--Philosophy.
- Title HeadingSpringer reference.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInformation technology as business history : issues in the history and management of ......itical economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Veblen : unresolved issues Soviet economy......y : with guidelines for the economic and social develop...... for 1981-1985 and for the period ending in 1990 Dollars t...... of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recrui......ese automobile investment and economic development in the American Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability in Eritrea, communities and the creeping shadows of hegem...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Eds.: Werner Winter, Richard A....... Publisher continued by: Mouton ......795 -- Studies and monographs
- Related Material...ntics of human interaction Linguistics of the Himalayas and beyond Historical, Indo-European, and lexicographica......e New sound of Indo-European : essays in phonological r......erspectives on Chinese syntax Cognitive modeling and verbal semanti......tive! : addressing between system and performance Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese : a minimalist account The making of a language......e, southern Poland Bilingualism and linguistic conflict in Romance Histor......alkans General and theoretical linguistics Variat......elopment : probing the evolution......ange Plurality and classifiers across languages in China Constructional approach...
- Author HeadingWinter, Werner Rhodes, Richard A.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)子書誌あり Publisher varies: Springer
- Related Material...menology : origins and developments L......fe as the starting point of philosophy......phénoménologie integrale de la vie comme point de départ de ......esthetic ciphering in fine arts, literature and aesthetics Fou...... human rights, and the human scie...... phenomenology in a foundational......he teleologies in Husserlian phe......ucible element in man, part III, at the VIth International Phe......, 1976 Man within his life-world......enigma of good and evil : the moral sentiment in literature Poe......f the elements in the human cond......elemental stirrings to symbolic inspiration, language, and life-significance in literary...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...y for Research in Child Developm......y for Research in Child Development ; Malden, M...
- Related MaterialPersistence and change in personality pa......nsition to siblinghood : pre-birth predictors and sibling outcomes at of Negro intelligence and achievement Mental growth and personality de......nt : a longitudinal study Guided participation in cultural activ......ty by toddlers and caregivers Adolescent siblings in stepfamilies functioning and adolescent adj......gimes under varing parent-infant relationsh......year-olds learning English and an additional ......nguage : norms and effects of linguistic distanc......ence commemorating the fortieth ......versary of the Institute of Child Development, ...
- Author HeadingSociety for Research in Child Development
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGlobalization and changes in China's governance Chinese perspectives o......he environment and sustainable development Democracy and the rule of law in China Chinese perspectives o...... globalization and autonomy Chinese perspectives o......bal governance and China
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialChinese discourses on ......ction of space in early China Language, ontology, and political philosophy in China : Wang Bi's : Qiao Zhou and the intellectual worl......e way of water and sprouts of vir......The craft of a Chinese commentator : ......ozi John Dewey in China : to teach and to learn A Chinese reading of the Daodejing : Wang Bi's c...... critical text and translation China under Jurchen...... : essays on Chin intellectual and cultural histo......the pragmatist and process traditions Name and actuality in early Chinese thought Patronage and community in medieval China : the Xiangya...... : the ancient Chinese companion to the I ching Heav...
- Alternative TitleThe SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and cultures
- Alternative TitleThe SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and cultures
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...tural heritage and contemporary life
- Related MaterialCommunication across cultures : the hermeneutics of cultures and religions in a global age Gandhi : the meaning of Mahatma fo......phy of science and education : Chinese and European views Moral imagination in personal formation and character deve......t Ghana : changing values, changing technologies Italy in the European M......mund D. Pellegrino lectures on contemporary Italian politi......onalist ethics and human subjecti......talic identity in pluralistic co......development of intercultural com......tencies Values and education in Romania today Traditions and present proble......zech political culture Dialogue of philosophies, rel...
- Alternative TitleCultural heritage & contemporary change Cultural heritage and contemporary life The cultural heritage and contemporary RVP R.V.P