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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- History -- Austria.
- Note (General)"First study ... in the Austrian program of fo......statlt-Bankverein, Vienna."
- Author Heading...rstenberg, Ferdinand Aloys, Graf von, 1899- Librar...
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- Author HeadingWestphalen, Ferdinand A.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This Handbook presents in-depth research...... of issues within the field of financial literacy. Split into six sections......arts by presenting prevalent conceptions of financial literacy before covering financial literacy in the policy con......ext, the state and development of financial literacy within different coun...... of assessment and evaluation of financial literacy......oaches to teaching financial literacy, and teacher training and teacher education in financial literacy. In doing so, it provides precise definitions of the construct of financial literacy and elaborates on the state and recent developments of financ...
- ContentsChapter 1: Financial Literacy in the 21st Century: An Introduction to the International Handbook on Financial Literacy......onceptions of Financial Literacy Chapter 2: Financial Education in General Educat......ions of Biases in Financial Decision Making Chapter 4: Financial Literacy and Financial Incomprehensibili......e Approach to Financial Literacy......Chapter 6: Combining Development and Education: Why......Do Decision-Making and Social Norms Matter for Financial Education? Chapter 7: Financial Literacy to Financial Capability: Building Financial Stability and Security Chapt......erspective on Financial Literacy Chapter 9: Fin...
- Subject HeadingFinancial literacy--Handbooks, manuals, etc. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Finance Financial literacy.
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- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic and social aspects Russia since Stalin: old trends and new problems F......onal migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......tions to crime and violence Partn......for progress : international China social and economic condi......ons The second Industrial Revolution and its significan......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ution by the aging The cost of living Immigration and American publi......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of Americ...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPietism as a factor in the rise of Ge......00 The rise of integral nationalism in France, with s......e to the ideas and activities of ......s as reflected in the New York p......undamental law and the American R......60-1776 Herder and the foundation......ism Systematic sociology in Germany : a cr......s to establish sociology as an independent scien......sembly of 1848 and American constitutional doctrines Jeffersonian democracy in North Carolina, 1789-1816 Co......he seventeenth and the eighteenth......The free Negro in Maryland, 1634-1860 Tor...... United States and the disruption......States with Spain and with the rebel Spanish co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. ......dicalism Crime in its relations ......ties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ra......l constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of I...... of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a development Intermarriage in New York City ...... Congressional investigations : ......udy of the origin and development of......of Congress to investigate and punish for con......Prison methods in New York State...... of the theory and practice of correctional institutions in New York State T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWorkers' participation : final report on an international management seminar convened by ......application of international standards for fruit and vegetables The......osts of generating electricity in nuclear and coal fired pow......ublicly owned land in urban areas Production and marketing structures for apples in Germany and Spain Recall, programmes and methods Restri......sures Prepackaging of fruit and vegetables Employment in the public sec......ecision-makers and members of pro......nvironment Cutting techniques decommissioning of nuclear fa......ation : policy and development in OECD member co...
- Alternative Title...c Co-operation and Development Do......ic Cooperation and Development] Document
- Alternative Title...c Co-operation and Development Do......ic Cooperation and Development] Document
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Baedeker's Spain The Future of ......l essays Stars and galaxies: birth, ageing, and death in the universe T......Philosophy of mind Daniel Defoe ...... place : masculinity in transition The complete thinker : a handbook of techniq......s for creative and critical problem solving Twentieth century interpretations essays Law and the American f...... for Americans Inner balance : t......f holistic healing : insights of Hans ......, Marcus Bach, and others Corpora......utive's legal handbook : affidavi......ou may need Poland & Czechoslovak...... of the developing nations Art, ...... society : origins of a modern dilemma ; painti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIsolation : places and practices of e......: the military and strategic hist...... World War nursing : new perspec......tific research in World War II :......scientists did in the war Church......ll, Roosevelt, and India : propaganda during World War II ......ersus economic interests : globa......story of squatting First world war nursing : new nation The institution of international ord......naries : the Chinese revolution in Latin America The Mu......talism : reversing the gaze War and displacement in the twentieth ......flicts America and the postwar world : remaking international soc......far-right : an international historical sociolo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIndividuality in early modern Japan : thinking for oneself James VI and noble power in Scotland 1578-1603 Earl......essional women in Northern Europ......1850 The Turks and Islam in Reformation Ge......Guilds, labour and the urban body......itic : fabricating community in the Southern Netherlands, 1300-1800 Piracy and captivity in the Mediterran......s of diplomacy in the early mode...... chartered trading companies, 16...... : guns, money and lawyers Enlightenment in Scotland and France : studies in political thou......don, Londoners and the Great Fire......666 : disaster and recovery The solemn league and covenant of the three kingdom...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialDynamics of nonlinear time-delay systems Brain dynamics : synchronization and activity patterns in pulse-coupled ......ts with delays and noise Dynamical problems in soliton systems : proceedings of the Seven......h Kyoto Summer Institute, Kyoto,......Stochastic nonlinear systems in physics, chemistry, and biology : proceedings of the works......tures of chaos Integrative brain function. Neurophysiology and cognitive proc......nal approaches in neurobiology, physics, and computers : proceedings of the International Sym...... dynamics : a finite-time Lyapun......nents approach Information and self-organizat......brium dynamics in chemical systems : proceeding...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editors: W. Leinfellner and G. Eberlein Publisher varies: Springer
- Related MaterialPrincipia economica......tals of uncertainty calculi with......tions to fuzzy inference Morality and rational choice Intentional acts and institutional fac......roximate reasoning Advances in decision making under risk and uncertainty Multiperson decision making models using fuzzy sets and possibility th......pects Advances in multivariate s......eference modelling and multicriteria ......t Developments in the methodolog...... action Papers in game theory Fu......t The dynamics and evolution of s......a mathematical sociology Set functions, games and capacities in decision making Investment under uncertainty, coalition spillovers and m...
- Author HeadingLeinfellner, Werner Eberlein, Gerald
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)The series was formerly known as "Studies in history, economics and public law"
- Related MaterialFarmers and workers in American politics Privileges and immunities of ...... United States India's demand for transporta......ilway monopoly and rate regulatio......tier town-planting in New England colonial devel......1660 Valuation and rate-making : the conflicting theories of the Wisconsin Railroad Commi...... on the uncertainty of the Unite......urt decisions, and a concluding chapter on th......of a revised principle of utilit......ulation growth Sociology and education : an......ies of Spencer and Ward Sieyes: his life and his nationalis...... Social reform and the reformatio......n of creditors and shareholders The working forc...
- Alternative TitleColumbia University studies in the social science Columbia studies in the social sciences
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSoftware engineering and middleware : third International Wor......, SEM 2002, Orlando, FL, USA, May......retic concepts in computer science : 23rd International Wor......p, WG '97, Berlin, Germany, June...... 1997 : proceedings Business Process Management : 4th International Con...... 2006, Vienna, Austria, September 5-7...... 2006 : proceedings PRICAI 2014 : Trends in artificial intelligence : 13th Pacific Rim International Con...... on Artificial Intelligence, Gol......, 2014, Proceedings An attribute...... Communication and cooperation in agent systems ......heory Advances in web based learning - ICWL 2006 : 5th Internatio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...n man? The new industrial relations in Britain 1. Unemployment disability insurance in California . 2......ment of health insurance plans Discrimination against women in Bombay textiles Employment and unemployment Professionalism and occupational a......of environment and administration on jo......e older worker and retirement pol...... participation and employment opp......job evaluation in the Netherlands Fringe benefits and overtime as barriers to expanding employment Mass society and mass culture : interdependence or independence Wage escalation and wage inflation The new......ortunities for industrial relations The Soviet ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Rom......rld A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for th......ld Development in practice : paved with good intentions The va......versus Ricardo and Sraffa A Romanticism in the nineteenth century......89 The British and the Grand Tour Governing cultures : art institutions in Victorian Lond......ce, technology and medicine : an encyclopedia Banks in crisis : the l......t : its nature and conditions : Max Weber and masculine thinking : a feminist inquiry European ......tory framework and social dynamic......ervatism Women and their work Blake and the new ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialConflict and coexistence in Belgium : the ......conomic system and its performance in the 1970s State-building failure in British Ireland & French Algeria Changing realities in southern Afric......ultural policy and performance in Zambia : history, prospects, and proposals for ......f women & work in the Soviet Uni......s & sex discrimination Socialism in sub-Saharan Af...... Social change in Romania, 1860-......on development in a European nation The land grant system :......ce of regional integration theory Who gains from deep ocean mining? : Simulating the impact of......mes for regulating nodule competition in international markets : a stu...
- Author HeadingUniversity of California, Berkeley. Institute of International Studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: Cham, Singapore
- Related MaterialT.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and Christianity Brand hate : navigating consumer negativity in the digital world Competing against multinationals in emerging markets : cas......tudies of SMEs in the manufacturing sector Develo......he debt crisis and European democ......rk, journalism and politics without making too much noise Reading Olympe de Gou......cology : reweaving a new landscape Developments in Islamic finance : challenges and initiatives Growth-linked securities Communicating politics online Portuguese sociology : a history Sartre in Cuba--Cuba in Sartre Digitalization and pub...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Medieval faith and symbolism Rode......n conservatism in the age of ent......ephen J. Field and Andrew Carnegie Th......thematics : an introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, ......0 The house of intellect A treas......f life : the main problems and trends of thought in modern biology Preliminary studies for...... Philosophical investigations : ......wn as the Blue and Brown books Th...... Homo viator : introduction to a......Woodrow Wilson and the progressiv......0-1917 The raw and the cooked The......ries of aether and electricity The social insects Imperial ...... a great power In defense of political philosop...