Search results 35,321
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Children's Literature i......the Landscapes of Children's Culture is a......considerations of the places and spaces of children's literature, ......poses a survey of the changing landscapes of children's culture, and because of children's culture. The......ces and spaces of children's literature a......mpressive body of international on place in children's literature, ......nsive overview of how to study place in children's and young ad......s a wide range of approaches and......l perspectives of place in children's literature, ...... approaches to children's literature, and the place of children's literature in the ...
- Contents...n in the Heart of Bootle: Place ......II. Aesthetics of Place Confront...... the Rejection of Nostalgic Land......ives and Their Offices / Chris M......ent Mobilities of Literary Adole......w to Develop a Children's Culture Stud...... Possibilities of Children's Picturebooks......enous Land and Children Within the Ant......rrior Child in Children's Literature /......tral Landscape of Martial Law in Selected Children's Picturebooks......entury Notions of Adolescence / ......antastic Place of London / Madis......ovac Canon Out of Place: Centeri......tional Poetics of Place / Zeljka......ces and Spaces of/for Reading in Children's Lit...
- Subject HeadingChildren's literature--History and cri...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book will be of interest to un......s that will be of use and value to professionals worki...... with disabled children and adolescent......arratives that offer the reader ......ved experience of disabled children, adolescents a......xplore a range of issues facing disabled children from early chi......n, the effects of labelling and ...... existing body of knowledge about the lives of disabled children and adolescent...... with analysis of issues affecting disabled children and adolescent......ifferent types of impairments/di......front disabled children and adolescent......the importance of actively listening to the per...
- Contents1 – The Lives of Children and Adolescent......h 4 – The Tale of the Dancing Ey......s 6 – Disabled Children's Active Parti......ation: A Story of Love, Rights a......ning the Views of Children with Developme...... at the Centre of Early Interven......mily: Disabled Children and Parental P......y for Disabled Children – Muddy Puddle...... 10 – Disabled Children's Recreational Uses of Digital the Context of Children's Digital Righ......y in the Lives of Disabled Adole...... for Adulthood of Young Persons Challenges of the Somos Uno [We Are One of the Same] Programme / Jesica ...
- Subject HeadingChildren with disabilities--Social con...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... and the field of childhood history by writing children and childhood ......torical record of the Meiji peri...... circumstances of childhood duri......nd "snapshots" of historical mom......hese histories of children and childhood ......representation of childhood in l......gles, in terms of theoretical pe......or the problem of sources in the history of childhood and ......s into notions of childhood and children's living circu...... urban centres of evolving moder......oring a wealth of sources includ......ent documents, children's literature, ......s and scholars of Japanese history, children's studies, the history of edu...
- Subject HeadingChildren--Japan--History Children--Japan--Social...... Child rearing Children Children--Social conditions Parent and...
- Related MaterialRoutledge studies in the modern history of Asia
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ow success for children relates to success for children represented defined for children and young adul......ple's Republic of China, Singapo......cultural study of childhood in Asia"--
- Subject HeadingChildren's literature--...... and criticism Children's films--Asia-...... and criticism Children in literature ......otion pictures Children--Asia--Social conditions Succ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Historical Ditionary of Children's Literature, more about children's literature"--
- Subject HeadingChildren's literature--......--Dictionaries Children's literature--Bio-bibliograph...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....-edge analyses of various aspects of the rights and lives of disabled children around the wor...... on the Rights of Persons with D...... UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC...... current state of affairs the rights of disabled children across different stages of childhood, dif......ts. It will be of interest to re...... the sociology of childhood. It ......resource for professionals/pract...... that disabled children's rights are realized and the...
- Subject HeadingChildren with disabilit......tus, laws, etc Children with disabilit......ial conditions Children's rights
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Metaphysics of Children's Literature i......ustained study of ways in which children's literature c......and the nature of what there is ......ts exploration of something and ......ifies a number of metaphysical s......h the workings of reality is uni......the conditions of children's literature. ......n contemporary children's literature groundwork of children's literature. Authors and ill...
- Contents...ion: Mountains of metaphoric refrain
- Subject HeadingChildren's literature--......a littérature Children's literature. Reality in lite...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSociology of children and families series
- Periodical TitleSociology of children and families series
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....d the practice of adapting foreign children's books into long-running ani...
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingchildren with disabilities participati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nary volume on children's rights that ......h interests in children's rights, huma......s in the field of children's rights, this......depth analysis of children's rights as a ...... for advancing children's rights today and in the fut...
- Contents...e Emancipation of Children in Modern West...... The Evolution of the Children's Rights Movem...... Becker Taking Children's Human Rights......pendent Nature of Children's Rights / Sav......ed Approach to Children's Rights Law :......ological Model of Children's Rights / Tal......ace Theory and Children's Rights / Theory and Children's Rights / Mer......ctionality and Children's Rights / Jes......Best Interests of the Child / Wo......hip and Rights of Children / David B. Thr......efaard Placing Children's Freedom from......e at the Heart of the Policy Age......nuing Dilemmas of International ......d Labor Rights of Children / Manfred Liebel The...
- Subject HeadingChildren--Legal status, laws, etc. Children's rights. Kind Menschenrecht
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleAnnual report on Chinese children's development
- Alternative TitleAnnual report on Chinese children's development
National Diet Library
- Note (Content)Since the publication of Suzanne Collin......ts who oppress children and adolescent......e consequences of the adult gene......lities between children, adolescents a......using a corpus of around one hun......e relationship of power between children, adolescents a......sing the motif of the adolescent......power category of age relates to......oblematisation of adult oppression of the young inco...... what elements of society it nee...... text analyses of the motifs in ......depth analyses of these motifs, ......onal potential of this genre in the classroom
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... literature on children and their deve......o working with children in the legal s......ew and history of the juvenile j......ith discussion of critical devel...... for work with children, and idiosyncr......enues in which children appear in the ...... a broad range of people encountering children in the legal s......also benefit professions such as......ent, probation officers, child protective worke...
- ContentsThe push-me-pull-you of juvenile justi....../ Marcia Morey Children's memory for f......and supporting children's testimony ab......rgaret Lee Out of home care : de......n the kindness of strangers / Ba...... determination of children's best interes......ican immigrant children in the legal s......y Interviewing children about sexual a......l violence and children / Nancy W. Ole......iving voice to children in non-traditi......ret Lee A case of juvenile homic......complex issues of mental illness......loway The role of advocates for children in dependency court / Sally W...
- Subject Heading...Administration of--United States Children--Legal status,......-United States Children's rights--Unit......chic trauma in children--United States......Administration of. Children--Legal status, laws, etc. Children's rights. Juve......chic trauma in children. United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Provides in-depth coverage of pediatric dise......sues affecting children under the age of four. -- Provided by publishe...
- Subject HeadingChildren--Health and hy......-Encyclopedias Children--Diseases--Enc......-Encyclopedias Children--Diseases. Children--Health and hygiene. Pediatri...