Search results 55
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....areas: finance and banking; accou......g; management; and information sy......on practical professional expert......s well as that of noted scholars......administrators and scholars from leading busines...
- Contents... Accreditation of business schools and programs Adver......ican Institute of Certified Publ......sabilities Act of 1990 Antitrust......nce Associated of certified frau......ilouts Balance of trade Bankruptcy Beh......g data Bonds Brands and branding Budgets and budgeting Bureau of Labor Statisti......s, licensures, and designations C......ocess Channels of distribution C......vil Rights Act of 1964 Collectiv......on Compilation and review services Const......sumer advocacy and protection Consumer and business produ...... Consumer Bill of Rights Consume......uct Safety Act of 1972 Consumer ......tion, training and development Corporate governa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingForests and forestry.
- Related Material...992 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade Industrial cha......ogical effects of eucalyptus A G......o forest seed handling : with spe......ndangered tree and shrub species and provenances Land evaluation for......restry Logging and transport in s......rrain : report of the fourth FAO......n Forest Roads and Harvesting, Ossiach and Ort, Austria, ......ics : analysis of case studies f...... Latin America and the Caribbean products demand and supply 1990 and 2000 Governanc......or concessions and contracts in p...... opportunities and challenges fro......ome generation and forest managem...... 1990 : survey of tropical forest cover and stu...
- Alternative TitleFood and Agriculture Organization fore...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEconomic development -- Asia Economic development -- Pacific Area Asia -- Econo...
- Subject Heading (ID)Economic development -- Asia Economic development -- Pacific Area Asia -- Econo...
- Note (General)1990-2007: At head of title: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 19......000: "Economic and financial monitoring and surveillance"-......"Financing for development"--Cover 2002: ......taining growth and tackling pover......taining growth and sharing prospe......ple threats to development" 2010: "Sustaining recovery and dynamism for inclusive development" 2011: "Sustaining dynamism and inclusive development", 2012: "Pursu......ty : in an era of turbulence and high commodity...... for inclusive and sustainable development" 2014: "Regional connectivity...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation......rane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph...... in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-ass......ase : clinical and biological insights The role of I[131]-labeled......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed Myelination and dysmyelination......lization : the development of the Rhone river basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses of nucleoside ana......, measurement, and control Mechanisms of tissue injury integration of animal and human research fro...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related matter and disinfection b......aracterization and control in dri......l order Understanding greenhouse ......y the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry and the Division of Microbial and Biochemical Te...... 172nd meeting of the American C......976 Mechanisms and synthetic meth...... ACS Divisions of Computers in Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry, and the U.S. Natio......mical Congress of the North Amer......tional sources of dietary fiber ...... physiological and in vitro funct......reen chemistry and engineering Nuclear energy and the environmen...... undergraduate and graduate class......m, laboratory, and local community learning expe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...rown Scott (as of 1908); William......olds Vance (as of 1916, 1927); W......ner Seavey (as of 1942, 1951); E....... Griswold (as of 1954, 1958, 1963, 1967) Later...
- Related MaterialLegal research and citation International commercial arb......oach Lawyering and ethics for the......tracts : cases and theory of contractual ob......n Civil rights and constitutional......gation : cases and materials International business trans......k Corporations and other business......prises : cases and materials Admi...... on the basics International law : cases and materials Unfair trade practices : cases and comments The law of business, materials, and problems, materials, and problems The e......nomic analysis of tort law The law and policy of sentencing Taxable and tax-free corporate mergers, a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...l report on an international management sem......he application of international standards for fruit and vegetables The Costs of generating ele......ity in nuclear and coal fired pow......The management of publicly owned land in urban areas Production and marketing stru......les in Germany and Spain Recall, programmes and methods Restri......s Prepackaging of fruit and vegetables Emp......ecision-makers and members of professions concern......ecommissioning of nuclear facili......y an NEA Group of Expert Recurre......ation : policy and development in OECD member......ion activities of major international organisat...
- Alternative Title...c Co-operation and Development Document - [Or......ic Cooperation and Development] Document
- Alternative Title...c Co-operation and Development Document - [Or......ic Cooperation and Development] Document
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Kluwer Law International, Wolters Kluwer
- Related MaterialThe impact of state sovereignty on global trade and international taxation treaty law and world trade law : the impact of formal, substantive, and subjective app......aches Taxation of foreign direct......s : a critical review How fixed is a......roportionality and fair taxation The International tax law concept of dividend Perma......ment : erosion of a tax treaty p......erreformgesetz 1977 mit Änderungen von 1980 Brics and international tax law Legal interpretation of tax law German......tructions allemandes-traduction T......theory, origin and implementation Tax treaties and EC law Interpretation of tax law and treaties and tran...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialInternational labour migrations and economic choic...... case The role of the technical ......ty motivations and attitudes Moni......992 Adjustment and equity in Indo......e determinants of financial stru......NGOs active in international development Price controls and the economics of institutions i......ina Employment and output; a meth......pplied to Peru and Guatemala Inve......ion, migration and productivity :......lytic approach and evidence from ...... Mexico Supply and demand prospects for : merchants of economic development The integrated......roach to rural development health and population Financial policies...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published: Budapest : Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1974-
- Related MaterialThe present stage of the non-capitalist development in Asia and Africa The future place and role of the developing......onomy Republic of Senegal Small ...... world economy International development strategy for the third UN Development Decade : review and appraisal of implementation Development of land relations in J......egative impact of the dualistic ......ital formation and labour The Cen......t : an example of integration be......ries Conflicts of laws arising f......tionalities in development decisions The role of import substitution and export development in the industrialization of developing cou......e perspectives of our relations with the develo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialExchange, status and mobility : Mes......c portable art of southern Scandinavia Die Frau......ogy in a Fjordland archipelago : ......ocial practice and the built environment of Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Cananda since 2,000 B......toric cultures and environments i......ate Quaternary of Africa Islamic......ent shipwrecks of the the central Andes : some approaches and results : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, ......c organization of early camelid ......oralism in the Andean highlands of Bolivia Go you......ial technology and archaeological...... : proceedings of the GIS session at EAA 2009, ...
- Alternative TitleB.A.R. international series International series of British archaeological report...
- Alternative TitleB.A.R. international series International series of British archaeological report...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...onvention : on international interests in m...... establishment and operation of aviation train...... region Report of the third, air routes and ground aids di......ision : report of the ... sessio...... establishment of international air carrier tariffs Manual of criteria for t...... qualification of flight simulat......uelingual text of the convention......nce on the use of emissions trad......ation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for ......Conduct Manual of surface movement guidance and control system......cident victims and their families......t fuel supply Land use in the vicinity of aerodromes Agreement on the j...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...the evaluation of current awaren......letins Liaison officer for infor...... : an analysis of the policy Information and the practice of medicine : report of the Medical Information Review Panel Study of the trends in supply of library and information se......ary Research & Development Department Loc...... United States of America and Canada : report of a study visit ......he pilot phase of the Elinor ele......liminary study of the scientific......: final report of the Agriculture Information Review Committee Mini-computers and bibliographic ......der constraint and the future co-ordination of academic and national library...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development report British......brary research and development reports British Library R&D R...
- Alternative TitleBritish Library research and development report British......brary research and development reports British Library R&D R...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...mans : a study of intermediary l......cocks, pagodas and Professor Hall : a critique of the persisting use of historiography......between Russia and China, 1956-1969 Cognition and design product......since the fall of Saigon Freemas......-1961 Conflict and political development in Southeast A......oration in the international political implications of comparative theory Education and social change ......(I) The future of Burma in persp......iator, patron, and kinsman : an h......rical analysis of key leadership......he revolution, and Rizalistas--co...... Chinese press of Java : a preli......ral production and household budgets in a Shan p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPreparation of annual disclos......d acquisitions and buyouts, 1989 ...... business : expanded antitrust and trade regulation exp......porate mergers and acquisitions : tax, SEC, and accounting asp......ies regulation of banks and thrifts, 1991 ......ers Protection of confidential b......trol : current offensive & defen......eraged buyouts and acquisitions B......k acquisitions and takeovers, 198......r lawyers 1986 International securities mar......d acquisitions and buyouts, 1990, disclosure and the Preparation of annual disclos......ected problems of the closely he......under the 1933 and 1934 acts Contests for corpor...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Legal problems of capital investment and secured lendin......g transactions and the Bankruptcy......ies for breach of contract Inves...... Legal aspects of exporting Understanding variable in......ucts 1996 U.S. trade law and policy Banking......ured creditors and lessors under ......Bankruptcy act of 1978 Electroni...... current legal developments, 1981 Agricultural workouts and bankruptcies A......nsumer finance and lending : prac......der chapters 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy......overage claims and litigation Sec...... UCC Leveraged and single-investo......sing, leasing, and licensing hardware, software, and services Update '76...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...on systems : a review of research from ......ental scanning and business strat......Information demand and supply in British industry, 1977-1983 Careers guidance and library/inform......ies : a report of the curriculum development project on library and information wo......hool Libraries and information in......public library and blind people : a survey and review of current practi......ation policies and conservation i......aries : report of the Cambridge ......ary : reaction of the general pu......lic to Prestel and its potential ......rary finance : developments in Scotland Family studies......ormation needs and resources : the report of the...
- Alternative TitleLIR report Library & information research report Library and information research report
- Alternative TitleLIR report Library & information research report Library and information research report
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...tions research and mathematical e......tions research and mathematical systems. <BA0380...
- Related Material...conomic theory of cities :, knowledge, and structures Met......ontrol systems and mathematical m......ssays in honor of Vladimir M. Ve......terdependence, and optimal programming and goal programming : theories and applications economics and the allocation of savings : a model of peering in the......imate behavior of tandem queues Aggre......tigkeit Theory and estimation of macroeconomic ......ctive problems of mathematical p...... : proceedings of the International Conference on ......ctive Problems of Mathematical P......g Optimization and operations res...... : proceedings of a workshop held at the Univer...