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National Diet Library
- Note (General)Includes bibliographies.
- Author Heading花見, 忠, 1930- Blanpain, Roger, 1932-
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)ブランパン, ロジェ ブランパン, R Blanpain, R.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... studies of business enterprise to include comparative and interdisciplinary perspective......of books on business anthropolog......s book engages interdisciplinary studies, e.......studies forwarding anthropologic......proaches to business administration, Keiei Jinruigaku. This v...... a medium carrying culture, rath...... as is typical in mainstream Umesao's definition of cultur...... projection of instruments/devices and institutions into the mental/s......fe. Therefore, in ourview produc......a new frontier in the study of business administration.
- Contents...uality, and business Corporate s...... "Quaker codes": seeking an origin of corporate governance principles Manageme...... and pilgrimage: a comparative ......of votive offering in Europe and Japan Spir......tual leadership: background, th......application to Japanese business leaders Par......rformance, and inducement How th...... has been explained before and a...... 3.11 disaster in Japan: an observation......isitor centers in Japan and England Modelling museums: the management...... family porcelain in England An orchestral myth: maestros are b......ry, story, and industry Museum a......visitor centre in England: schism and conflict ...
- Subject HeadingBusiness anthropology--Japan. Business anthropolog......te culture. Business anthropology. England. Jap...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."As countries across Asia continue to rise and ......layed, and continues to play in this process i......n issue of growing pertinence. Furthermore, understanding the relationship between Europe and Asia foste......edge transfer, including Higher Educat......ucial to analysing and encouraging the progress ...... both regional integration and inter-regional co......cific focus on international Higher Education, European Studies in Asia investigates know......annels of learning between Europe and Asia from ......rary, and teaching perspectives. The book examines a selection ...... precedents of intellectual dialogue between th...
- Contents...the subject of European studies in Asia An ocean of emptiness and a steppe in time : Central Eurasi......lver and spice : Missionaries and Mandarins : Portuguese kno......ary enterprise in Asia Finding Europe in Nagasaki and Ayutthaya : the Japanese Leonardo and t......ravels of the Mind: Exhibitions, W...... Events connecting with European Studies in Asia Contempor......, networks and institutions in the European studies in Asia discipline : co-constructed......gionalism Teaching comparative r......ism and the EU in South East Asia : "sons of the s......t politics and European studies in Malaysia The a......good feng shui in Brussels : taking European st...
- Subject HeadingEurope--Study and teaching (Higher)--Asi......ia--Relations--Europe. Europe--Relations--Asia. EDUCATION /...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Bibliography: p. 277-278
- Author HeadingBlanpain, R. (Roger) 花見, 忠 Biagi, Marc...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00604712
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)At head of title: Euro-Japan Institute for Law and Business Bibliography: p. 201-202
- Author HeadingBlanpain, R. (Roger) 花見, 忠 Biagi, Marco Euro-Japan Institute for Law and Business
- Author Heading (ID)DA00604712
National Diet Library
- ContentsInterregionalism and interregional cooperation : the case of Asia-Europe relations / Jü......ions as actors in international relations : interregionalism ......vernance, Asia-European relations, a...... Doris Fischer Interregional trade and investment between Asia and Europe : an empirical investigation / H......ecker The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and it......k Nabers Asian-European relations : more security through inter- and transr...... rights policy : pursuing the path of institutionalism / Martina Timmermann On...... potentials of interregional cooperation : the case of Europe's participation in the Asian ...
- Subject HeadingEurope -- Relations -......- Relations -- Europe. Europa -- Relaciones -- Asia...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //
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- Related MaterialInformation technology as business history : issues in the history an......itical economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Veblen : unresolved iss...... economy today : with guidelines for the econ...... the period ending in 1990 Dollars t......ough the doors : a pre-1930 his...... of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recruitment : Japanese automobile investment and ec......ic development in the American Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability in Eritrea, 1600s-1990s : rural communit......s and the creeping shadows of hegemony The impa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLipid oxidation in food Natural o...... matter and disinfection by-products : characterization and control in drinking water Medicinal inorganic chemist......rder Understanding greenhouse ga......olysaccharides : a symposium co...... the 172nd meeting of the Americ......Supercomputers in chemistry : based on a sym......s of Computers in Chemistry, and......or Computation in Chemistry at t......h American Continent (180th ACS National Meeting), Las Vegas, ...... dietary fiber : physiological and in vitro function......operties Advancing sustainability through......emistry and engineering Nuclear energ......ntal chemistry : undergraduate and graduate cl...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00350159
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Routledge ( title Numbering "xxx" from "ILS xxx" on back...
- Related MaterialCultural rights : technology, Homo ludens : a study of the play-element in culture for old age : a review of so......on for old age in Great Britain The Danube basin and the German......ce and suicide in South Africa A......s and morality : a study of som......ilemmas of working adolescents in the context of a changing climate of opinion Sociology b......yond societies : mobilities for......lity of ethics : the comparativ...... world-economy : cultural and s......of nationalism : tomorrow's ancestors The marginal situation : a sociological......une Psychology in the Soviet Uni......ssion The changing social structure of England ...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociolo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published by: Beverly Hills : Sage Publications, <v. 460>-
- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic a......spects Russia since Stalin: old trends and......s to settlers? : transnational ......rgence of new minorities The American industrial opport......ration control : an international com......p for progress : international China social and ec......ons The second Industrial Revolu......c distribution : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ution by the aging The cost of living Immigration a......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Confe......ild labor laws : proceedings of the seven...... Committee Continental divides : international ...
- Author Heading (ID)DA01149076
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Some published in Oxford
- Related MaterialIndia in the fifteenth century : being a collection ...... of voyages to India in the century preceding the Portugues...... Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russ......rst translated into English The ......ravel journals : the Americas, ...... Cape Verde, Guinea and Angola (......the North-West in search of a pa...... to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631 : with selection......rable the East India Company and from MSS. in the British Mu......5-1798 Travels in Europe, 1608-1628 Ric......his successors : a volume of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Afr......illiam Hedges) : during his agency in Bengal, as Richard Hawkins, Knt. in his voyage into the...
- Author Heading (ID)DA01486247
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEmployment effects of multinational enterprises : a case study o...... Export processing zones in Sri Lanka : economic impac......ial issues Multinational enterprises, technology and employment in Brazil : three case stu......orkers and working conditions in retailing : a comparative ...... the situation in a foreign-cont......owned retailer in Canada Export processing zones in developing countries : results of a n......yment creation : a case study of three multinational enterprises in Singapore Multinationals in Asia : the case of th......ation, and multinationals : a case study o......nd a local multinational in India Decision-maki...
- Alternative Title...ntreprises multinationales) Multinational Enterprises Programme working papers Progra......ntreprises multinationales travail Working paper Document de travail
- Alternative Title...ntreprises multinationales) Multinational Enterprises Programme working papers Progra......ntreprises multinationales travail Working paper Document de travail
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Ser. editor: Peter J. Buckley
- Related MaterialEconomic integration and multinational investment behaviour : European and East Asian experiences Japanese multinationals in the global eco......nalysis of multinationals : an agenda for ...... research Emerging markets and t......C nations Emerging Asian factory : networked multinational enterprises in the modern global economy European integration and competitiveness : acquisitions and alliances in industry Institutions, industrial upgrading, and economic performance in Japan : the 'flying-geese' paradi......-up growth The internationalisat......-country firms : the Australian......e Organization in the new global economy : trad...
- Alternative TitleNew horizons in international business series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNational styles of regulation : environmental policy in Great Britain and the United......ts, and growth : financial systems ......he politics of industrial change......i-Americanisms in world politics......y Poor numbers : how we are mis......, strong Army" : national secur......n Border games : policing the U.S.-Mexi......rency of ideas : monetary politics in the European Union Winners and losers : how sectors sh......ia goes to war : thirty years o......n Beyond Japan : the dynamics o......alism American industry in international competition : government pol......ate strategies Inequality and prosperity : social Europe vs. liberal Ame...
- Author HeadingKatzenstein, Peter J.
- Author Heading (ID)DA00377960
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRinging the changes in Europe : regulatory com......n of the state : Britain, France, Germa......y State and administration in Japan and Germany : a comparative ......pective on continuity and change Management in western Europe : society, cultu......d organization in twelve nations......practice Reworking the world : organisations,......, and cultures in comparative pe......rce management : an international comparison Innovation and management : international com......risons Translating organizational change The Japanese industrial system......class analysis : new approaches......nological learning : lessons from a biotechnolo...
- Alternative TitleDe Gruyter studies in organization : organizational......ruyter studies in organization : innovation, technology, and orga...
- Alternative TitleDe Gruyter studies in organization : organizational......ruyter studies in organization : innovation, technology, and orga...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other editor: David Mowery Publisher varies: London : Routledge
- Related Material... Governance of international str......egic alliances : technology and......nsaction costs Internationalizat......Local clusters in global value chains : linking actors and te......ough manufacturing and innovation Knowledge economies : organization, location and innovation Innovation, knowledge and power in organizations and regions : loci for knowledge and innovation creati......cial networks, innovation and economics : lessons from Japan Japanese firms in Europe The impact of China on global commodity prices : the global reshaping of the resour......tor Knowledge, innovation and internationalisat...
- Alternative TitleStudies in global competition series Routledge studies in global competition
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Routledge studies in business history"--Facing t.p. of vol. 5
- Related MaterialThe organization of transport : a history of users, industry, and public policy Innovation and en......urial networks in Europe Trademarks, br......ompetitiveness : Europe, Japan and Uni......tes German and Japanese business in the boom years : transforming American mana...... Commodity trading, globalizatio......colonial world : spinning the web of th...... global market Industries and competition : a history of business beyond bord......Equity capital : from ancient p......can capitalism : a materialist interpretation Th......icanisation of European business : the Marshall P......gement models Tin and global capitalism : a his...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in business history
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLifestyles and subcultures : history and a ......ious diversity : national conte......o social media : critical persp......responsibility in media and communication industries "Helicopter parenting" and "boomerang children" : how parents su......ildren The criminal spectre in law, literatur......and aesthetics : Incriminating subjects The marketing of war in the age of neo......olicy and planning for the 21st century : in search of the ...... Gabriel Tarde : debates and as......nts Solidarity in individualized societies : recognition, j......udgement Class in the new millennium : the structure,......pace Understanding Russianness The sociology of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ollective bargaining Keynes's Gene......y reconsidered in the context of the Japanese economy regulations innovation in advanced autom......e technologies : perspectives from Germany, India, China and Brazil Exploring the mechanics of chronic inflation and hyperinflation Governm......oeconomic sustainability Nationa......ion strategies : business expansions,......rgers National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Austria, Belgi......n under uncertainty : the state-contingent approach T......e labor market : effect on wage inequality in Japan transfers : consumption smoothing effects...
- Alternative TitleSpringerbriefs in economics
- Alternative TitleSpringerbriefs in economics