Search results 64
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Explores one of the largest an......ned, instances of mass killing a......uman rights, Geoffrey Robinson s......count for this violence and to end the...... for instances of systematic mas......? Why are some of these crimes r...... ramifications of such acts and ......nal narratives of the mass violence of 1965-66 as the product of a deliberate c......m consequences of the violence for millions of survivors and Indonesian soci...
- Contents... role "A gleam of light in Asia"......h and justice? Violence, legacies, silence.
- Subject HeadingPolitical violence--Indonesia. Political atrocit...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading無抵抗主義. 政治学. リーダーシップ. Nonviolence. Political science. Political...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....taking account of why home is th......lanced telling of an unfair and ......selling author of The Noonday De...... investigation of the true scope of domestic violence, revealing how the roots of America's most......ll it domestic violence. We call it private violence. Sometimes we ......rica, domestic violence accounts for 15 percent of all violent cr......n into so many of our most press......e true measure of this problem. ......ersive account of the scale of domestic violence in our country......sidiously that violence inside the other forms of violence. Through the stories of victims, perpetrators, law en...
- Contents...nance Watching violence in a fishbowl ......nting presence of the inexplicab......neecaps In the season of unmitigated discovery Those w...
- Subject HeadingFamily violence--United States. Victims of family violence--United States...... 15.85 history of America. 71.21......Policy. Family violence. Victims of family violence. Domestic violence--United States. Häusliche Ge...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ntire spectrum of psychology, in......; applications of psychology in advertising, me...
- Contents...erican Academy of Child and Adol...... Bayley scales of infant and tod......r depth cues Biofeedback Bipolar......, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Mamie ......sts Criminal profiling Crisis in......chanisms Delay of gratification ......ages, theories of Dewey, John Di......istical Manual of Mental Disorde......vorce Domestic violence Down syndrome stimulation of the brain Elec......ical treatment of animals Ethnoc......alt principles of organization G......s Kleptomania Koffka, Kurt Kohlb......inhibition Law of effect, John Locus of control Loevin......-Palmer Scales of Mental Tests Association of School Psychologists National...
National Diet Library
- Contents...erican Academy of Child & disorder Biofeedback Biomark......ychotic Trials of Intervention E......istical Manual of Mental Disorde......isease concept of chemical dependency Disorder of written expres......tal health and violence Mental health ......onal Institute of Mental Health ......isorder Origin of mental illness......ality disorder Seasonal affective di...... sadism Sexual Violence Risk-20 Shared......rentiated somatoform disorder Va......Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Wide range achievem...
- Is Format Of...e encyclopedia of mental health. Fourth edition...
- Alternative TitleEncyclopedia of mental health
National Diet Library
- Note (General)Translations of (romanized) : Taiyō no kisets...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingNonviolence Political science Political l...
- Subject Heading (ID)Nonviolence Political science Political l...
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingSeason of violence
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Translation of: 太陽の季節, 処刑の部屋, ヨットと少年
- Related MaterialLibrary of Japanese literature
- Periodical TitleLibrary of Japanese literature
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Hagith Sivan offers an unconventional study of one corner of the Roman Empi....... the fortunes of the 'east' and......d as thousands of westerners in the guise of pilgrims, piou......transformation of Jerusalem from......t on the ruins of spectacular He......ational centre of Christianity a...... into a centre of Islamic worshi...... also a period of unparalleled p......en communities of Christians, Jews, and Samarit...
- Contents... The periphery of dreams and des...... the emergence of intolerance Co......sacred : forms of ritualized violence Jerusalem : Th......ntrasting eyes of beholders Cont......ical dates and seasonal dieting Flesh and blood? Wo...
- Subject HeadingBible. N.T. -- History of contemporary events. Jews -- ...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ran interior : violence, serial displa...... the rudiments of Igbo society T......the beginnings of Igbo society i......nd the context of slave seasoning in eighteen......maica Routines of disaster and r......ssible demands of leaving London......and the limits of British freedom The effects of exodus : Afro-maritime societ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....e at the heart of this pandemic.......impacted (most often disproporti......s and failures of means used to ......laid bare many of the systemic i......the foundation of our global soc......ty and quality of impassioned sc......are the result of the collaboration of more than 50 of the leading so......adth and depth of the scholarshi......d global scope of the contributo......e have much to offer not just to...... understanding of the ongoing world of COVID-19, but also to helping...
- ContentsPreface Timeline of COVID-19 and the art of letting go / D......ty perceptions of the transition......e: mitigations of homelessness d......e implications of birthing restr......9 and the lost season / Donna J. Bar......ical nightmare of the plague: th......nic resistance of anti-quarantin......s: new sources of parenting stre......fting meanings of time with and ....... Milkie Sites of silence: deaf ......on in the time of corona / Maril...... United States of America and Po......arity in times of uncertainty: t......e implications of COVID-19 on ar......ang The impact of COVID-19 on the lives of sexual and gender minority pe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...hment room and Season of violence : two short no......ishment room ; Season of violence Sazaghar : Hinsa ka mausam
- Alternative Title...hment room and Season of violence : two short no......ishment room ; Season of violence Sazaghar : Hinsa ka mausam
National Diet Library
- Contents...orce on Family Violence : fanal report Report of the National C......esident Report of the Presidents......rch. -- Report of the Task Force...... : 1980 report of the President'......r Women Report of the Task Force...... the potential of American highe......on Proceedinfs of the National A...... update report of the National C...... report Report of the Task Force......nd 1980 Report of the Minimum Wa......reports Report of the proceedings : meeting of U.S. Meat Anim...... The challenge of crime in a fre...... review Status of land acquisiti......Interim report of the report coo......the SEC Report of the Presidenst's Commission o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... social impact of rapid imdustri......and psychology of sports Technol......rica : the age of invention The silent side of communication ...... the conundrum of co-existence 酵......取り組み The world of Geoffrey Chaucer 昆虫......コード] Biography of America the tw......? Conservation of momentum and : the story of Adeline Yen Ma...... [ビデオレコード] The seasons of life What's al...... changing face of poverty The po......ive The mother of all collisions...... Insights into violence The fabric of health The Fir......e : the riddle of the Tay bridge......物の宇宙 The unity of living systems......Blah : the art of public speaking 昔、仕事場は田畑であった ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...novel The life of an amorous man......ories The love of Izayoi & Seish......buki play Harp of Burma The gold......cornered world Season of violence ; The punishment room ; The y...