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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsShaping the sexual kn......of the young : introduction / Lu......D.H. Sauerteig and Roger Davidson......ights, society and the child In ignorance and in knowledge : re...... sex education in Britain / Lesley A. Ha...... Sex education and the law in England and Wales : the / Ann Blair and Daniel Monk Shaping sex : religion, medicine and the state Taking the middle wa......cation debates in Sweden in the early twen......nerhed The growing pains of sex education in the German Dem......enemore Purity and pedagogy : the......ottish Council and school sex education in Scotland, 1955-67 / Roger Dav...
- Subject HeadingSex instruction -- Europe. Sex Educa...
- Related MaterialStudies in the social history of medicine
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGreat Britain. Ministry of Health. Medicine, State -- England. Medicine, State -- Wales. Social Medicine -- Wales. Social Medicine -- England.
- Author HeadingLindsey, Almont, 1906-
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- Note (General)Originally published: London : William Collins
- Related Material...rnment of Britain British romant......sts Roman Britain The British Re......rty British marine life Life amo......her British engineers The Englis...... caricaturists and comic artists British mountaineers Sporting pictures of England English educat......d life of Britain Life among the...... British hills and mountains English garde......British clocks and clockmakers English pottery and porcelain English inns British boxing The story of Ireland The English ch......ish portrait painters Insect life in Britain English water colour painters English co......British rebels and reformers The ......British horses and ponies British chess Women's ...
- Alternative TitleBritain in pictures : the British people in pictures
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......luids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d......ques : ou sont inserées les The anatomy and philosophy of ......x Memoir, containing an abridged t......he cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus d......he philosopher and the hope of th......eschichte von einigen Liebhabern......Wissenschaften Introduction a l'......en age Les origines de la statique The foot-pri...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) title Numbering "xxx" from "ILS xxx" on back...
- Related Material...ogy, legality, and personality Mobility, space, and culture Homo l......e play-element in culture Social......on for old age in Great Britain The Danube basin and the German eco......ic sphere Race and suicide in South Africa Adolescents and morality : a s......e moral values and dilemmas of working adolescents in the context of a changing climate of opinion Sociology b......ization, class and control Urbani......, colonialism, and the world-economy : cultural and spatial founda......estors The marginal situation : ......une Psychology in the Soviet Union Frustration and aggression The changing social structure of England ...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociolo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCollaboration in the pharmaceutical industry : changing relationships in Britain and France, 1935-1......netic research and its legacy : the mapping cultures of t......ntury genetics Instruments, travel and science : itineraries of prec......Soviet science and engineering in the shadow of the Cold War Interferon : the science and selling of a miracle ......menbach : race and natural histor......1750-1850 Crossing boundaries, building bridges : comparing the history of women engineers, 1870s-199......porary science and technology Science and ideology : a c......ation therapy, and the market Science, Cold War and the American state : Lloyd V....
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the history of science, technology and medicine
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the history of science, technology and medicine
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTrade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporatio......ales de Thorstein Veblen : contr......toire des doctrines économiques ......s Kapitalismus in Venedig The an......he ancient working people from t......ity by Constantine Histoire des ......ats généraux Principles of gover......eatise on free institutions : including the Constitut......ears : as seen in its literature......erence to certain recondite, neg......uted passages. In twelve lecture......rth Foundation in the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., 18...... The canon law in mediæval England : an examination of William L...
- Alternative TitleSelected essays in history, econo......elected essays in history, economics, social sc...
- Alternative TitleSelected essays in history, econo......elected essays in history, economics, social sc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSigmund Freud, an introduction : a ......of his theory, and a discussion o......psychoanalysis and sociology Co-o......rk Nationality in history and politics : a s......the psychology and sociology of n......onal sentiment and chararcter A handbook of sociolo......itical element in the developmen......cide : a study in sociology Put ......gical study of institutions for ......ices of modern England The family and democratic soc......our The nature and types of socio......he politics of influence : Briti......servicemen, Cabinet decisions and cultural chang......of economics : in its relation t......ene : the changing culture of a New Guinea Vill...
- Alternative TitleThe International library of sociology and social reconstruction International library of sociolo...
- Alternative TitleThe International library of sociology and social reconstruction International library of sociolo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAmerica and World War I : ......viet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis Teach......d bibliography and guide to resea......rican camp meeting Crimes of sty......urban graffiti and the politics of criminality Women of ......ilmography of minority and Third World the sources and resources The winds of injustice : American Indians and the U.S. Government Studies in U.S. Supreme C......a source book Minority politics ......iography Women and technology : a......iography Grief in cross-cultural...... guide to 1940 International hig......ication Church in America : a bibliography and research guide Career advance...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference libr......l sciences Garland reference library of social s...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference libr......l sciences Garland reference library of social s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editors: Peter Laslett, Roger Schofield, E.A. Wrigley and Daniel Scott Smith
- Related MaterialEcology, economy and state formation in early modern G......rmany A stagnating metropolis : the economy and demography of ...... Neighbourhood and society : a London suburb in the seventeent......rchy, property and death in the Roman fami......te corporatism and proto-industry : the Wü......0-1797 The decline of life : old age in eighteenth-century England A rural 1350-1525 Land, kinship, and life-cycle of death and disease in early modern England Men at work : labourers and building craftsmen in the towns of northern England, 1450-1750 Scottish literacy and the Scottish i......y : illiteracy and society in Scotland and North...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...erdam classics in linguistics, (1974......r. 2, Classics in psycholinguistics, 1 (19......413 -- Studies in the history of linguistic, 1-31 (......378 -- Studies in the history of......Current issues in linguistic theory,......773 -- Library and information sources in linguistics 1 (1977)-
- Related MaterialLexical knowledge in the organizati......n of language Linguistic theory and the Romance la......uman signature in linguistic morphog......ance languages and linguistic theory ......papers from "Going Romance", Lei......04 Explanation in historical linguistics Language in dispute : an E......of Peter of Spain's Tractatus, c...... Language form and linguistic variati......ted to Angus McIntosh The import...... of Techmer's "Internationale ze......ift für allgemeine sprachwissenschaft" in the development of general linguistics : an e......: the modern standard languages T......xplanation of linguistic causes ......y of grammar : introduction, translation, comme...
- Alternative TitleStudies in the history of the language s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTuberculosis statistics for England and Wales, 1938-1955 : a......ysis of trends and geographical distribution Infectious diseases during pregnancy : a......osure to viral infections in utero Health e......orkshop of the International Hea......tics : a preliminary study of in-patient discha......lysis of the clinical records of......t practices during the period Ap...... to March 1952 Internal migratio...... movements within England and Wales Cancer mortali...... by occupation and social class, ......lysis of the clinical records of......l practices during the period Ap...... 1954 Sickness in the population of England and Wales in 1944-1947 Cancer...
- Author Heading[Great Britain] General Register Office
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... : Rockefeller International Health and revolutionary ......refoot doctors and western medicine in China Venereal disease, hospitals and the urban, maternity, and medical pluralism in French colonia......tory of the brain and mind sciences : te......ology, therapy International relations in psychiatry : Britain, Germany, and the United Sta......o World War II Medicine and the workhouse, modernity, and the body : Swe......ife Psychiatry and racial liberalism in Harlem, 1936-1968 The origins of organ tran......tion : surgery and laboratory sci......nce, 1880-1930 Intrusive interventions : public health, d...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...e face of Britain British industry British ......itish broadcasting British painting British education Medicine in Britain British music British sport and games British inventions The co......ative movement in Britain British handicrafts British...... British ships and British seamen......stice : an outline of the administration of criminal justice in England and Wales The ships and seamen of Britain The Englishman......police of Britain English litera......ts territories and constitutions British social ...
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- Note (General)As of 2004, distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave
- Related MaterialCurating empire : museums and the British im...... : ritual, routine and resistance in the British Empire Borders and conflict in South Asia : t......ary Commission and the partition of Punjab Asia in Western fictio......icket, culture and society New Zealand's empire Ireland, India and empire : Indo-Irish radica......British Empire and the stage, 179......930 The Arctic in the British imagination 1818-1914 Masters and servants : cul......ures of empire in the Tropics Fr......ack : representing naval manhood in the British Em......ties, networks and the British ac...... Sex, politics and empire : a pos......raphy Imperial medicine and indigenous societies Engi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... geometry : an inquiry into the place of geometry in the school mat......s Neurological and neurosurgical nursing : an introduction The ......enship How to find out about lit......iety, schools, and progress in Australia The ......iew of the criminal law Society, schools and progress in the U.S.A development and Europe : report of a seminar of the International Stu......ciety, schools and progress in Nigeria The ol......m theory Marketing and the brand manager A mode......f the law relating to employment......cs with understanding Vector analys......s, scientists, and engineers Russian companion Marketing technological products to in...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international, engineering The commonwealth and international lib......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international lib......y The American and international, engineering and liberal studies
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international, engineering The commonwealth and international lib......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international lib......y The American and international, engineering and liberal studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSoftware engineering and middleware : third International Wor......, SEM 2002, Orlando, FL, USA, May......retic concepts in computer science : 23rd International Wor......p, WG '97, Berlin, Germany, June...... 1997 : proceedings Business Process Management : 4th International Con...... 2006 : proceedings PRICAI 2014 : Trends in artificial intelligence : 13th Pacific Rim International Con...... on Artificial Intelligence, Gol......, 2014, Proceedings An attribute...... Communication and cooperation in agent systems ......heory Advances in web based learning - ICWL 2006 : 5th International Con......namic logic Engineering Societies in the Agents...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related Material...errilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a......zz : its roots and musical develo......history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-fir......--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in Western Europe Codebreaker in the Far East T...... how they feel and why people tak...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Paci......1850 : a study in the history of art and ideas Metropol......s the universe in a shoebox ... will happen and what it will m......still see love and commitment so ......he avant-garde in interwar England : medieval modernism and the London underground How fr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCurrent concepts of infectious diseas......eumatology nursing : a problem-o......l of nonfermenting gram-negative...... ophthalmology Introduction to d......raphy Epilepsy in young people :......86 Computed brain and orbital tomogr......hy : technique and interpretation Qu......ity health nursing care plans : ......rofessionals Standards of oncology nursing practice Pedi......sonography : clinical, tomographic, and neuropathologi......correlates Nursing diagnosis and intervention in nursing practice Fetal and maternal medicine Complications ......l disease Charting by exception ......disease Fungal infection in the compromised pat...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA student's guide to teaching practice Accountability in the English ed...... Signal processing, modulation and noise The development and structure of t......ducation 16-19 in schools and colleges Educa......ional research in action Reading readiness Educational psychology and children Education and physical growt......ational theory and practice Behaviour problems in school : a sou......ce book of readings Curriculum p...... Audio-visual handbook The training of teachers in England and Wales, 1800-1975 Community health and social service......ical education in the primary school Education in England and Wales Principles of medic...