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- Related MaterialCollection de la Revue du monde musulman
- Periodical TitleCollection de la Revue du monde musulman
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ted the interrelated areas of ga......g new forms of destination brand......duced purchase decisions. This e......amines current debates, critical...... contemporary ideas, controversi...... and queries relating to the fas......introductory understanding of ga......urism; Part II deals with the issues relating to how digital developments have......; and Part VI elaborates other e...... a hundred scholars from thirty-......ion between academia and industr......esource for students, researchers and industry ...
- Contents...n D. Mulcahy Modern gastronomy: ......he science of flavor and tasting...... Lopez, Jesus Claudio Perez Galv......ding a tourism destination creative collaboration / John......y of local and regional cultures / J......urism in rural development / Bernadett Csurgo, Clare Hindley and Melanie Kay Smith T......into a tourist destination / Reb......nzie Marketing destinations thro...... consumption / Derong Lin and Li......izio Ferrari Malaysian gastronom......satisfiers and delighters / Robe...... / Sandhiya Goolaup, Cecilia sustainable development: Evidence from Housto......n and Bruce Prideaux Community development thro...
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- Related Material...t du Hodh Hors de Russie Les Kha......phie d'une peuplade du Soudan Fran......nces Caspienne de la Perse L'Islam en Guinée : F......uta-Diallon Etudes sur l'Islam et les tribus......s : les Brakna La région de Kayes ; Le pays Bambara ; Le Sahel de Nioro Études sur l'Islam en Côte d'Ivoire La première répub......ique musulmane de la Hollande : Quatre confé...... Congrès du Monde Musulman (La Mekke, 7 juin-......duction à l'étude de la philosophie mu......'esprit aryen, la philosophie grecque et la religion de l'Islâm Études sino-mahométa......s institutions de la police en pers...... polytechnique de Téhéran (1913-1914, deuxième ...
- Alternative TitleRevue du monde musulman
- Alternative TitleRevue du monde musulman
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uen im Gefolge des Dionysos auf den attischen Vasenbildern des 6. und 5. Jhs......r. als Spiegel des weiblichen Idealbildes Settlement ar......logy in a Fjordland archipelago : network an......rn Vancouver Island, British Col......onments in the late Quaternary of Africa Islamic archaeology in the Sudan La ceramica geometrica bicroma dell'Incoronata d......nelle Alpi occidentali italiane ......te e materiali La prehistoria del Bajo Asón : r......oman provinces La vallée de Bithnah au cours de l'Age du Fer C...... the central Andes : some approa......alism in the Andean highlands of Bolivia ......EAA 2009, Riva del Garda Archaeology and biogeo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...che Uebersicht der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen : auf dem Gebiete der Physik, Chemi......en Technik von den ältesten Zeit......e Die Elemente der Mathematik : ......rn Dictionaire des sciences médi......ts on the congelation of quicksilver in England. Like wise, ......ata Dies caniculares : hoc est c......ate concinnata De generatione re...... Das Fundament der Lehre vom Stein der Weisen, oder, Des Urältesten Ph......rismegisti Tabula Smaragdina : w......fel bisher von den meisten für e......el gehalten worden Systematisch-tabellarische Uebersicht der mineralogisch......silien : mit erläuternden Anmerkungen und ausführliche...
- Alternative TitleLandmarks of science
- Alternative TitleLandmarks of science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTheory of fusion plasmas : joint Varenna-Lausanne Internat......n the interstellar medium, San D......the nucleon at large bjorken x :......the nucleon at large bjorken x, ......epts Workshop, Lake Geneva, Wisc...... strongly correlated systems XIV...... strongly correlated systems, Vi......inos--1974 (Philadelphia) Atomic processes in plasmas : Tenth To......cadmium telluride and novel IR detector material......04 Advances in laser science--I ...... International Laser Science Conference, Dallas, TX, 1985 Tou......6 Non-neutral plasma physics III......ysics in local lattice distortio......or Linear Colliders , Montauk, NY, October 1994...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTaxonomic indexes to Ostracoda (suborder Myodocopina) ......Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (Decapoda: Atyidae and Palaemonidae) A rev......pecies of the flavus-bidentatus group of......nera of the spider family Therid......f immature Apoidea (Hymenoptera)......nus Harpiosquilla (Crustacea, St......matopoda) with descriptions of t......e : tribes Litadeini and Ypsotin...... Species of Spalangia Latreille in the ...... marine Gammaridea, 0-30 meters ......isces) : as evidenced by their c......North America (Decapoda: Astacid...... giant wood spider Nephila maculata (Fabricius) ......ical Panama as deduced from light-trap catches ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nduced retinal degenerations : p......ium on Retinal Degenerations, he......hington, D.C., December 7, 1986 ......15th Annual Frederick Stohlman, ......d receptor display, lectin cell ......ociety for Oncodevelopmental Bio......ld in Umeå, Sweden, September 16-18, 1983 Cellular immunotherapy......posium on Cellular Immunotherapy......s, November 29-December 2, 1995 ......symposium held December 5-8, 199......s of the ICN-UCLA symposium held......78 Nicotine replacement : a crit......-7, 1988 Molecular and cytogenet...... New York, NY, December 1-2, 1988 Cellular endocrinology......yonic and cellular differentiation : proceeding...