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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....selves outside the traditional st...... limits add another layer of comp......en we only see them for an hour o......both in person and online. It then moves into activities and lesson plans t......nal strategies and pedagogies: Each encourages the spirit of play, autonomy, and active learnin......nt. Activities and plans cover to poetry, and are thoroughly......ttitude toward and approach to learners and, ultimately, on their levels of en...... satisfaction, and success. The techniques out......students where they are intellectually and emotionally, and empower and inspire them to cross conc......interpretation and use"
- ContentsChapter 1. The ARCS model and audience analy......nt motivations and instructional Chapter 2. The choice is your......uct meaningful and motivating lea......n through an authentic learning e......apel D. Cowden and Jenny motivation theory and research when ......e / Nick Faulk and Alan Carberry ......ter 5. Using authentic teaching i......Josefine Smith and Anna Kozlowska......ter 7. Tagging and sticky notes :......students to synthesize prior research / Rebecca Price Chapter 8. Des......s / Tim Miller and Sarah Fay Phil......r 10. Level up the one-shot : emp......ackward design and game-based learning / Tarida ...
- Subject HeadingInformation literacy--Study and teaching (High......iteracy--Study and teaching (High......s with faculty and curriculum Mot......s with faculty and curriculum. In......iteracy--Study and teaching (Higher). Motivation...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book covers the current trends and challenges fac...... policymakers, and researchers in the field of retai...... market design and regulation. It addresses the role that smar...... how utilities and consumers inte......act with each other and with their generating technologies. The book covers to......ic pricing, demand response, distributed and utility-scale ...... costs trends, and the microeconomic theory that governs our understanding of retailer and consumer incen......f transmission and distribution as well as the potential regu......used to remedy them are discussed along with the advantages of retail competit...
- ContentsIntro Preface Contents About the Authors 1 Intr......: Two Paths to the Future of Elec...... Retailing 1.1 The Reactive Approach 1.2 The Forward-Lookin......s of Change in the Retail Electri......sors, Storage, and Solar 2.3 Dist......5 Electrifying the Transportation and Heating Data Access and Interactivity ......t Transmission and Distribution N......bution Network Planning and Access 3.5 Pot......ity Markets in the United States ......ets Outside of the U.S. 4.3 Dynam...... Technological and Regulatory Fra...... Deployment in the United States ......ralia, New Zealand, and Asia 5.1.4 Dep...... Deployment in the United States 5.2.2 Deploymen...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tical issue at the forefront of, management and planning. There are growing ......system health, and global issues ...... water trading and water ethics. This handbook provides the most comprehen...... It brings together multiple disc......ines to understand and help resolve p...... water quality and scarcity from ......s case studies and 'foundation' c......s, researchers and professionals, governance and public policy,......ics, geography and environmental studies"-- Prov...
- Contents...Part I. Understanding 'Water': 1.......Climate change and the global water c......cle; 2. Understanding global hydr......3. Groundwater and surface water ......ity; 4. Understanding the basics of wate......quality; 5. Inland water ecosyste......, biodiversity and ecosystems: re......loring 'green' and 'blue' challenges and solutions; Par......ater Resources Planning and Management: 8. Water law and the search for sus......s; 9. Tackling the global water c......fundamental to the peaceful management of the world's shared......s introducing 'the H2O paradigm'; 10. Risk and uncertainty in......ater resources planning and management: a basic intro...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This two-volume book examines the most important global problemthe recovery of the social-economi...... crises due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This econ...... its own basis and differs from others by the lockdown of mo...... businesses on the decision of authorities. The uncertainty of the future economi......entists around the world to will become the basis for prosperity and human wellbeing. The death of milli...... people around the world, several......f coronavirus, and a global pandemic have save people and revive economic activity. The world economy ...... to lockdowns. The disruptions and gaps in the v...
- ContentsVolume I. Main threats of the post-COVID economy and statehood / Vl......conomy: public and private aims :......italization of the post-COVID eco...... on overcoming the coronavirus pandemic / Lydia S.......assarova, Aleksandr S. Voronov, Z......nges to revive the economy after the pandemic / Aleksei ......Interaction of the state and business at the post-COVID per......economy issues and international ...... protection of the environment in......economy / Aleksandr P. Tsypin, : measures and results / world and their economic ; ESG risks and opportunities in the post-COVID period / Alexander...
- Subject HeadingCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020---Ec......onomic policy Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020---Aspe...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book describes the concept, chara......ecent advances and future technol......ighting (PFAL) and indoor vertical farms. The third wave of ...... 2010 in Japan and Taiwan, and in USA and Europe it bega......out 2013 after the rapid advances......ED technology. The book discusses the basic and advanced devel......n recent PFALs and future smart P......erged in 2016. There is an emergi......nterest around the globe in smart PFAL R & D and business, whic......agriculture in the coming decades...... expected that they will contribute to solving the trilemma of fo......d, environment and natural populations and decreasing agricultural popul...
- Contents...lant factories and next generatio......ghting (PFALs) and Smart PFALs (T......fits, Problems and Challenges (To......tocols, issues and potential (Na Lu and Shigeharu Shim......ura) 4. Design and Control of sma......M) Considering the Cost Development and Business 6. Business planning on Efficiency, Productivity, and Profitability ......r distribution and its uniformity (Ying Zhang and Murat Kacira) ......ons of photosynthesis, LEDs, units and terminology 11...... Reconsidering the Fundamental Ch......ics of Photosynthesis and LEDs (Toyoki Kozai and Masayuki Nozue...... Reconsidering the terminology and units for lig...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....strial product and service offeri......n use," has expanded rapidly over the last decade. added value and high productivity and has enriched o......L by improving the performance of products and services. We a......expected to be the "philosopher's......e" for solving these issues. Following the pattern of con......̈ping in 2010, and Braunschweig in 2011, the fourth Interna......erence reflect the latest IPS2 in......mation in both the natural sciences and humanities and include case s...... keep track of the entire context......timodal fields and disciplines. The fourth Interna......collaborations and the discussion of new scienti...
- ContentsService Innovation in the Age of Sustain......yuki Yoshikawa Planning and Development of......ew Dynamism in the Manufacturing ......s on Strategic and Operational Le...... Magnus Löfstrand and Lennart Karlsson Modeling and Visualization ......matsu, T. Koga and K. Kaminisi Mo......on of Products and Services for C...... C. Mannweiler and J.C. Aurich De......h / K. Kuntzky and C. Herrmann A ......Fumiya Akasaka and Yoshiki Shimom......oyuncu, R. Roy and A. Harrison PS......An Approach to the Integrated Product and Service Develo......t / E. Uhlmann and H. Bochnig. An......mal, R. Batres and L.H. Shih Elem......resentation of Planning-Relevant Dependencies between...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsAfrica unplugged The region's under......ergy resources The lag in install......acity Stagnant and inequitable ac......tricity supply The prevalence of ......ght, conflict, and high oil prices High power co......strains social and economic development The promise of reg......n distribution and poor power trade The potential benefits of expanded regional pow......ces management and hydropower dev......lows? What are the environmental ......nology choices and the clean development mechanism How might clim......terns? Meeting the challenges of ......onsensus Strengthening regional i......ct preparation and cross-border finance Developi...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe market in the socialist econ......Product market and capital market in the light of the experience of the Hungarian new economic mechanism / Włodzimierz Brus and Kazimierz Laski The affinity between ownership and coordination mechanisms / Jánós Korna......Comment / Aleksander M. Vacić. Co....../ Don Patinkin The new concept of planning : interaction L. Sadowski The new concept of planning : duality with......saba Reform of the Soviet price system / Morris Bornstein Prices under socialism in the light of econo....../ Karel Kouba. The role of commercial and central bankin...... A. Čičin-Šain The Hungarian banking reform / Má...
- Subject Heading...esses. Central planning -- Congresses. Économie mixte...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPrologue: the compensation c...... Introduction: the battle over ex......ompensation in the U.S. corporate model The goals of execu......n Our approach The myths and realities of p......or performance The realities of p......r performance Other issues Case studies The myth of manage......nse to Bebchuk and Fried The realities of m......ompensation At-the-money strike prices Repricings and reloads Divers......fying, hedging and timing Peer group data and upward bias Other factors in se......nal pressures: the new context fo......clical reforms and unintended consequences The genesis of the current environment The regulators Securities and Exc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEconomic policy Prices -- Government policy Economi...
- Subject Heading (ID)Economic policy Prices -- Government policy Economi...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPrices.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEconomic policy. Prices.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPrices.
National Diet Library
- Contents1. The elasticity of ......ubstitution 2. The limiting nature of the Cobb-Douglas t......n functions 4. The cost and timing of land development 5.......stitution with the price elasticity of derived demand 8. Optimal com......pplications of the expenditure fu......ncome taxation and the labor-leisure ......erable utility and conditional 12. Random income taxat...... Risk aversion and product liability 15. Planning, bonus structures, and truthful infor...... properties of the translog cost ......n technologies and consumer prefe......mplications of the independence of price and income on the structure of demand 23. On the structure of consu...
- Genre/Form TermsProblems and exercises. Aufgabensammlung.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingCentral planning Economic policy Prices
- Subject Heading (ID)Central planning Economic policy Prices
- Note (General) references and index
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ntents note: 1.The Nature and Origins of Money And Barter The importance of ......ter: as old as the hills Persiste...... Modern barter and countertrading......y: definitions and early developm......onomic origins and functions The quality-to-qua......endulum: a metatheory of money 2.From Primitive and Ancient Money to the Invention of C......metallic money The ubiquitous cow...... whales' teeth and Yap stones Wampum: the favourite Amer......ic money Money and banking in Mes......rly Egypt Coin and cash in early China Coinage and the change from pr......dern economies The invention of c......inage in Lydia and Ionian Greece Note continued:...
- Author/Editor (Edition)revised, updated and with a new introduction by Du...