Khasanova, Marina Mansurovna, Pevnov, Alexander, 津曲, 敏郎[Project "Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim", Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University]2003
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Марина Хасанова, Александр Певнов ; предисловие, Тосиро Цумагари = Marina Khasanova & Alexander Pevnov ; with preface by Toshiro Tsumagari[Project "Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim", Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University]2003
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マリーナ・ハサノワ 採録・訳 ; アレクサンドル・ペヴノフ 採録・訳 ; 津曲敏郎 序文 ; [大阪学院大学情報学部 編][大阪学院大学情報学部]2003.2
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- Alternative TitleМифы и сказки Негидалъцев Myths and tales of the Negidals
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialМифы и сказки Негидальцев = Myths and tales of the Negidals ナーナイ語テキスト ナーナイの民話と伝説 Две удэг...
Project "Endangered languages of the pacific rim"2001-
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Негидальцев = Myths and tales of the Negidals 消滅の危機に瀕する全国方言語彙資料 奄美大島笠利町佐仁方言...